< Isaiah 47 >

1 Go down - and sit on [the] dust O virgin of [the] daughter of Babylon sit to the ground there not [is] a throne O daughter of [the] Chaldeans for not you will repeat people will call you tender and delicate.
“Rịda nʼala, nọdụ na uzuzu, gị nwaagbọghọ na-amaghị nwoke, bụ ada Babilọn, nọdụ nʼala na-ejighị ocheeze, gị eze nwanyị obodo ndị Babilọn. Agaghị akpọkwa gị onye dị nro, maọbụ onye dị pekepeke.
2 Take a hand-mill and grind flour uncover veil your strip off a skirt uncover a leg pass through rivers.
Were nkume igwe nri gwee ọka, wepụ akwa ahụ i ji kpuchie ihu gị. Chilite uwe mwụda gị, kpughepụ ogwe ụkwụ gị, mgbe ị na-agabiga iyi dị iche iche.
3 Let it be uncovered nakedness your also let it be visible reproach your vengeance I will take and not I will meet anyone.
A ga-ekpughe ọtọ gị, tinyekwa gị nʼọnọdụ ihere. Nʼihi na aga m abọtara ndị m ọbọ, agaghị m elekwa anya nʼazụ.”
4 Redeemer our [is] Yahweh of hosts name his [the] holy [one] of Israel.
Otu a ka Onye mgbapụta anyị kwuru, Onye ga-azọpụta Izrel. Aha ya bụ Onyenwe anyị, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, Onye nsọ Izrel.
5 Sit silently and go in darkness O daughter of [the] Chaldeans for not you will repeat people will call you queen of kingdoms.
“Nọdụ duu, baa nʼime ọchịchịrị, gị eze obodo nke ndị Kaldịa; Ọ dịkwaghị mgbe ọzọ a ga-akpọ gị nwanyị nwe alaeze dị iche iche.
6 I was angry towards people my I profaned inheritance my and I gave them in hand your not you appointed to them compassion on [the] old you made heavy yoke your exceedingly.
Ewesoro m ndị m iwe, mee ndị ahụ bụ ihe nketa m ka ha ghọọ ihe na-adịghị nsọ. Eweere m ha tinye gị nʼaka, ma i gosighị ha obi ebere. Ọ bụladị ndị bụ agadi nʼetiti ha ka ị bokwasịrị ibu arọ.
7 And you said for ever I will be a queen until not you put these [things] on heart your not you remembered outcome its.
I kwuru sị, ‘Abụ m eze nwanyị ruo mgbe ebighị ebi!’ Ma i cheghị echiche banyere ihe ndị a, ị tụgharịghị uche banyere ihe pụrụ ime.
8 And therefore listen to this O voluptuous [woman] who dwells to security who says in heart her I and only I [am] yet not I will live a widow and not I will know childlessness.
“Ugbu a gee ntị, gị onye na-eme dịka o si tọọ gị ụtọ. Gee ntị, gị onye na-anọ nʼudo, na-asị onwe gị, ‘Ọ bụ naanị m dị, o nweghị onye ọzọ ka m nʼụwa. O nweghị mgbe m ga-adị ka nwanyị di ya nwụrụ, maọbụ dịka nwanyị ụmụ ya nwụrụ.’
9 So they may come to you both of these [things] a moment in a day one childlessness and widowhood according to completeness their they will come on you in [the] abundance of sorceries your in [the] power of spells your very many.
Ma lee anya! Ihe abụọ ndị a na-aga ịbịakwasị gị na mberede. Nʼotu ụbọchị di gị ga-anwụ, ụmụ gị ga-anwụchakwa. Mgbaasị gị niile, na ịdị ike nke ọgwụ okike gị niile, agaghị egbochi ihe ndị a ịbịakwasị gị nʼuju.
10 And you trusted in evil your you said there not [is one who] sees me wisdom your and knowledge your it it has led away you and you said in heart your I and only I [am] yet.
Nʼihi na i werela obi gị tụkwasị nʼajọ omume gị ị na-asị, ‘O nweghị onye na-ahụ m.’ Ma amamihe gị na ihe ọmụma gị na-eduhie gị, mgbe ị na-asị onwe gị, ‘Ọ bụ naanị mụ onwe m, ọ dịghịkwa onye ọzọ ma ewezuga m.’
11 And it will come on you calamity not you will know to charm away it and it may fall on you disaster not you will be able to cover it and it may come on you suddenly ruin [which] not you will know.
Ihe ọjọọ ga-abịakwasị gị, ị gaghị ama otu ị ga-esi gbaa afa iwezuga ya. Oke mbibi ga-adakwasị gị nke ị na-agaghị enwe ike iji ego gbara onwe gị; Ịla nʼiyi nke ị na-atụghị anya ya ga-abịakwasị gị na mberede.
12 Stand please in spells your and in [the] abundance of sorceries your in which you have labored since youth your perhaps you will be able to profit perhaps you will inspire awe.
“Dokọtazie ọgwụ okike gị niile, na ihe mgbaasị gị niile. Ihe ndị ahụ niile i jirila na-eche onwe gị siterị na mgbe ị bụ nwantakịrị. Ma eleghị anya ha pụrụ inyere gị aka nʼoge dị nʼihu. Ị pụrụ iji ha menye ndị iro gị ụjọ, maọbụ mee ka ha maa jijiji.
13 You have become weary with [the] abundance of counsels your let them stand please and let them deliver you ([those who] divide *Q(K)*) [the] heavens those [who] look on the stars [those who] make known to the new moons from [the things] which they will come on you.
Ndụmọdụ niile a na-enye gị adịghị enyere gị aka. Mee ka ndị ahụ ihe banyere ngagharị ọnwa na kpakpando doro anya bịa nso. Kpọpụta ndị ahụ na-esite nʼihe ha hụrụ na kpakpando akọwa ihe ga-eme site nʼotu ọnwa ruo nʼọnwa nke ọzọ. Kpọkuo ha ka ha zọpụta gị site na nsogbu nke na-aga ịbịakwasị gị.
14 There! they have become like chaff a fire it has burned them not they will deliver self their from [the] hand of [the] flame there not [will be] coal to warm them a fire to sit before it.
Lee, ha bụ ihe efu dịka ahịhịa kpọrọ nkụ. Ọkụ ga-erechapụkwa ha. Ha apụghịkwa ịzọpụta onwe ha site nʼọkụ ahụ na-enwusi ike. Nʼihi na ọkụ ahụ adịghị ka ọkụ a na-akwanye, nke a na-anya nʼoge oyi.
15 Thus they have become for you [those] whom you have labored traders your since youth your everyone to side his they have wandered there not [is] a deliverer for you.
Lee ihe ndị a na-enyocha kpakpando ga-emere gị, bụ ndị ị na-aṅa ntị na ndụmọdụ ha site na mgbe ị bụ nwantakịrị. Ha ga-ahapụ gị gaa nʼụzọ nke aka ha; ị gaghị enwekwa onye ga-azọpụta gị.

< Isaiah 47 >