< Isaiah 66 >

1 Thus he says Yahweh the heavens [are] throne my and the earth [is] [the] footstool of feet my where? this [is the] house which you will build for me and where? this [is the] place rest my.
Ovako govori Jahve: “Nebesa su moje prijestolje, a zemlja podnožje nogama! Kakvu kuću da mi sagradite i gdje da bude mjesto mog prebivališta?
2 And all these [things] hand my it made and they were all these [things] [the] utterance of Yahweh and to this one I will look to an afflicted [person] and a [person] stricken of spirit and a [person] trembling on word my.
TÓa sve je moja ruka načinila i sve je moje” - riječ je Jahvina. “Ali na koga svoj pogled svraćam? Na siromaha i čovjeka duha ponizna koji od moje riječi dršće.
3 [one who] slaughters Ox [one who] strikes down a person [one who] sacrifices lamb [one who] breaks [the] neck of a dog [one who] offers up a grain offering [the] blood of a pig [one who] offers as a memorial frankincense [one who] blesses wickedness also they they have chosen own ways their and detestable things their self their it has delighted.
Ima ih koji kolju bika, ali i ljude ubijaju; žrtvuju ovcu, ali i psu vrat lome. Netko prinosi žrtvu, ali i krv svinjsku; prinose kad, ali časte i kipove. Kao što oni izabraše svoje putove i duši im se mile gnusobe njihove,
4 Also I I will choose punishments their and fears their I will bring to them because I called and there not [was one who] answered I spoke and not they listened and they did the evil in view my and [that] which not I desired they chose.
tako ću i ja izabrati za njih nevolje nesmiljene, pustit ću na njih ono čega se plaše. Jer zvao sam, a nitko se ne odazva, govorio sam, a nitko ne posluša, nego su činili što je zlo u očima mojim, izabrali ono što mi nije po volji.”
5 Hear [the] word of Yahweh O [people] trembling to word his they have said relatives your [who] hate you [who] exclude you for [the] sake of name my will be honored Yahweh so we may look on joy your and they they will be ashamed.
Poslušajte riječ Jahvinu, vi koji od njegove riječi dršćete. “Govore braća vaša koja na vas mrze i odbacuju vas radi moga imena: 'Neka se proslavi Jahve, pa da radost vašu vidimo.' Ali oni će biti postiđeni.”
6 A sound of an uproar from [the] city a sound from [the] temple [the] sound of Yahweh repaying recompense to enemies his.
Čuj! Buka iz grada, glas iz Hrama! Glas je to Jahve koji uzvraća svojim neprijateljima.
7 Before she was in labor she gave birth before it came labor-pain[s] to her and she delivered a male.
Prije neg' bolove oćutje, eto je rodila. Prije neg' trudove osjeti, porodi dječaka.
8 Who? has he heard like this who? has he seen like these ¿ will it be brought forth a land in a day one or? will it be born a nation a time one for she was in labor also she gave birth to Zion children her.
Tko je takvo što čuo, tko je takvo što vidio? Može li se zemlja u jednom danu napučiti? Može li se narod odjednom roditi? A tek što je osjetila trudove, Sionka rodi sinove!
9 ¿ I do I bring to [the] birth and not I cause to bring forth he says Yahweh or? [am] I the [one who] causes to bring forth and do I restrain? he says God your.
“Zar bih ja otvorio krilo materino a da ono ne rodi?” - govori Jahve. “Zar bih ja, koji dajem rađanje, zatvorio maternicu?” - kaže Bog tvoj.
10 Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad in it O all [those who] love it exult with it exultation O all those [who] mourn on it.
Veselite se s Jeruzalemom, kličite zbog njega svi koji ga ljubite! Radujte se, radujte s njime svi koji ste nad njim tugovali!
11 So that you may suck and you will be satisfied from [the] breast of consolations its so that you may suck and you will take delight from [the] nipple of abundance its.
Nadojite se i nasitite na dojkama utjehe njegove da se nasišete i nasladite na grudima krepčine njegove.
12 For thus - he says Yahweh here I [am] about to extend to it like a river peace and like a torrent overflowing [the] abundance of nations and you will suck on a hip you will be carried and on knees you will be fondled.
Jer ovako govori Jahve: “Evo, mir ću na njih kao rijeku svratiti i kao potok nabujali bogatstvo naroda. Dojenčad ću njegovu na rukama nositi i milovati na koljenima.
13 Like a person whom mother his she comforts him so I I will comfort you and in Jerusalem you will be comforted.
Kao što mati tješi sina, tako ću i ja vas utješiti - utješit ćete se u Jeruzalemu.”
14 And you will see and it will exult heart your and bones your like grass they will sprout and it will be made known [the] hand of Yahweh with servants his and he will be indignant enemies his.
Kad to vidite, srce će vam se radovati i procvast će vam kosti k'o mlada trava. Očitovat će se ruka Jahvina na njegovim slugama i gnjev nad neprijateljima njegovim.
15 For there! Yahweh in fire he will come and [will be] like the storm-wind chariots his to bring back with rage anger his and rebuke his with flames of fire.
Jer, evo, dolazi Jahve s ognjem - bojna su mu kola poput vihora - da u jarosti gnjev svoj iskali i prijetnje svoje u ognju žarkome.
16 For by fire Yahweh [will] enter into judgment and by sword his with all flesh and they will be many [those] slain of Yahweh.
Da, sudit će Jahve ognjem i mačem svakom smrtniku: pobijenih Jahvinih mnoštvo će biti.
17 Who consecrate themselves and who purify themselves to the gardens after (one *Q(K)*) in the middle [those who] eat [the] flesh of the pig and the detestable thing and the mouse all together they will come to an end [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Oni koji se posvećuju i čiste u vrtovima iza onog jednog u sredini, koji jedu svinjetinu, nečisto i miševe - svi će zajedno izginuti, riječ je Jahvina.
18 And I deeds their and thoughts their [is] coming to gather all the nations and the languages and they will come and they will see glory my.
Ja dobro poznajem njihova djela i namjere njihove. “Dolazim da saberem sve puke i jezike, i oni će doći i vidjeti moju Slavu!
19 And I will perform among them a sign and I will send of them - survivors to the nations Tarshish Pul and Lud [those who] draw a bow Tubal and Javan the islands distant which not they have heard report my and not they have seen glory my and they will declare glory my among the nations.
Postavit ću im znak i poslat ću preživjele od njih k narodima u Taršiš, Put, Lud, Mošek, Roš, Tubal i Javan - k dalekim otocima koji nisu čuli glasa o meni ni vidjeli moje Slave - i oni će naviještati Slavu moju narodima.
20 And they will bring back all relatives your from all the nations - an offering - to Yahweh on horses and in chariot[s] and in wagons and on mules and on camels to [the] mountain of holiness my Jerusalem he says Yahweh just as they will bring [the] people of Israel the grain offering in a vessel pure [the] house of Yahweh.
I dovest će svu vašu braću između svih naroda kao prinos Jahvi - na konjima, na bojnim kolima, nosilima, na mazgama i jednogrbim devama - na Svetu goru svoju u Jeruzalemu” - govori Jahve - “kao što sinovi Izraelovi prinose prinos u čistim posudama u Domu Jahvinu.
21 And also some of them I will take to priests to Levites he says Yahweh.
I uzet ću sebi između njih svećenike, levite” - govori Jahve.
22 For just as the heavens new and the earth new which I [am] about to make [will] endure before me [the] utterance of Yahweh so it will endure offspring your and name your.
“Jer, kao što će nova nebesa i zemlja nova, koju ću stvoriti, trajati preda mnom” - riječ je Jahvina - “tako će vam ime i potomstvo trajati.
23 And it will be as often as a new moon in new moon its and as often as a sabbath in sabbath its it will come all flesh to bow down before me he says Yahweh.
Od mlađaka do mlađaka, od subote do subote, dolazit će svi ljudi da se poklone pred licem mojim” - govori Jahve.
24 And they will go out and they will look on [the] corpses of the people who rebelled against me for worm their not it will die and fire their not it will be extinguished and they will be an abhorrence to all flesh.
Izlazeći, gledat ću trupla ljudi koji se od mene odmetnuše: crv njihov neće umrijeti i njihov se oganj neće ugasiti - bit će na gadost svim ljudima.

< Isaiah 66 >