< Jeremiah 29 >

1 And these [are] [the] words of the letter which he sent Jeremiah the prophet from Jerusalem to [the] remainder of [the] elders of the exile[s] and to the priests and to the prophets and to all the people which he had taken into exile Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem Babylon towards.
Evo, ovo su riječi poslanice koju prorok Jeremija iz Jeruzalema posla Ostatku izgnanstva - starješinama, svećenicima i prorocima i svemu preostalom narodu što ga Nabukodonozor iz Jeruzalema bijaše odveo u Babilon,
2 After went out Jeconiah the king and the queen-mother and the court-officials [the] officials of Judah and Jerusalem and the craftsman and the smith from Jerusalem.
pošto kralj Jekonija i kraljica-majka, dvorjanici, odličnici judejski i jeruzalemski, kovači i bravari ostaviše Jeruzalem.
3 By [the] hand of Eleasah [the] son of Shaphan and Gemariah [the] son of Hilkiah whom he sent Zedekiah [the] king of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon Babylon towards saying.
Poslanica je poslana po Elasi, sinu Šafanovu, i Gemarji, sinu Hilkijinu, koje Sidkija, kralj judejski, posla u Babilon Nabukodonozoru, kralju babilonskom. Evo sadržaja:
4 Thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel to all the exile[s] whom I sent into exile from Jerusalem Babylon towards.
“Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, kralj Izraelov: 'Svima izgnanicima koje odvedoh iz Jeruzalema u Babilon!
5 Build houses and dwell and plant gardens and eat produce their.
Gradite kuće i nastanite se, sadite vrtove i uživajte urod njihov!
6 Take wives and father sons and daughters and take for sons your wives and daughters your give to husbands so they may bear sons and daughters and multiply there and may not you diminish.
Ženite se i rađajte sinove i kćeri! Ženite svoje sinove i udajite svoje kćeri da i oni rađaju sinove i kćeri! Množite se da se ne smanjite!
7 And seek [the] welfare of the city where I have sent into exile you there towards and pray for it to Yahweh for in welfare its it will belong to you welfare.
Ištite mir zemlji u koju vas izagnah, molite se za nju Jahvi, jer na njezinu miru počiva i vaš mir!'
8 For thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel may not they deceive you prophets your who [are] in midst your and diviners your and may not you listen to dreams your which you [are] dreaming.
Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov: 'Ne dajte da vas obmanjuju vaši proroci koji su među vama, vaši gataoci! Ne povodite se za snovima koje oni sanjaju!
9 For with falsehood they [are] prophesying to you in name my not I sent them [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Jer oni vam laž prorokuju u moje ime, a ja ih nisam poslao' - riječ je Jahvina.”
10 That thus he says Yahweh if to [the] mouth will be completed for Babylon seventy year[s] I will give attention to you and I will carry out on you word my good by bringing back you to the place this.
Jer ovako govori Jahve: 'Istom kad se Babilonu ispuni onih sedamdeset godina, ja ću vas pohoditi te vam ispuniti dobro obećanje da ću vas vratiti na ovo mjesto.
11 For I I know the plans which I [am] planning on you [the] utterance of Yahweh plans of well-being and not for harm to give to you a future and a hope.
Jer ja znam svoje naume koje s vama namjeravam - riječ je Jahvina - naume mira, a ne nesreće: da vam dadnem budućnost i nadu.
12 And you will call on me and you will come and you will pray to me and I will listen to you.
Tada ćete me zazivati, dolaziti k meni, moliti mi se i ja ću vas uslišati.
13 And you will seek me and you will find [me] if you will seek me with all heart your.
Tražit ćete me i naći me jer ćete me tražiti svim srcem svojim.
14 And I will let myself be found by you [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will turn back (captivity your *Q(k)*) and I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I banished you there [the] utterance of Yahweh and I will bring back you to the place where I sent into exile you from there.
I pustit ću da me nađete - riječ je Jahvina. Izmijenit ću udes vaš i sabrati vas iz svih naroda i sa svih mjesta kamo vas odagnah - riječ je Jahvina. I vratit ću vas na mjesto odakle vas u izagnanstvo odvedoh.
15 For you have said he has raised up for us Yahweh prophets Babylon.
Istina, vi velite: 'Jahve nam podiže proroke u Babilonu.'
16 For thus - he says Yahweh concerning the king who sits to [the] throne of David and concerning all the people which dwells in the city this countrymen your who not they went out with you in the exile.
Ovako govori Jahve kralju koji sjedi na prijestolju Davidovu, i svemu narodu koji živi u ovome gradu - braći vašoj što ne moradoše s vama u izgnanstvo.
17 Thus he says Yahweh of hosts here I [am] about to send on them the sword famine and pestilence and I will make them like figs rotten which not they will be eaten from badness.
Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: “Evo šaljem na njih mač, glad i kugu; učinit ću da budu kao pokvarene smokve, tako loše da nisu za jelo.
18 And I will pursue after them with the sword with famine and with pestilence and I will make them (into a terror *Q(K)*) to all - [the] kingdoms of the earth into a curse and into a waste and into a hissing and into a reproach among all the nations where I have banished them there.
I gonit ću ih mačem, glađu i kugom i učinit ću ih užasom svim kraljevstvima zemaljskim, prokletstvom, strahotom, ruglom i sramotom svim narodima kamo ih otjeram.
19 Because that not they listened to words my [the] utterance of Yahweh [those] whom I sent to them servants my the prophets rising early and sending and not you listened [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Jer ne poslušaše riječi mojih - riječ je Jahvina - premda sam im svejednako slao sluge svoje proroke, ali ih oni ne poslušaše - riječ je Jahvina.
20 And you hear [the] word of Yahweh O all the exile[s] whom I sent from Jerusalem Babylon towards.
Ali vi, izgnanici, koje poslah iz Jeruzalema u Babilon, poslušajte svi riječ Jahvinu!”
21 Thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel concerning Ahab [the] son of Kolaiah and to Zedekiah [the] son of Maaseiah who are prophesying to you in name my falsehood here I - [am] about to give them in [the] hand of Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon and he will strike down them to eyes your.
Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, kralj Izraelov, o Ahabu, sinu Kolajinu, i o Sidkiji, sinu Maasejinu, koji vam laž prorokuje u moje ime: “Evo, predajem ih u ruke Nabukodonozora, kralja babilonskoga, da ih pogubi vama na oči.
22 And it will be taken from them a curse by all [the] exile[s] of Judah who [are] in Babylon saying may he make you Yahweh like Zedekiah and like Ahab whom he roasted them [the] king of Babylon in the fire.
I njima će se kao kletvom proklinjati svi izgnanici koji su u Babilonu: 'Neka Jahve učini s tobom kao sa Sidkijom i Ahabom koje kralj babilonski ispeče na vatri
23 Because that they did folly in Israel and they committed adultery [the] wives of neighbors their and they spoke a word in name my falsehood which not I commanded them and I ([am he] who knows *Q(K)*) and a witness [the] utterance of Yahweh.
jer u Izraelu počiniše sramotu čineći preljub sa ženama svojih bližnjih i govoreći u moje ime lažne riječi koje im ja nisam zapovjedio. Ja to znam, i svjedok sam tome' - riječ je Jahvina!”
24 And to Shemaiah the Nehelamite you will say saying.
A Šemaji ćeš Nehelamcu poručiti:
25 Thus he says Yahweh of hosts [the] God of Israel saying because that you you sent in own name your letters to all the people which [is] in Jerusalem and to Zephaniah [the] son of Maaseiah the priest and to all the priests saying.
“Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama, Bog Izraelov: Ti si u svoje ime poslao pisma svemu narodu koji je u Jeruzalemu, i svećeniku Sefaniji, sinu Maasejinu, i svim ostalim svećenicima:
26 Yahweh he has made you priest in place of Jehoiada the priest to be overseers [the] house of Yahweh to every person [who] is mad and [who] prophesies and you will put him into the stock[s] and into the iron collar.
'Jahve te postavi svećenikom namjesto svećenika Jojade da paziš u Domu Jahvinu na svakog luđaka koji se gradi prorokom i da ga baciš u klade, sa željezom oko vrata.
27 And therefore why? not have you rebuked Jeremiah the Anathothite who is prophesying to you.
Zašto, dakle, nisi spriječio Jeremiju iz Anatota, koji se među vama gradi prorokom?
28 For since he has sent to us Babylon saying [will be] a long [time] it build houses and dwell and plant gardens and eat produce their.
TÓa on nam je poslao poruku u Babilon: Dugo će još trajati: Gradite kuće i nastanite se! Sadite vrtove i uživajte urod njihov!'”
29 And he read aloud Zephaniah the priest the letter this in [the] ears of Jeremiah the prophet.
Svećenik Sefanija pročita pismo proroku Jeremiji.
30 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Jeremiah saying.
Tada dođe riječ Jahvina Jeremiji:
31 Send to all the exile[s] saying thus he says Yahweh concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite because that he has prophesied to you Shemaiah and I not I sent him and he has made rely you on falsehood.
“Pošalji svim izgnanicima ovu vijest: 'Ovako govori Jahve o Šemaji Nehelamcu: Jer vam Šemaja prorokuje te vam budi varave nade, premda ga ja nisam poslao,
32 Therefore thus he says Yahweh here I [am] about to visit [judgment] on Shemaiah the Nehelamite and on offspring his not he will belong to him anyone - dwelling - in among the people this and not he will look on the good which I [will be] doing for people my [the] utterance of Yahweh for rebellion he has spoken on Yahweh.
ovako govori Jahve: Kaznit ću Šemaju Nehelamca, njega i potomstvo njegovo: nitko mu neće preostati usred ovoga naroda da doživi sreću koju spremam narodu svojemu - riječ je Jahvina - jer je propovijedao pobunu protiv Jahve.'”

< Jeremiah 29 >