< Jeremiah 24 >

1 He showed me Yahweh and there! two baskets of figs [were] set before [the] temple of Yahweh after took into exile Nebuchadnezzar [the] king of Babylon Jeconiah [the] son of Jehoiakim [the] king of Judah and [the] officials of Judah and the craftsman and the smith[s] from Jerusalem and he brought them Babylon.
2 The basket one [was] figs good very like [the] figs of the early figs and the basket one [was] figs bad very which not they will be eaten from badness.
3 And he said Yahweh to me what? [are] you seeing O Jeremiah and I said figs the figs good [are] good very and the bad [figs] [are] bad very which not they will be eaten from badness.
4 And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
5 Thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel like the figs good these so I will regard [the] exile[s] of Judah whom I have sent from the place this [the] land of [the] Chaldeans for good.
6 And I will set eye my on them for good and I will bring back them to the land this and I will build up them and not I will tear [them] down and I will plant them and not I will pluck [them] up.
7 And I will give to them a heart to know me that I [am] Yahweh and they will become for me a people and I I will become for them God for they will return to me with all heart their.
8 And like the figs bad which not they will be eaten from badness for thus - he says Yahweh so I will make Zedekiah [the] king of Judah and officials his and - [the] remnant of Jerusalem those [who] remain in the land this and those [who] dwell in [the] land of Egypt.
9 And I will make them (into a terror *Q(K)*) into an evil to all [the] kingdoms of the earth into a reproach and into a byword into a taunt and into a curse in all the places where I will banish them there.
10 And I will send on them the sword the famine and the pestilence until are finished they from on the ground which I gave to them and to ancestors their.

< Jeremiah 24 >