< Isaiah 40 >

1 Comfort comfort people my he says God your.
Beginilah kata Allahmu, "Hiburlah, hiburlah bangsa-Ku!
2 Speak to [the] heart of Jerusalem and proclaim to it that it has been completed service its for it has been accepted iniquity its that it has received from [the] hand of Yahweh double for all sins its.
Tenangkanlah hati orang Yerusalem, katakanlah bahwa perhambaannya sudah berakhir. Kesalahan mereka sudah Kuampuni, dosa-dosa mereka telah Kuhukum dua kali lipat."
3 A voice [is] calling in the wilderness make clear [the] way of Yahweh make straight in the desert plain a highway for God our.
Ada suara yang berseru, "Siapkanlah jalan di padang gurun bagi TUHAN. Luruskanlah jalan raya di padang belantara bagi Allah kita!
4 Every valley it will be lifted up and every mountain and hill they will become low and it will become the steep [place] level ground and the rough places a plain.
Setiap lembah harus ditutup, gunung dan bukit diratakan. Tanah berbukit akan menjadi dataran, dan yang berlekak-lekuk dilicinkan.
5 And it will be revealed [the] glory of Yahweh and they will see [it] all flesh together for [the] mouth of Yahweh it has spoken.
Maka keagungan TUHAN akan dinyatakan; seluruh umat manusia akan menyaksikannya. Sungguh, TUHAN sendiri telah menjanjikannya!"
6 A voice [is] saying proclaim and he said what? will I proclaim all flesh [is] grass and all loyalty its [is] like [the] flower of the field.
Ada suara yang berkata, "Kabarkanlah!" Aku bertanya, "Apa yang harus kukabarkan?" "Kabarkanlah bahwa manusia seperti rumput, seperti bunga yang hanya sebentar keindahannya.
7 It dries up grass it withers a flower if [the] breath of Yahweh it blows on it truly [is] grass the people.
Rumput menjadi kering dan bunga menjadi layu, apabila TUHAN menghembuskan angin yang panas. Sungguh, bangsa itu seperti rumput.
8 It dries up grass it withers a flower and [the] word of God our it will stand for ever.
Rumput menjadi kering dan bunga menjadi layu, tetapi sabda Allah kita bertahan selama-lamanya."
9 On a mountain high go up yourself O bearer of news of Zion lift up with strength voice your O bearer of news of Jerusalem lift [it] up may not you be afraid say to [the] cities of Judah here! God your.
Naiklah ke atas gunung yang tinggi, dan umumkanlah kabar baik kepada Yerusalem! Berserulah dengan suara nyaring, dan umumkanlah kabar baik kepada Sion! Katakanlah kepada kota-kota Yehuda bahwa Allah mereka akan datang!
10 Here! [the] Lord Yahweh a strong [one] he will come and arm his [is] ruling for him here! reward his [is] with him and recompense his [is] before him.
Lihat, TUHAN Allah datang dengan kuasa untuk bertindak dengan perkasa. Ia diiringi orang-orang yang telah dibebaskan-Nya.
11 Like a shepherd flock his he will shepherd in arm[s] his he will gather lambs and in bosom his he will carry [them] nursing [ewes] he will lead.
Seperti seorang gembala Ia memelihara kawanan-Nya; Ia sendiri mengumpulkan mereka. Anak-anak domba digendong-Nya, dengan lemah lembut Ia menuntun induk-induk-Nya.
12 Who? has he measured in [the] hollow of hand his [the] waters and [the] heavens with span has he marked off? and has he contained? in third of a measure [the] dust of the earth and has he weighed? with balance mountains and hills with scales.
Siapa menakar samudra dengan lekuk tangannya, atau mengukur angkasa dengan jengkal? Siapa menakar tanah bumi dengan takaran atau menimbang gunung dan bukit dengan dacing?
13 Who? has he directed [the] spirit of Yahweh and [the] person of counsel his will he inform? him.
Siapa yang memimpin TUHAN, atau mengajar Dia sebagai penasihat-Nya?
14 With whom? did he take counsel and did he give understanding? him and did he teach? him [the] path of justice and did he teach? him knowledge and [the] way of understanding will he inform? him.
Kepada siapa TUHAN bertanya supaya mendapat pengetahuan dan pengertian? Siapa memberi petunjuk kepada-Nya untuk bertindak dengan tepat?
15 There! nations like a drop from a bucket and like [the] dust of scales they are regarded there! islands like fine [dust] he lifts.
Bagi TUHAN bangsa-bangsa seperti setetes air dalam timba, seperti sebutir debu pada neraca; pulau-pulau sama ringannya dengan abu halus.
16 And Lebanon not [is] sufficiency of burning and animal[s] its not [is] sufficiency of burnt offering.
Semua binatang di hutan Libanon tidak cukup untuk dijadikan kurban bakaran; pohon-pohonnya terlalu sedikit untuk dijadikan kayu apinya.
17 All the nations [are] as nothing before him from nothingness and emptiness they are regarded by him.
Semua bangsa tidak berarti bagi-Nya, seolah-olah tidak ada di hadapan-Nya.
18 And to whom? will you liken! God and what? likeness will you compare to him.
Jadi dengan siapa engkau mau menyamakan Allah? Siapa kauanggap serupa dengan Dia?
19 The idol he has cast a craftsman and a metalsmith with gold he will overlay it and chains of silver [is] refining.
Ia tidak seperti patung buatan tukang-tukang, patung yang berlapis emas dan beralas perak.
20 The impoverished [person] a contribution wood [which] not it will rot he chooses a craftsman skillful he seeks for himself to prepare an idol [which] not it will be shaken.
Orang yang tak mampu membeli emas atau perak, memilih kayu yang tak mudah rusak. Ia mencari tukang yang ahli untuk membuat patung yang tak mudah goyang.
21 ¿ Not do you know ¿ not do you hear ¿ not has it been told from [the] beginning to you ¿ not have you understood [the] foundations of the earth.
Masakan engkau tidak tahu dan tidak mendengar, dan tidak diberitahu kepadamu sejak dahulu? Masakan engkau tidak mengerti dari semula bagaimana awalnya dunia?
22 The [one who] sits above [the] circle of the earth and inhabitants its [are] like grasshoppers the [one who] stretched out like curtain [the] heavens and he spread out them like tent to dwell in.
Yang menciptakannya bertakhta di atas bulatan bumi, penduduknya tampak kecil seperti belalang. Ia membentangkan langit seperti kain, dan memasangnya seperti kemah untuk didiami.
23 The [one who] appoints rulers to nothing judges of [the] earth like nothingness he makes.
Ia membuat para penguasa tidak berdaya, dan para pembesar kehilangan kekuasaannya.
24 Even not they have been planted even not they have been sown even not it has taken root in the ground rootstock their and also he blows on them and they have dried up and a tempest like chaff it carries off them.
Mereka itu seperti tanaman muda yang baru mulai tumbuh akarnya. Apabila TUHAN menghembuskan angin, mereka kering dan diterbangkan seperti jerami.
25 And to whom? will you liken me and I may be equal? he says [the] holy [one].
Siapa kauanggap serupa dengan Allah Yang Mahakudus? Dengan siapa engkau mau menyamakan Dia?
26 Lift up height eyes your and see who? did he create these the [one who] brings out by number host their all of them by name he calls from greatness of strength and a strong [one] of power any not it is missing.
Pandanglah ke langit, dan perhatikanlah! Siapakah yang menciptakan bintang-bintang? Dia yang mengatur mereka seperti pasukan, Ia tahu jumlah mereka semua, dan memanggil masing-masing dengan namanya. Tak ada satu pun yang hilang, karena besarnya kuasa TUHAN!
27 Why? do you say O Jacob so you may declare? O Israel it is hidden way my from Yahweh and from God my justice my it passes away.
Jadi Israel, mengapa engkau berkeluh kesah, seolah-olah TUHAN Allahmu tak tahu engkau susah? Seolah-olah Ia tidak mengindahkan nasibmu, dan tidak memperhatikan hakmu?
28 ¿ Not do you know or? not have you heard [is] a God of perpetuity - Yahweh [the one who] created [the] ends of the earth not he grows weary and not he becomes weary there not [is] inquiry to understanding his.
Masakan engkau tidak tahu dan tidak mendengar? Tuhanlah Allah yang kekal, yang menciptakan seluruh bumi. Ia tak pernah menjadi lelah atau lesu; pikiran-Nya tak dapat diselami.
29 [he is] giving To the weary [person] strength and to [those who] there not [is] power strength he increases.
Ia menguatkan orang yang lelah, memberi semangat kepada yang tak berdaya.
30 And they may grow weary youths so they may become weary and young men certainly they stumble.
Orang-orang muda menjadi lelah dan lesu anak-anak remaja jatuh tersandung.
31 And [those who] wait for Yahweh they will renew strength they will go up wing[s] like eagles they will run and not they will become weary they will walk and not they will grow weary.
Tetapi orang yang mengandalkan TUHAN, akan mendapat kekuatan baru. Mereka seperti burung rajawali yang terbang tinggi dengan kekuatan sayapnya. Mereka berlari dan tidak menjadi lelah, mereka berjalan dan tidak menjadi lesu.

< Isaiah 40 >