< Job 34 >

1 And he answered Elihu and he said.
Elihu nastavi svoju besjedu i reče:
2 Hear O wise [men] words my and O [those who] know give ear to me.
“I vi, mudraci, čujte što ću reći, vi, ljudi umni, poslušajte mene,
3 For [the] ear words it tests and [the] palate it tastes to eat.
jer uši nam prosuđuju besjede isto kao što nepce hranu kuša.
4 Justice let us choose for ourselves let us recognize between ourselves what? [is] good.
Zajedno ispitajmo što je pravo i razmislimo skupa što je dobro.
5 For he has said Job I am righteous and God he has taken away right my.
Job je utvrdio: 'Ja sam pravedan, ali Bog meni pravdu uskraćuje.
6 On right my will I lie? [is] incurable arrow my not transgression.
U pravu sam, a lašcem prave mene, nasmrt prostrijeljen, a bez krivnje svoje!'
7 Who? [is] a man like Job he drinks mockery like water.
Zar gdje čovjeka ima poput Joba koji porugu pije kao vodu,
8 And he travels for company with doers of evil and to walk with people of wickedness.
sa zlikovcima koji skupa hodi i s opakima isti dijeli put?
9 For he has said not it profits a man when is pleased he with God.
On tvrdi: 'Kakva korist je čovjeku od tog što Bogu ugoditi želi?'
10 Therefore - O people of heart listen to me far be it to God from wickedness and [the] Almighty from unrighteousness.
Stoga me čujte, vi ljudi pametni! Od Boga zlo je veoma daleko i nepravednost od Svemogućega,
11 For [the] work of a person he will repay to him and according to [the] way of a person he will make find him.
te on čovjeku plaća po djelima, daje svakom po njegovu vladanju.
12 Also truly God not he acts wickedly and [the] Almighty not he perverts justice.
Odista, Bog zla nikada ne čini, niti Svesilni kad izvrće pravo.
13 Who? did he assign on him [the] earth towards and who? did he put [the] world all of it.
TÓa tko je njemu povjerio zemlju i vasioni svijet tko je stvorio?
14 If he will set to it heart his spirit his and breath his to himself he will gather.
Kad bi on dah svoj u se povukao, kad bi čitav svoj duh k sebi vratio,
15 It will expire all flesh together and humankind to dust it will return.
sva bića bi odjednom izdahnula i u prah bi se pretvorio čovjek.
16 And if understanding hear! this give ear! to [the] sound of words my.
Ako razuma imaš, slušaj ovo, prikloni uho glasu riječi mojih.
17 ¿ Also [one who] hates justice will he govern and or? [the] righteous [one] [the] mighty [one] will you condemn as guilty.
Može li vladat' koji mrzi pravo? Najpravednijeg hoćeš li osudit'? -
18 ¿ To say to a king worthless person wicked [one] to noble [people].
Onog koji kaže kralju: 'Nitkove!' a odličniku govori: 'Zlikovče!'
19 Who not he lifts up - [the] faces of princes and not he regards a rich person before a poor [person] for [are the] work of hands his all of them.
Koji nije spram knezovima pristran i jednak mu je ubog i mogućnik, jer oni su djelo ruku njegovih?
20 A moment - they die and [the] middle of [the] night they are shaken a people so they may pass away and people may remove [the] mighty not by a hand.
Zaglave za tren, usred gluhe noći: komešaju se narodi, prolaze; ni od čije ruke moćni padaju.
21 For eyes his [are] on [the] ways of everyone and all steps his he sees.
Jer, on nadzire pute čovjekove, pazi nad svakim njegovim korakom.
22 There not [is] darkness and there not [is] deep darkness to hide themselves there [those who] do wickedness.
Nema toga mraka niti crne tmine gdje bi se mogli zlikovci sakriti.
23 For not on a person he will appoint again to go to God in judgment.
Bog nikome unaprijed ne kaže kada će na sud pred njega stupiti.
24 He breaks mighty [ones] not inquiry and he appointed others in place of them.
Bez saslušanja on satire jake i stavlja druge na njihovo mjesto.
25 Therefore he is acquainted with deeds their and he overthrows [them] night so they may be crushed.
TÓa odveć dobro poznaje im djela! Sred noći on ih obara i gazi.
26 In place of wicked [people] he slaps them in a place of [those who] see.
Ćuškom ih bije zbog zloće njihove na mjestu gdje ih svi vidjeti mogu.
27 That there-fore they turned aside from after him and all ways his not they considered.
Jer prestadoše za njime hoditi, zanemariše putove njegove
28 To cause to come to him [the] outcry of [the] poor and [the] outcry of afflicted [people] he heard.
goneć uboge da vape do njega i potlačene da k njemu leleču.
29 And he he will keep quiet - and who? will he condemn [him] as guilty and he may hide face and who? will he observe him and over a nation and over a person alike.
Al' miruje li, tko da njega gane? Zastre li lice, tko ga vidjet' može?
30 From reigning a person godless from snares of a people.
Nad pucima bdi k'o i nad čovjekom da ne zavlada tko narod zavodi.
31 For to God ¿ has anyone said I have borne not I will act corruptly.
Kada bezbožnik Bogu svome kaže: 'Zavedoše me, više griješit neću.
32 Apart from [that which] I see O you instruct me if unrighteousness I have done not I will repeat.
Ne uviđam li, ti me sad pouči, i ako sam kad nepravdu činio, ubuduće ja činiti je neću!'
33 ¿ From with you will he repay it if you have rejected for you you will choose and not I and what? do you know speak.
Misliš da Bog mora njega kazniti, dok ti zamisli njegove prezireš? Al' kada ti odlučuješ, a ne ja, mudrost nam svoju istresi dÓe sada!
34 People of heart they will say to me and a man wise [who] listens to me.
Svi ljudi umni sa mnom će se složit' i svatko razuman koji čuje mene:
35 Job not with knowledge he speaks and words his not [are] with insight.
Nepromišljeno Job je govorio, u riječima mu neima mudrosti.
36 Would that! he will be tested Job until perpetuity on answers among people of wickedness.
Stoga, nek' se Job dokraja iskuša, jer odgovara poput zlikovaca;
37 For he adds to sin his transgression between us he claps and he multiplies words his to God.
a svom grijehu još pobunu domeće, među nama on plješće dlanovima i hule svoje na Boga gomila.”

< Job 34 >