< Isaiah 9 >

1 For not gloom [will belong] to [that] which distress [belonged] to it like the time former he treated with contempt [the] land of Zebulun and [the] land of Naphtali and the latter [time] he will make honored [the] way of the sea [the] other side of the Jordan Galilee of the nations.
jer više neće biti mraka gdje je sad tjeskoba. U prvo vrijeme on obescijeni zemlju Zebulunovu i zemlju Naftalijevu, al' u vrijeme posljednje on će proslaviti Put uz more, s one strane Jordana - Galileju pogansku.
2 The people which walk in the darkness they will see a light great [those who] dwell in a land of deep darkness a light it will shine on them.
Narod koji je u tmini hodio svjetlost vidje veliku; one što mrklu zemlju obitavahu svjetlost jarka obasja.
3 You will multiply the nation (to it *Q(K)*) you will magnify the rejoicing they will rejoice before you like [the] rejoicing at the harvest just as people are glad when divide they plunder.
Ti si radost umnožio, uvećao veselje, i oni se pred tobom raduju kao što se ljudi raduju žetvi, k'o što kliču kad se dijeli plijen.
4 For - [the] yoke of burden its and [the] staff of shoulder its [the] rod of the [one who] oppresses it you will shatter like [the] day of Midian.
Teški jaram njegov, prečku što mu pleća pritiskaše, šibu njegova goniča slomi kao u dan midjanski.
5 For every boot [which] marches with shaking and cloak rolled in blood and it will be for burning fuel of a fire.
Da, sva bojna obuća, svaki plašt krvlju natopljen izgorjet će i bit će ognju hrana.
6 For a child he will be born to us a son he will be given to us and it was the dominion on shoulder his and someone called name his a wonder a counselor God mighty father of perpetuity prince of peace.
Jer, dijete nam se rodilo, sina dobismo; na plećima mu je vlast. Ime mu je: Savjetnik divni, Bog silni, Otac vječni, Knez mironosni.
7 (To [the] increase of *Q(K)*) the dominion and to peace there not [will be] an end on [the] throne of David and over kingdom his to establish it and to sustain it in justice and in righteousness from now and until perpetuity [the] zeal of Yahweh of hosts it will accomplish this.
Nadaleko vlast će mu se sterat' i miru neće biti kraja nad prijestoljem Davidovim, nad kraljevstvom njegovim: učvrstit će ga i utvrdit u pravu i pravednosti. Od sada i dovijeka učinit će to privržena ljubav Jahve nad Vojskama.
8 A word he has sent [the] Lord in Jacob and it will fall on Israel.
Gospod posla riječ protiv Jakova i ona pade na Izraela.
9 And they will know the people all of it Ephraim and [the] inhabitant[s] of Samaria with pride and with greatness of heart saying.
Sazna je sav narod njegov, Efrajim i stanovnici Samarije koji govorahu naduta i ohola srca:
10 Bricks they have fallen and hewn [stone] we will rebuild sycamores they have been cut down and cedars we will substitute.
“Opeke nam popadaše, gradit ćemo od tesanika; sasjekoše nam divlje smokve, cedre ćemo posaditi.”
11 And he set on high Yahweh [the] opponents of Rezin against him and enemies his he provoked.
Al' Jahve podiže na brdo Sion njegove protivnike i podbada neprijatelje njegove:
12 Aram from [the] east and Philistines from [the] west and they consumed Israel with all [the] mouth for all this not it has turned back anger his and still hand his [is] stretched out.
Aram s istoka, Filistejce sa zapada, da svim ustima proždiru Izraela. Na sve to gnjev se njegov neće smiriti, ruka će mu ostat' ispružena.
13 And the people not it has turned back to the [one who] struck it and Yahweh of hosts not they have sought.
Ali se narod nije obratio onom koji ga je b§io, ne tražiše Jahvu nad Vojskama.
14 And he cut off Yahweh from Israel head and tail palm branch and bulrush day one.
Zato Jahve odsiječe Izraelu glavu i rep, palmu i rogoz u jednom danu.
15 An old [man] and [one] uplifted of face he [is] the head and a prophet [who] teaches falsehood he [is] the tail.
Starješina i odličnik - to je glava; prorok, učitelj laži - to je rep.
16 And they were [the] guides the people this misleading and [those who] were guided by him [were] confused.
Oni što vode narod taj - zavode ga, a koji se vodit' daju - propali su.
17 There-fore on young men its not he rejoices - [the] Lord and fatherless ones its and widows its not he has compassion on for all of it [is] godless and doing evil and every mouth [is] speaking disgraceful folly for all this not it has turned back anger his and still hand his [is] stretched out.
Stog' mu Gospod neće poštedjet' mladića, sirotama njegovim i udovicama smilovat' se neće. Sav je taj narod bezbožan i zao, na sva usta bezumno govori. Na sve to gnjev se njegov neće smiriti, ruka će mu ostat' ispružena.
18 For it has burned like fire wickedness thorn[s] and bush[es] it consumes and it has kindled [the] thickets of the forest and they have swirled a rising up of smoke.
Da, bezbožnost se k'o oganj razmahala, drač i trnje proždire, pa upali šumsku guštaru, stupovi se dima podižu.
19 By [the] wrath of Yahweh of hosts it has been scorched [the] land and it was the people like fuel of a fire each brother his not they spared.
Plamti zemlja od gnjeva Jahvina, narod ognju hrana postaje. Nitko ni brata svog ne štedi, [19b] svatko jede meso svog susjeda.
20 And it devoured on [the] right [side] and it was hungry and it ate on [the] left [side] and not they were satisfied everyone [the] flesh of own arm his they ate.
Proždire zdesna, i opet je gladan; guta slijeva, i opet sit nije:
21 Manasseh Ephraim and Ephraim Manasseh together they on Judah for all this not it has turned back anger his and still hand his [is] stretched out.
Manaše Efrajima, Efrajim Manašea, obojica zajedno Judu. Na sve to gnjev se njegov neće smiriti, ruka će mu ostat' ispružena.

< Isaiah 9 >