< Job 13 >

1 There! all it has seen eye my it has heard ear my and it has understood it. 2 Like knowledge your I know also I not [am] falling I more than you. 3 But I to [the] Almighty I will speak and to argue to God I desire. 4 And but you [are] smearers of falsehood [are] physicians of worthlessness all of you. 5 Who? will he give certainly you will be silent! and it may become for you wisdom. 6 Listen to please argument my and [the] contentions of lips my pay attention to. 7 ¿ for God will you speak unrighteousness and for him will you speak? deceit. 8 ¿ Face his will you lift up! or? for God will you argue a case! 9 ¿ [will it be] good If he will examine you or? as deceives a person will you deceive him. 10 Certainly he will rebuke you if in secrecy faces you will lift up! 11 ¿ Not majesty his will it terrify you and dread his will it fall? on you. 12 Memorials your [are] proverbs of ash[es] [are] defenses of clay defenses your. 13 Be silent from me so let me speak I and let it pass on me whatever. 14 Concerning what? - will I take flesh my in teeth my and life my will I put? in palm my. 15 There! he will kill me (to him *Q(K)*) I will hope nevertheless ways my to face his I will argue. 16 Also that of me [will be] for deliverance for not before him a godless [person] he will come. 17 Listen completely [to] speech my and declaration my [be] in ears your. 18 Here! please I have arranged a case I know that I I am in [the] right. 19 Who? that will he conduct a case with me if now I will keep silent and I may expire. 20 Only two [things] may not you do with me then from before you not I will hide myself. 21 Hand your from on me put far away and dread your may not it terrify me. 22 And call and I I will answer or let me speak and respond to me. 23 How many? of me [are] iniquities and sins transgression my and sin my make known to me. 24 Why? face your do you hide and do you consider? me to an enemy of you. 25 ¿ A leaf driven about will you terrify and chaff dry will you pursue? 26 For you write on me bitter things and you cause to inherit me [the] iniquities of youth my. 27 And you put in the stock[s] - feet my so you may watch all paths my on [the] roots of feet my you make a mark. 28 And he like rottenness he wears out like a garment [which] it eats it a moth.

< Job 13 >