< Job 23 >

1 And he answered Job and he said.
Job progovori i reče:
2 Also this day [the] rebellion of complaint my hand my it is heavy on groaning my.
“Zar mi je i danas tužaljka buntovna? Teška mu ruka iz mene vapaj budi:
3 Who? will he give I knew and I will find him I will come to place his.
o, kada bih znao kako ću ga naći, do njegova kako doprijeti prijestolja,
4 Let me set in order before him a case and mouth my let me fill arguments.
pred njim parnicu bih svoju razložio, iz mojih bi usta navrli dokazi.
5 I want to know [the] words [which] he will answer me and I want to understand what? will he say to me.
Rad bih znati što bi meni odvratio i razumjeti riječ što bi je rekao!
6 ¿ With greatness of power will he conduct a case with me not surely he he will put on me.
Zar mu treba snage velike za raspru? Ne, dosta bi bilo da me on sasluša.
7 There an upright [person] [will be] reasoning with him and I will deliver to perpetuity from judge my.
U protivniku bi vidio pravedna, i parnica moja tad bi pobijedila.
8 Here! forward I go and there not [is] he and backwards and not I perceive him.
Na istok krenem li, naći ga ne mogu; pođem li na zapad, ne razabirem ga.
9 [the] left [side] When acts he and not I see [him] he turns [the] right [side] and not I see [him].
Ištem na sjeveru, al' ga ne opažam; nevidljiv je ako se k jugu okrenem.
10 That he knows [the] way with me he has tested me like gold I will come forth.
Pa ipak, on dobro zna put kojim kročim! Neka me kuša: čist k'o zlato ću izići!
11 On step his it has taken hold foot my way his I have kept and not I have turned aside.
Noga mi se stopa njegovih držala, putem sam njegovim išao ne skrećuć';
12 [the] commandment of Lips his and not I have ceased more than portion my I have treasured up [the] words of mouth his.
slušao sam nalog njegovih usana, pohranih mu riječi u grudima svojim.
13 And he [is] one and who? will he turn back him and [that which] self his it has desired and he has done.
Al' htjedne li štogod, tko će ga odvratit'? Što zaželi dušom, to će ispuniti.
14 For he performs decree my and like them many [are] with him.
Izvršit će što je dosudio meni, kao i sve drugo što je odlučio!
15 There-fore of him I am terrified I consider and I may be in dread from him.
Zbog toga pred njime sav ustravljen ja sam, i što više mislim, jače strah me hvata.
16 And God he has made faint heart my and [the] Almighty he has terrified me.
U komade Bog mi je srce smrvio, užasom me svega prožeo Svesilni,
17 For not I have been destroyed from before darkness and from before me it covers gloom.
premda nisam ni u tminama propao, ni u mraku što je lice moje zastro.

< Job 23 >