< Isaiah 62 >

1 For [the] sake of Zion not I will be silent and for [the] sake of Jerusalem not I will remain quiet until it will go forth like brightness righteousness its and salvation its like a torch [which] it burns.
POR amor de Sión no callaré, y por amor de Jerusalem no he de parar, hasta que salga como resplandor su justicia, y su salud se encienda como una antorcha.
2 And they will see nations righteousness your and all kings glory your and it will be called to you a name new which [the] mouth of Yahweh it will designate it.
Entonces verán las gentes tu justicia, y todos los reyes tu gloria; y te será puesto un nombre nuevo, que la boca de Jehová nombrará.
3 And you will be a crown of beauty in [the] hand of Yahweh (and a headdress of *Q(K)*) royalty in [the] palm of God your.
Y serás corona de gloria en la mano de Jehová, y diadema de reino en la mano del Dios tuyo.
4 Not it will be said of you again abandoned and of land your not it will be said again desolation that to you it will be called Hephzi-bah and to land your married for he delights Yahweh in you and land your it will be married.
Nunca más te llamarán Desamparada, ni tu tierra se dirá más Asolamiento; sino que serás llamada Hephzibah, y tu tierra, Beulah; porque el amor de Jehová [será] en ti, y tu tierra será casada.
5 For he marries a young man a young woman they will marry you sons your and [the] joy of a bridegroom on a bride he will rejoice on you God your.
Pues como el mancebo se casa con la virgen, se casarán contigo tus hijos; y como el gozo del esposo con la esposa, así se gozará contigo el Dios tuyo.
6 On walls your O Jerusalem I have appointed watchmen all the day and all the night continually not they will be silent O those [who] cause to remember Yahweh [let] not rest [belong] to you.
Sobre tus muros, oh Jerusalem, he puesto guardas; todo el día y toda la noche no callarán jamás. Los que os acordáis de Jehová, no ceséis,
7 And may not you give rest to him until he will establish and until he will make Jerusalem praise on the earth.
Ni le deis tregua, hasta que confirme, y hasta que ponga á Jerusalem en alabanza en la tierra.
8 He swears an oath Yahweh by right [hand] his and by [the] arm of strength his if I will give grain your again food to enemies your and if they will drink sons of foreignness new wine your which you have labored for it.
Juró Jehová por su mano derecha, y por el brazo de su fortaleza: Que jamás daré tu trigo por comida á tus enemigos, ni beberán los extraños el vino que tú trabajaste:
9 For [those who] gather it they will eat it and they will praise Yahweh and [those who] gather it they will drink it in [the] courts of holiness my.
Mas los que lo allegaron lo comerán, y alabarán á Jehová; y los que lo cogieron, lo beberán en los atrios de mi santuario.
10 Pass pass in the gates make clear [the] way of the people build up build up the highway clear [it] from stone[s] raise a standard over the peoples.
Pasad, pasad por las puertas; barred el camino al pueblo; allanad, allanad la calzada, quitad las piedras, alzad pendón á los pueblos.
11 There! Yahweh he has proclaimed to [the] end of the earth say to [the] daughter of Zion there! salvation your [is] about to come there! reward his [is] with him and recompense his [is] before him.
He aquí que Jehová hizo oir hasta lo último de la tierra: Decid á la hija de Sión: He aquí viene tu Salvador; he aquí su recompensa con él, y delante de él su obra.
12 And people will call them [the] people of holiness [the] redeemed of Yahweh and to you it will be called [one] sought out a city [which] not it has been forsaken.
Y llamarles han Pueblo Santo, Redimidos de Jehová; y á ti te llamarán Ciudad Buscada, no desamparada.

< Isaiah 62 >