< Isaiah 63 >

1 Who? this - [is] coming from Edom red of garments from Bozrah this one [is] adorned in clothing his [is] stooping in [the] greatness of strength his I [am] speaking in righteousness great to save. 2 Why? [does] redness [belong] to clothing your and [are] garments? your like [one who] treads in a winepress. 3 [the] winepress - I have trodden to alone me and from peoples not anyone [was] with me and I trod them in anger my and I trampled them in rage my and it spattered blood their on garments my and all clothes my I have defiled. 4 For a day of vengeance [was] in heart my and [the] year of redemption my it had come. 5 And I may look and there not [was] a helper and I may be appalled and there not [was] a sustainer and it gave victory to me arm my and rage my it it sustained me. 6 And I may tread down peoples in anger my and I made drunk them in rage my so I may bring down to the ground blood their. 7 [the] covenant loyalti of Yahweh - I will bring to remembrance [the] praises of Yahweh as on all that he has dealt out to us Yahweh and [the] greatness of goodness to [the] house of Israel which he has dealt out to them according to compassion his and according to [the] greatness of covenant loyalti his. 8 And he said surely [are] people my they children [who] not they will deal falsely and he became of them a deliverer. 9 In all distress their - ([belonged] to him *Q(K)*) distress and [the] angel of presence his it saved them in love his and in mercy his he he redeemed them and he lifted up them and he carried them all [the] days of antiquity. 10 And they they rebelled and they grieved [the] spirit of holiness his and he changed himself of them into an enemy he he fought against them. 11 And it remembered [the] days of antiquity Moses people his where? - [is] who brought up them from [the] sea with [the] shepherds of flock his where? [is] the [one who] put in midst its [the] spirit of holiness his. 12 [who] caused to go To [the] right [hand] of Moses [the] arm of splendor his [who] split open [the] waters from before them to make for himself a name of perpetuity. 13 [who] caused to walk Them in the deeps like horse in the wilderness not they stumbled. 14 Like livestock [which] in the valley it goes down [the] spirit of Yahweh it gave rest it so you led people your to make for yourself a name of splendor. 15 Look from heaven and see from [the] lofty abode of holiness your and splendor your where? [are] zeal your and mighty deeds your [the] tumult of inward parts your and compassion your to me they have restrained themselves. 16 For you [are] father our for Abraham not he knows us and Israel not he acknowledges us you O Yahweh [are] father our [is] redeemer our from long ago name your. 17 Why? do you make wander us O Yahweh from ways your do you harden? heart our from fear of you return for [the] sake of servants your [the] tribes of inheritance your. 18 For little while they possessed [the] people of holiness your opponents our they have trodden down sanctuary your. 19 We have been from long ago not you ruled over them not it was called name your on them

< Isaiah 63 >