< Isaiah 55 >

1 Alas! O every thirsty [one] come to the waters and [one] who not [belongs] to him money come buy grain and eat and come buy grain with not money and with not price wine and milk.
Omnes sitientes, venite ad aquas, et qui non habetis argentum, properate, emite, et comedite: venite, emite absque argento et absque ulla commutatione vinum et lac.
2 Why? do you weigh out money for not bread and toil your for not to satiety listen steadfastly to me and eat good thing[s] so it may take delight in fatness appetite your.
Quare appenditis argentum non in panibus, et laborem vestrum non in saturitate? Audite, audientes me, et comedite bonum, et delectabitur in crassitudine anima vestra.
3 Incline ear your and come to me listen so may it live self your and I will make to you a covenant of perpetuity [the] covenant loyalti of David reliable.
Inclinate aurem vestram, et venite ad me; audite, et vivet anima vestra, et feriam vobiscum pactum sempiternum, misericordias David fideles.
4 Here! a witness of peoples I made him a leader and a commander of peoples.
Ecce testem populis dedi eum, ducem ac præceptorem gentibus.
5 There! a nation [which] not you know you will call and a nation [which] not they have known you to you they will run on account of Yahweh God your and to [the] holy [one] of Israel for he has glorified you.
Ecce gentem quam nesciebas vocabis, et gentes quæ te non cognoverunt ad te current, propter Dominum Deum tuum, et Sanctum Israël, quia glorificavit te.
6 Seek Yahweh when he lets be found himself call on him when is he near.
Quærite Dominum dum inveniri potest; invocate eum dum prope est.
7 Let him forsake a wicked [person] way his and a person of wickedness thoughts his and let him return to Yahweh so he may have compassion on him and to God our for he will increase to forgive.
Derelinquat impius viam suam, et vir iniquus cogitationes suas, et revertatur ad Dominum, et miserebitur ejus; et ad Deum nostrum, quoniam multus est ad ignoscendum.
8 For not thoughts my [are] thoughts your and not [are] ways your ways my [the] utterance of Yahweh.
Non enim cogitationes meæ cogitationes vestræ, neque viæ vestræ viæ meæ, dicit Dominus.
9 For they are high [the] heavens more than [the] earth so they are high ways my more than ways your and thoughts my more than thoughts your.
Quia sicut exaltantur cæli a terra, sic exaltatæ sunt viæ meæ a viis vestris, et cogitationes meæ a cogitationibus vestris.
10 For just as it comes down the rain and the snow from the heavens and there towards not it returns that except it has given water to the earth and it has caused to bring forth it and it has made sprout it and it has given seed to the sower and bread to the eater.
Et quomodo descendit imber et nix de cælo, et illuc ultra non revertitur, sed inebriat terram, et infundit eam, et germinare eam facit, et dat semen serenti, et panem comedenti:
11 Thus it is word my which it goes forth from mouth my not it will return to me in vain that except it has done [that] which I desired and it has prospered [that] which I sent it.
sic erit verbum meum quod egredietur de ore meo; non revertetur ad me vacuum, sed faciet quæcumque volui, et prosperabitur in his ad quæ misi illud.
12 For in joy you will go out and in peace you will be led! the mountains and the hills they will break forth before you a shout of joy and all [the] trees of the field they will clap a palm.
Quia in lætitia egrediemini, et in pace deducemini; montes et colles cantabunt coram vobis laudem, et omnia ligna regionis plaudent manu.
13 In place of the thornbush it will grow up a cypress (and in place of *Q(K)*) the nettle it will grow up a myrtle tree and it will become for Yahweh a name a sign of perpetuity [which] not it will be cut down.
Pro saliunca ascendet abies, et pro urtica crescet myrtus; et erit Dominus nominatus in signum æternum quod non auferetur.

< Isaiah 55 >