< Jeremiah 51 >

1 Thus he says Yahweh here I [am] about to rouse on Babylon and against [the] inhabitants Leb-qamai a wind a destroyer.
Saa siger Herren: Se, jeg rejser imod Babel og imod Indbyggerne i mine Modstanderes Midte et ødelæggende Vejr.
2 And I will send to Babylon - strangers and they will winnow it and they may lay waste land its for they will be on it from round about on [the] day of calamity.
Og jeg vil sende tremmede til Babel, og de skulle kaste den som med Kasteskovl og gøre deres Land tomt; thi de skulle være imod den trindt omkring paa Ulykkens Dag.
3 May not he bend (*Q(K)*) the [one] bending bow his and may not he lift in armor his and may not you spare young men its totally destroy all army its.
Imod den, som spænder Bue, spænde Buespænderen sin Bue, og imod den, som ophøjer sig i sit Panser; og sparer ikke dens unge Karle, ødelægger al dens Hær!
4 And they will fall slain in [the] land of [the] Chaldeans and pierced through in streets its.
Og der skal falde saarede i Kaldæernes Land og gennemstungne paa dens Gader.
5 For not [is] forsaken Israel and Judah from God its from Yahweh of hosts for land their it is full guilt from [the] holy [one] of Israel.
Thi Israel og Juda ere ikke efterladte i Enkestand af deres Gud, af den Herre Zebaoth; thi hines Land er fuldt af Skyld imod Israels Hellige.
6 Flee - from [the] midst of Babylon and save everyone life his may not you be destroyed in iniquity its for [is] a time of vengeance it for Yahweh recompense he [is] about to repay to it.
Flyr midt ud af Babel og redder hver sit Liv, at I ikke omkomme for dens Misgernings Skyld! thi dette er Herrens Hævns Tid, han betaler den efter Fortjeneste.
7 [was] a cup of Gold Babylon in [the] hand of Yahweh making drunk all the earth some of wine its they have drunk nations there-fore they are acting like mad people nations.
Babel var et Guldbæger i Herrens Haand, den har gjort hele Verden drukken; Folkene have drukket af dens Vin, derfor tabte Folkene Besindelsen.
8 Suddenly it will fall Babylon and it was broken wail on it get balm for pain its perhaps it will be healed.
Babel er hastelig falden og knust; hyler over den, henter Balsam til dens Saar; maaske kunde den læges.
9 (We healed *Q(k)*) Babylon and not it was healed leave it so we may go everyone to own land his for it has reached to the heavens judgment its and it has been lifted up to [the] clouds.
Vi vilde have lægt Babel, men den blev ikke lægt; forlader den, og lader os drage hver til sit Land; thi dens Dom naar til Himmelen og hæver sig til Skyerne.
10 He has brought forth Yahweh righteousness our come so let us recount in Zion [the] work of Yahweh God our.
Herren har udført vor retfærdige Sag; kommer og lader os i Zion fortælle Herrens, vor Guds, Gerning.
11 Sharpen the arrows fill the shields he has roused Yahweh [the] spirit of [the] kings of Media for on Babylon purpose his [is] to destroy it for [is] [the] vengeance of Yahweh it [the] vengeance of temple his.
Skærper Pilene, samler Tallet af Skjolde fuldt; Herren har opvakt Mediens Kongers Aand; thi hans Tanke imod Babel staar til at ødelægge den; thi det er Herrens Hævn, Hævnen for hans Tempel.
12 Against [the] walls of Babylon lift up a standard strengthen the watch station watchmen prepare the ambushers for both he has purposed Yahweh as well as he will do [that] which he spoke concerning [the] inhabitants of Babylon.
Opløfter Banner imod Babels Mure, holder stærk Vagt, sætter Vagtposter ud, beskikker Baghold; thi Herren har baade besluttet og udført det, som han har talt imod Babels Indbyggere.
13 (O [one who] dwells *Q(k)*) at waters many greatness of treasures it has come end your [the] cubit of cutting off your.
Du, som bor ved de store Vande, og som er mægtig ved Liggendefæ! din Ende er kommen, din Gerrigheds Maal.
14 He swears Yahweh of hosts by self his that except I will fill you person[s] like locust and they will sing to you a shout.
Den Herre Zebaoth har svoret ved sig selv: Jeg skal visselig fylde dig med Mennesker, som var det Græshopper, og de skulle indbyrdes synge Frydesang over dig.
15 [he] made [the] earth By power his [he] established [the] world by wisdom his and by understanding his he stretched out [the] heavens.
Han er den, som skabte Jorden ved sin Kraft, beredte Jorderige ved sin Visdom og udbredte Himmelen ved sin Forstand.
16 To [the] sound of giving forth he a tumult of waters in the heavens and he brought up clouds from [the] end of [the] earth lightning for the rain he makes and he brought out [the] wind from storehouses his.
Naar Røsten lyder, ved hvilken han lader Vandenes Mangfoldighed komme i Himmelen, da lader han Dunster opstige fra det yderste af Jorden; han gør Lynene til Regn og fører Vejret ud af sine Gemmer.
17 He is stupid every person from knowledge he is put to shame every metalsmith from [the] idol for [is] deception molten image his and not breath [is] in them.
Hvert Menneske bliver ufornuftigt og uden Forstand, hver Guldsmed er beskæmmet for det udskaarne Billedes Skyld; thi hans støbte Billeder ere Bedrageri, og der er ikke Aand i dem.
18 [are] futility They a work of mockery at [the] time of punishment their they will perish.
De ere Forfængelighed, et bedragerisk Værk; til den Tid, naar de blive hjemsøgte, skulle de gaa til Grunde.
19 Not [is] like these [the] portion of Jacob for [is [the] one who] formed everything he and [the] tribe of inheritance his [is] Yahweh of hosts name his.
Ikke som disse er Jakobs Del; thi han er den, som har dannet alle Ting, og [Israel er] hans Arvs Stamme; Herre Zebaoth er hans Navn.
20 [are] a war-club You of me weapons of war and I smash by you nations and I destroy by you kingdoms.
Du har været mig en Hammer og Krigsvaaben; og jeg har knust Folkefærd ved dig og ødelagt Riger ved dig.
21 And I smash by you horse and rider its and I smash by you chariotry and rider[s] its.
Og jeg har knust Hesten og dens Rytter ved dig; og jeg har knust Vognene og deres Styrere ved dig.
22 And I smash by you man and woman and I smash by you old [man] and young man and I smash by you young man and young woman.
Og jeg har knust Mand og Kvinde ved dig og knust gammel og ung ved dig og knust Ungkarl og Jomfru ved dig.
23 And I smash by you shepherd and flock his and I smash by you a farmer and team his and I smash by you governors and officials.
Og jeg har knust Hyrde og hans Hjord ved dig og knust Agerdyrker og hans Spand Øksne ved dig og knust Statholdere og Fogeder ved dig.
24 And I will repay to Babylon and to all - [the] inhabitants of Chaldea all evil their which they did in Zion to eyes your [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Men jeg vil betale Babel og alle Kaldæas Indbyggere al deres Ondskab, som de have gjort i Zion, for eders Øjne, siger Herren.
25 Here I [am] against you O mountain of destruction [the] utterance of Yahweh who destroys all the earth and I will stretch out hand my on you and I will roll you from the crags and I will make you into a mountain of burning.
Se, jeg vil imod dig, du ødelæggende Bjerg, siger Herren, du, som ødelægger al Jorden! og jeg vil udrække min Haand over dig og vælte dig ned ad Klipperne og vil gøre et udbrændt Bjerg af dig;
26 And not people will take from you stone for a corner and stone for foundations for wastes of perpetuity you will be [the] utterance of Yahweh.
og man skal ikke tage en Sten til et Hjørne eller en Sten til en Grundvold fra dig; men du skal blive til evigt øde Stæder, siger Herren.
27 Lift up a standard in the land blow a trumpet among the nations consecrate on it nations summon on it [the] kingdoms of Ararat Minni and Ashkenaz appoint on it an official bring up horse[s] like a locust bristly.
Opløfter Banner i Landet, blæser i Trompeten iblandt Folkene, vier Folkene til Kamp imod den, kalder Ararats, Minnis og Askenas's Riger frem imod den; beskikker Høvedsmænd imod den, fører Heste op som surrende Græshopper!
28 Consecrate on it nations [the] kings of Media governors its and all officials its and all [the] land of dominion his.
Vier Folkefærd til Kamp imod den, Kongerne af Medien, dets Fyrster og alle dets Fogeder og hele dets Herredømmes Land.
29 And it quaked the land and it writhed for it will be fulfilled on Babylon [the] plans of Yahweh to make [the] land of Babylon into a waste from not inhabitant.
Og Landet bævede og vaandede sig i Smerte; thi fast imod Babel staa Herrens Tanker om at gøre Babels Land til en Ørk, at ingen skal bo der.
30 They will cease [the] warriors of Babylon to fight they will remain in the strongholds it will be dry strength their they will become women they will be set on fire dwellings its they will be broken bars its.
De vældige i Babel lode af at stride, de bleve i Befæstningerne, deres Styrke svandt bort, de bleve til Kvinder; man opbrændte dens Boliger, dens Portstænger bleve sønderbrudte.
31 A runner to meet a runner he will run and a messenger to meet a messenger to tell to [the] king of Babylon that it has been captured city his from [the] end.
Løber løber imod Løber og Bud imod Bud for at forkynde Kongen i Babel, at hans Stad er indtagen fra alle Sider,
32 And the fords they have been seized and the reed-marshes they have burned with fire and [the] men of war they are terrified.
og at Færgestederne ere besatte, og at man har afbrændt Sivene med Ild, og at Krigsmændene ere forfærdede.
33 For thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel [the] daughter of Babylon [will be] like a threshing floor a time [when] someone treads down it yet a little and it will come [the] time of the harvest to it.
Thi saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Babels Datter er ligesom et Logulv til den Tid, man træder det fast; endnu en liden Stund, og dens Høsts Tid skal komme.
34 (He devoured me he confused me *Q(K)*) Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon (he set down me *Q(K)*) a vessel of emptiness (he swallowed me *Q(K)*) like sea monster he filled belly his from delicacies my (he rinsed out me. *Q(K)*)
Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babel, aad os, sønderknuste os, stillede os hen som et tomt Kar, opslugte os som en Drage, fyldte sin Bug med vore kostelige Retter; han fordrev os.
35 Violence my and flesh my [be] on Babylon she will say [the] inhabitant[s] of Zion and blood my [be] to [the] inhabitants of Chaldea it will say Jerusalem.
„Den Vold, mig er sket og mit Kød, komme over Babel”, sige Zions Indbyggere, og „mit Blod komme over Kaldæas Indbyggere”, siger Jerusalem.
36 Therefore thus he says Yahweh here I [am] about to conduct case your and I will avenge vengeance your and I will dry up sea its and I will make dry spring its.
Derfor, saa siger Herren: Se, jeg vil udføre din Sag og fuldkomme din Hævn, og jeg vil gøre dens Hav tørt og dens Kilde vandløs.
37 And it will become Babylon - heaps of stones - a habitation of jackals a horror and a hissing from not inhabitant.
Og Babel skal blive til Stenhobe, Dragers Bolig, Forfærdelse og Spot, at ingen skal bo der.
38 Together like young lions they roar they growl like cubs of lions.
De brøle til Hobe som unge Løver; de knurre som Løveunger.
39 When getting heated they I will make feast their and I will make drunk them so that they may celebrate and they will sleep a sleep of perpetuity and not they will awake [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Jeg vil gøre dem et Gæstebud, naar de ere blevne hede, og jeg vil gøre dem drukne, paa det de skulle fryde sig; men de skulle sove den evige Søvn og ikke opvaagne, siger Herren.
40 I will bring down them like lambs to slaughter like rams with goats.
Jeg vil føre dem ned som Lam til at slagtes som Vædre med Bukke.
41 How! it will be captured Sheshach and it has been seized [the] praise of all the earth how! it will become a horror Babylon among the nations.
Hvorledes er Sesak indtaget, og den, som var hele Jordens Pris, erobret! hvorledes er Babel bleven til en Forfærdelse iblandt Folkene!
42 It will go up over Babylon the sea with [the] tumult of waves its it will be covered.
Havet er gaaet op over Babel; den er skjult af dets brusende Bølger.
43 They will become cities its a waste a land dry and a desert plain a land [where] not he will dwell in them any person and not he will pass in them a child of humankind.
Dens Stæder ere blevne til en Forfærdelse, et tørt Land og en øde Mark; et Land, i hvilket ingen Mand bor, og hvor intet Menneskebarn gaar over.
44 And I will visit [judgment] on Bel in Babylon and I will bring out swallowed thing his from mouth his and not they will stream to him again nations also [the] wall of Babylon it will fall.
Og jeg vil hjemsøge Bel i Babel og uddrage det, som han har opslugt, af hans Mund, og Folkene skulle ikke mere strømme til ham; ogsaa Babels Mur er falden.
45 Come out from [the] midst of it O people my and save everyone life his from [the] burning of [the] anger of Yahweh.
Drager midt ud deraf, mit Folk! og redder hver sit Liv for Herrens brændende Vrede;
46 And lest it should be weak heart your so you may fear at the report which is being heard in the land and it will come in the year the report and after it in the year the report and violence [will be] in the land and ruler [will be] on ruler.
og ser til, at eders Hjerte ikke forsager, og at I ikke frygte ved det Rygte, som høres i Landet, og naar der kommer et Rygte i det ene Aar og derefter et Rygte i det andet Aar, og der er Vold i Landet, Hersker imod Hersker.
47 Therefore here! days [are] coming and I will visit [judgment] on [the] images of Babylon and all land its it will be ashamed and all slain [ones] its they will fall in [the] midst of it.
Derfor se, de Dage komme, da jeg vil hjemsøge de udskaarne Billeder i Babel, og dens hele Land skal blive til Skamme, og alle dens saarede skulle falde i dens Midte.
48 And they will cry out for joy on Babylon heaven and earth and all that [is] in them for from [the] north he will come to it the destroyers [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Og Himmelen og Jorden og alt, hver, der er i dem, skal synge med Fryd over Babel; thi fra Norden skulle dens Ødelæggere komme, siger Herren.
49 Both Babylon [is] to fall [those] slain of Israel as well as for Babylon they have fallen [those] slain of all the earth.
Ligesom Babel var Aarsag til, at der faldt ihjelslagne i Israel, saa skal der af Babel falde saarede i det ganske Land.
50 O escapees from [the] sword go may not you stand still remember from a distant [land] Yahweh and Jerusalem let it come up on heart your.
I, som ere undkomne fra Sværdet, drager bort, staar ikke stille; kommer Herren i Hu fra det fjerne, og lader Jerusalem ligge eder paa Hjerte.
51 We are ashamed for we have heard scorn it has covered ignominy faces our for they have gone strangers to [the] holy places of [the] house of Yahweh.
„Vi vare beskæmmede, thi vi maatte høre Forhaanelse; Skam bedækkede vore Ansigter, thi fremmede vare komne over Herrens Hus's Helligdomme”.
52 Therefore here! days [are] coming [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will visit [judgment] on images its and in all land its he will groan [the] fatally wounded.
Derfor se, de Dage komme, siger Herren, at jeg vil hjemsøge dens udskaarne Billeder, og de saarede skulle jamre sig i hele dens Land.
53 If it will go up Babylon the heavens and if it will fortify [the] height of strength its from with me they will come destroyers to it [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Vilde Babel end stige op i Himmelen og gøre sin Magts høje Bolig utilgængelig, skal der fra mig dog komme Ødelæggere over den, siger Herren.
54 [the] sound of A cry of distress from Babylon and destruction great from [the] land of [the] Chaldeans.
Et Skrig høres fra Babel og en stor Forstyrrelse fra Kaldæernes Land.
55 For [is] about to destroy Yahweh Babylon and he will destroy from it a sound great and they will roar waves their like waters many it will be given [the] uproar of voice their.
Thi Herren ødelægger Babel og lader dens høje Røst høre op; og deres Bølger skulle bruse som store Vande, og Bulderet af deres Røst skal lyde højt.
56 For [is] about to come on it on Babylon a destroyer and they will be captured warriors its it will be shattered bows their for [is] a God of recompense Yahweh fully he will repay.
Thi der er kommen en Ødelægger over den, over Babel, og dens vældige ere fangne, deres Buer ere brudte; thi Herren er Gengældelsens Gud, som visselig betaler.
57 And I will make drunk officials its and wise [people] its governors its and officials its and warriors its and they will sleep a sleep of perpetuity and not they will awake [the] utterance of the king [is] Yahweh of hosts name his.
Og jeg vil gøre dens Høvedsmænd og dens vise, dens Statholdere og dens Fogeder og dens Helte drukne, og de skulle sove den evige Søvn og ikke vaagne op, siger Kongen, hvis Navn er Herre Zebaoth.
58 Thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] walls of Babylon broad utterly it will be demolished and gates its high with fire they will be kindled and they may labor peoples for [the] sufficiency of emptiness and peoples for [the] sufficiency of fire and they grow weary.
Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth: Babels brede Mur skal sløjfes aldeles, og dens høje Porte opbrændes med Ild; og Folkestammer skulle have arbejdet for intet, og Folkefærd for intet, og de skulle være blevne matte.
59 The word which he commanded - Jeremiah the prophet Seraiah [the] son of Neriah [the] son of Mahseiah when went he with Zedekiah [the] king of Judah Babylon in [the] year fourth of reigning his and Seraiah [was] an official of a resting place.
Det Ord, som Profeten Jeremias befalede Seraja, Nerias Søn, Mahasejas Sønnesøn, der han drog til Babel med Zedekias, Judas Konge, i hans Regerings fjerde Aar; thi Seraja var Hofmester ved Kongens Rejser.
60 And he wrote Jeremiah all the calamity which it will come to Babylon to a scroll one all the words these which were written concerning Babylon.
Og Jeremias optegnede al den Ulykke, som skulde komme over Babel, i en særskilt Bog, alle disse Ord, som vare skrevne om Babel.
61 And he said Jeremiah to Seraiah when coming you Babylon and you will see and you will read aloud all the words these.
Og Jeremias sagde til Seraja; Naar du kommer til Babel, da se til, og læs alle disse Ord,
62 And you will say O Yahweh you you have spoken concerning the place this to cut off it to not to be in it an inhabitant from humankind and unto animal for desolations of perpetuity it will be.
og sig: Herre! du har talt imod dette Sted, om at udslette det, at der ikke skal være nogen, som bor der, hverken Menneske eller Dyr; thi det skal blive til evige Ørkener.
63 And it will be when finishing you to read aloud the scroll this you will tie on it a stone and you will throw it into [the] middle of [the] Euphrates.
Og det skal ske, naar du er færdig med at oplæse denne Bog, da skal du binde en Sten ved den og kaste den midt i Eufrat.
64 And you will say thus it will sink Babylon and not it will rise because of the calamity which I [am] about to bring on it and they will grow weary [are] to here [the] words of Jeremiah.
Og du skal sige: Saa skal Babel synke og ikke komme op formedelst den Ulykke, som jeg lader komme over den; og de skulle blive matte. — Hertil gaa Jeremias's Ord.

< Jeremiah 51 >