< Job 3 >

1 After thus he opened Job mouth his and he cursed day his. 2 And he answered Job and he said. 3 Let it perish [the] day [which] I was born on it and the night [which] it said he has been conceived a man. 4 The day that let it be darkness may not he care for it God above and may not it shine forth on it daylight. 5 Let them reclaim it darkness and deep darkness let it settle down over it cloud let them terrify it [the] darkness of day. 6 The night that let it take it darkness may not it rejoice among [the] days of [the] year in [the] number of [the] months may not it come. 7 There! the night that let it be barren may not it come a cry of joy in it. 8 Let them curse it cursers of a day the [ones] ready to rouse Leviathan. 9 Let them grow dark [the] stars of twilight its let it wait for light and not and may not it look on [the] eyelids of dawn. 10 For not it shut [the] doors of womb my and it hid trouble from eyes my. 11 Why? not from [the] womb did I die from [the] belly I came forth and I may expire? 12 Why? did they receive me knees and why? breasts that I will suckle. 13 For now I lay down and I may be at peace I slept then - it is at rest to me. 14 With kings and counselors of [the] earth the [ones who] rebuilt ruins for themselves. 15 Or with princes [whom] gold [belonged] to them those [who] filled houses their silver. 16 Or like a miscarriage hidden not was I? like children [who] not they have seen light. 17 There wicked [people] they cease turmoil and there they rest weary [ones] of strength. 18 Together prisoners they are at ease not they hear [the] voice of a taskmaster. 19 Small and great [is] there he and a slave [is] free from master his. 20 Why? does someone give to a sufferer light and life to [people] bitter of soul. 21 Those [who] long for death and there not [is] it and they dug for it more than hidden treasures. 22 The joyful [people] to rejoicing they exult if they find [the] grave. 23 To a man whom way his it is hidden and he has made inaccessible God behind him. 24 If before food my groaning my it comes and they poured forth like water cries of distress my. 25 For a fear I feared and it came to me and [that] which I dreaded it came to me. 26 Not I am at ease - and not I am at peace and not I am at rest and it has come turmoil.

< Job 3 >