< Jeremiah 9 >

1 Who? will he give head my [was] water and eye my [was] a fountain of tear[s] so I may bewail by day and night [those] slain of [the] daughter of people my.
O, tko bi glavu moju pretvorio u vrelo, a oči moje u vrutak suza, danju i noću da plačem nad poginulima kćeri svoje, naroda svojega!
2 Who? will he give me in the wilderness a lodging place of travelers and I will leave people my and I will go from with them for all of them [are] adulterers an assembly of treacherous [people].
“Da imam u pustinji obitavalište, ostavio bih narod svoj i daleko od njih otišao. Jer svi su oni preljubnici, rulja izdajnička.
3 And they have bent tongue their bow of their falsehood and not to faithfulness they are strong in the land for from evil to evil - they have gone out and me not they know [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Kao luk napinju jezik, laž, a ne istina, prevladava na zemlji. Iz zla u zlo srljaju, mene ne poznaju” - riječ je Jahvina!
4 Each from neighbor his take heed and on any brother may not you rely for every brother certainly he cheats and every neighbor a slanderer he goes about.
“Nek se svatko čuva prijatelja, a brat bratu neka ne vjeruje, jer brat svaki nasljeduje Jakova, a svaki prijatelj raznosi klevete.
5 And each neighbor his they deceive and truth not they speak they have taught tongue their to speak falsehood to iniquire they are weary.
Jedan drugoga varaju, istine ne govore, privikoše jezik da govori laži; izopačeni, ne mogu se više
6 Dwelling you in among deceit on deceit they have refused to know me [the] utterance of Yahweh.
vratiti. Nasilje na nasilje! Prijevara za prijevarom! Neće da spoznaju mene” - riječ je Jahvina.
7 Therefore thus he says Yahweh of hosts here I [am] about to refine them and I will test them for how? will I act because of [the] daughter of people my.
Stog ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: “Evo, pretopit ću ih i ispitati, tÓa kako da i postupaju prema kćeri naroda moga?
8 [is] an arrow (Beaten *Q(K)*) tongue their deceit it speaks with mouth his peace with neighbor his someone speaks and in inner being his he sets ambush his.
Jezik im je strijela ubojita, na ustima riječ prijevarna. 'Mir s tobom', pozdravljaju bližnjega, ali mu u srcu zamku spremaju.
9 ¿ On these [things] not will I visit them [the] utterance of Yahweh or? on a nation which [is] like this [one] not will it avenge itself self my.
Pa da ih zbog toga ne kaznim - riječ je Jahvina - narodu takvu da se ne osvetim?”
10 On the mountains I will take up weeping and wailing and on [the] pastures of [the] wilderness lamentation for they are left desolate because not anyone [who] passes through and not people hear [the] sound of livestock from [the] bird[s] of the heavens and unto animal[s] they have fled they have gone.
“Zaplačite, tugujte nad brdima, nad ispašama pustinjskim naričite! Jer izgorješe, nitko ne prolazi, glas stada više se ne čuje. Od ptice nebeske do stoke sve pobježe, svega nestade.
11 And I will make Jerusalem into heaps of stones a habitation of jackals and [the] cities of Judah I will make a waste because not inhabitant.
Od Jeruzalema učinit ću gomilu kamenja, brlog čagaljski, gradove judejske pretvorit ću u pustoš gdje nitko ne stanuje.”
12 Who? [is] the person wise and he may understand this and whom it has spoken [the] mouth of Yahweh to him so he may declare it concerning what? has it been destroyed the land has it become desolate? like wilderness because not [one who] passes by.
Tko je mudar da bi to razumio, kome su usta Jahvina govorila da objavi zašto zemlja izgorje kao pustinja i nitko njome više ne prolazi?
13 And he said Yahweh because have forsaken they law my which I set before them and not they have listened to voice my and not they have walked in it.
I reče Jahve: “Jer ostaviše Zakon moj koji im dadoh i jer ne slušahu glasa mojega, niti ga slijeđahu,
14 And they have walked after [the] stubbornness of own heart their and after the Baals which they taught them ancestors their.
nego slijeđahu okorjelo srce svoje i baale kojima ih oci njihovi naučiše,
15 Therefore thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel here I [am] about to feed them the people this wormwood and I will give to drink them water of poison.
ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov: Evo, nahranit ću narod ovaj pelinom i napojiti ga vodom zatrovanom.
16 And I will scatter them among the nations which not they knew they and ancestors their and I will send forth after them the sword until have made an end of I them.
I raspršit ću ih među narode kojih ne poznavahu oni ni oci njihovi. A za njima ću poslati mač da ih zatre.” Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama:
17 Thus he says Yahweh of hosts consider and summon the wailing [women] and they may come and to the skillful [women] send so they may come.
“Pazite! Pozovite narikače! Neka dođu! Pošaljite po najvještije! Neka dođu!
18 And they may hasten and they may take up on us wailing so they may run down eyes our tear[s] and eyelids our they may flow water.
Neka pohite da zapjevaju tužbalicu nad nama! Da suze poteku iz očiju naših, da voda poteče s trepavica naših!
19 For a sound of wailing it has been heard from Zion how! we have been devastated we have been put to shame exceedingly for we have left [the] land for people have cast down dwellings our.
Sa Siona dopire tužbalica: 'O, kako smo upropašteni, osramoćeni veoma! Jer moramo zemlju ostaviti i stanove svoje napustiti.'”
20 For hear O women [the] word of Yahweh so it may receive ear your [the] word of mouth his and teach daughters your a mourning song and every woman neighbor her a lamentation.
I zato, o žene, čujte riječ Jahvinu, i neka uho vaše primi riječ iz usta njegovih. Učite kćeri svoje jadati, jedna drugu naricati:
21 For it has come up death in windows our it has come in fortresses our to cut off child[ren] from [the] street young men from [the] open places.
“Smrt se ušulja kroz prozore naše, uđe u dvore naše, djecu pokosi nasred ulice, mladiće nasred trgova.
22 Speak thus [the] utterance of Yahweh and it will fall [the] corpse[s] of people like dung on [the] surface of the field[s] and like cut grain from behind the reaper and there not [will be one who] gathers.
I mrtva tjelesa leže kao gnoj po oranicama, kao snoplje za žeteocem, a nikoga da ih skupi.”
23 Thus - he says Yahweh may not he boast a wise [person] in wisdom his and may not he boast the mighty [person] in might his may not he boast a rich [person] in rich[es] his.
Ovako govori Jahve: “Mudri neka se ne hvale mudrošću, ni junak neka se ne hvali hrabrošću, ni bogati neka se ne hvali bogatstvom.
24 That except in this let him boast who [-ever] boasts he has insight and he knows me that I [am] Yahweh [who] does covenant loyalty justice and righteousness on the earth for in these things I delight [the] utterance of Yahweh.
A tko se hvaliti hoće, neka se hvali time što ima mudrost da mene spozna. Jer ja sam Jahve koji tvori dobrotu, pravo i pravdu na zemlji, jer to mi je milo” - riječ je Jahvina.
25 Here! days [are] coming [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will visit [judgment] on every [man] circumcised in a foreskin.
“Evo, bliže se dani” - riječ je Jahvina - “kaznit ću sve koji su obrezani na tijelu:
26 On Egypt and on Judah and on Edom and on [the] people of Ammon and on Moab and on all [those who] are cut off of [the] corner who dwell in the wilderness for all the nations [are] uncircumcised and all [the] house of Israel [are] uncircumcised of heart.
Egipat, Judeju, Edom, sinove Amonove i Moab i sve one što briju zaliske i prebivaju u pustinji. Jer svi su ti narodi neobrezani i sav dom Izraelov neobrezana je srca!”

< Jeremiah 9 >