< Isaiah 32 >

1 There! for righteousness he will reign a king and to rulers for justice they will rule.
हेर, एक जना राजाले धर्मिकतामा राज्‍य गर्नेछन् र शासकहरूले न्यायमा राज्‍य गर्नेछन् ।
2 And he will be each like a hiding place of a wind and a shelter of a rainstorm like streams of water in a dry land like [the] shadow of a rock heavy in a land weary.
प्रत्‍येक व्‍यक्‍ति हावाबाट बच्‍ने ठाउँजस्तै, र आँधीबाट शरण लिने ठाउँजस्तै, सुख्‍खा ठाउँको पानीको धारहरूजस्तै, थकानको देशमा भएको ठुलो चट्टानको छायाजस्तै हुनेछ ।
3 And not they will gaze [the] eyes of [those who] see and [the] ears of [those who] hear they will pay attention.
तब हेर्नेहरूका आँखा धमिलो हुनेछैनन् र सुन्‍नेहरूका कानले ध्यानपुर्वक सुन्‍नेछन् ।
4 And [the] heart of hasty [people] it will understand knowledge and [the] tongue of stammerers it will hasten to speak clearly.
हडबडेले समझदार भएर होसियारसाथ विचार गर्नेछ, अनि भकभकेले प्रष्‍टसँग र सजिलोसँग बोल्‍नेछ ।
5 Not it will be called again to a fool noble and of a scoundrel not it will be said eminent person.
मूर्खलाई कदापि आदरणीय भनिनेछैन न छलीलाई चरित्रवान भनिनेछ ।
6 For a fool folly he speaks and heart his it does wickedness by doing godlessness and by speaking concerning Yahweh error by keeping empty [the] appetite of [the] hungry and drink [the] thirsty he deprives.
किनकि मूर्खले मूर्खताको कुरा गर्छ, उसको मनले दुष्‍ट र अधर्मी कामहरूका योजना बनाउछ र उसले परमप्रभुको विरुद्धमा गलत किसिमले बोल्छ । उसले भोकाएकोलाई रित्तो बनाउँछ र तिर्खाएकोलाई पानीको कमी तुल्याउँछ ।
7 And a scoundrel weapons his [are] evil he evil purposes he plans to ruin (afflicted [people] *Q(K)*) with words of falsehood and when speaks [the] needy justice.
छलीका विधिहरू खराब हुन्‍छन् । गरीबले ठिक कुरा भने पनि उसले गरीबलाई विनाश पार्ने दुष्‍ट योजनाहरू बनाउँछ ।
8 And a noble [person] noble deeds he plans and he on noble deeds he stands.
तर आदरणीय मानिसले आदरणीय योजना बनाउँछ । अनि उसको आदरणीय कामहरूको कारणले नै ऊ खडा रहन्‍छ ।
9 O women carefree arise hear voice my O daughters confident give ear to utterance my.
ए चैनमा बसेका स्‍त्रीहरू, खडा होओ र मेरो सोरलाई सुन । ए चिन्‍ता नभएका छोरीहरू, मेरो कुरा सुन ।
10 Days with a year you will be agitated O confident [women] for it will fail [the] grape harvest [the] gathering not it will come.
किनकि ए चिन्‍ता नभएका स्‍त्रीहरू, एक वर्षभन्दा केही बढी समयमा तिमीहरूको दृढतालाई तोडिनेछ, किनकि दाखको कटनी बितेर जानेछ, फसल जम्‍मा गर्ने समय आउनेछैन ।
11 Tremble O carefree [women] be agitated O confident [women] strip off and strip yourself and gird on loins.
ए चैनमा बस्‍ने स्‍त्रीहरू, थरथर होओ । ए निर्धक्‍क हुनेहरू, घबराओ । आफ्ना राम्रा पोशाकहरू फुकाल र आफैलाई नाङ्गो पार । आफ्‍ना कम्मरको वरिपरि भाङ्ग्रा लगाओ ।
12 On breasts mourning on fields of delight on vine[s] fruitful.
राम्रा खेतहरूका निम्ति र फलदायी दाखहरूका निम्ति तिमीहरूले विलाप गर्नेछौ ।
13 On [the] land of people my thornbush[es] thorn[s] it will grow up for on all [the] houses of joy a town jubilant.
मेरा मानिसहरूका जमिनमा, कुनै बेलाका आनन्‍द गर्ने सहरका घरहरूमा समेत काँढाहरू र सिउँडीहरू उम्रिनेछन् ।
14 For [the] palace it will be forsaken [the] tumult of [the] city it will be abandoned [the] hill and [the] watchtower it will become behind caves until perpetuity a joy of wild donkeys a pasture of flocks.
किनकि दरबारहरू त्यागिनेछन्, भीडको सहरलाई उजाड बनाइनेछ । पहाड र धरहरा सदाको निम्ति गुफाहरू, वन-गधाहरूका खुसी, गाइवस्तुका चरन हुनेछ ।
15 Until it will be poured out on us spirit from a high place and it will become [the] wilderness orchard (and the orchard *Q(K)*) to forest it will be considered.
माथिबाट हामीमा आत्मा नखन्यासम्म र उजाड-स्‍थान एउटा फलदायी खेत नभएसम्म र फलदायी खेतलाई एउटा जङ्गझैं नसोचेसम्‍म ।
16 And it will dwell in the wilderness justice and righteousness in the orchard it will remain.
तब न्यान उजाड-स्‍थान बास गर्नेछ । अनि धार्मिकताचाहिं फलदायी खेतमा बास गर्नेछ ।
17 And it will be [the] work of righteousness peace and [the] labor of righteousness [will be] quietness and security until perpetuity.
धार्मिकताको कामचाहिं शान्ति हुनेछ । अनि धार्मिकताको परिणामचाहिं सदासर्वदा शान्ति र दृढता हुनेछ ।
18 And it will dwell people my in a habitation of peace and in dwelling places of security and in resting places undisturbed.
मेरा मानिसहरू शान्तिपुर्ण बासस्थानमा, सुरक्षित घरहरूमा र शान्तसित विश्राम गर्ने ठाउँहरूमा बास गर्नेछन् ।
19 And it will hail when comes down the forest and with lowness it will become low the city.
तर असिना परे पनि र जङ्गल नाश भए पनि र सहरलाई पुर्ण रूपमा निर्मूल पारिए पनि,
20 How blessed [are]! you O [those who] sow at every water O [those who] let loose [the] foot of the ox and the donkey.
तिमीहरू जसले नदीहरूका किनारहरूमा बीउ छरेका छौ, तिमीहरूका जसले आफ्‍ना गोरु र गधालाई चर्न पठाएका छौ, आशिषित्‌ हुनेछौ ।

< Isaiah 32 >