< Isaiah 35 >

1 They will rejoice! [the] wilderness and [the] dry region and let it be glad [the] desert plain so it may bud like a crocus.
उजाड-स्‍थान र अरब खुसी हुनेछन् । मरुभूमी आनन्दित हुनेछ र फुल्नेछ । गुलाफजस्तै,
2 Completely it will bud and let it be glad also gladness and shouting for joy [the] glory of Lebanon it will be given to it [the] splendor of Carmel and Sharon they they will see [the] glory of Yahweh [the] splendor of God our.
त्‍यो प्रशस्‍त गरी फुल्नेछ आनन्द र गीतले रमाउनेछ । लेबनानको गौरव, कार्मेलको र शारोनको प्रताप यसलाई दिइनेछ । तिनीहरूले परमप्रभुको महिमा, हाम्रा परमेश्‍वरको वैभव देख्‍नेछन् ।
3 Strengthen hands slack and knees stumbling make firm.
कमजोर हातहरूलाई बलियो बनाओ र काँप्‍ने घुँडाहरूलाई सिधा पार ।
4 Say to [people] hasty of heart be strong may not you be afraid here! God your vengeance he will come [the] recompense of God he he will come and he may deliver you.
डराएका हृदय भएकाहरूलाई भन, “बलियो होओ, नडराओ! हेर, तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वर सट्टा लिएर, परमेश्‍वरको इनाम लिएर आउनुहुनेछ । उहाँ आउनुहुनेछ र तिमीहरूलाई बचाउनुहुनेछ ।”
5 Then they will be opened [the] eyes of blind [people] and [the] ears of deaf [people] they will be unstopped.
तब अन्‍धाहरूका आँखाहरूले देख्‍नछन् र बहिराहरूका कानले सुन्‍नेछन् ।
6 Then he will leap like deer a lame [person] so it may shout for joy [the] tongue of a dumb [person] for they will burst forth in the wilderness waters and torrents in the desert plain.
तब लङ्गडो मानिस हरिणझैं उफ्रनेछ र गूँगाहरूका जिब्रोले गाउनेछन्, किनकि अरबमा पानीको मुल फुट्नेछ र उजाड-स्‍थानमा खोलाहरू बग्‍नेछन् ।
7 And it will become the parched ground a pool and thirsty ground springs of water in a habitation of jackals resting place its herbage reed[s] and papyrus.
जल्‍ने बालुवा तलाउ बन्‍नेछ र सुख्‍खा जमिन पानीको मुल हुनेछ । कुनै बेला स्यालहरू बस्‍ने ठाउँहरूमा नर्कट र काँशको घाँस हुनेछ ।
8 And it will be there a highway and a way and [the] way of holiness it will be called to it not he will pass along it [the] unclean and it [will belong] to them [one who] walks a way and fools not they will wander about.
त्यहाँ पवित्र बाटो भनिने मुल बाटो हुनेछ । अवित्रहरूले त्‍यसमा यात्रा गर्नेछैनन् । तर यो यसमा हिंड्नेहरूका निम्ति हुनेछ । यसमा कुनै मूर्ख जानेछैन ।
9 Not it will be there a lion and a violent one of living creatures not it will go up on it not it will be found there and they will walk redeemed [people].
त्यहाँ कुनै सिंह हुनेछैन, कुनै डरलाग्‍दो जङ्गली जनावर हुनेछैन । तिनीहरू त्यहाँ भेट्टइनेछैनन्, तर उद्धार पाएकाहरू त्यहाँ हिंड्नेछन् ।
10 And [the] [people] ransomed of Yahweh they will return! and they will come Zion with a shout of joy and gladness of perpetuity [will be] on head their joy and gladness they will overtake [them] and they will flee sorrow and sighing.
परमप्रभुले मोल तिरेर छटकारा दिनुभएकाहरू फर्किनेछन् र गाउँदै सियोनमा आउनेछन्, अनि तिनीहरूको शिरमा अनन्तको आनन्द हुनेछ । खुसी र आनन्दले तिनीहरूमा वास गर्नेछ । कष्‍ट र सुस्‍केरा भाग्‍नेछ ।

< Isaiah 35 >