< Isaiah 31 >

1 Woe to! those [who] go down Egypt for help on horses they depend and they have relied on chariotry for [it is] many and on horsemen for they are numerous exceedingly and not they look on [the] holy [one] of Israel and Yahweh not they seek.
禍哉!那些下埃及求幫助的, 是因仗賴馬匹,倚靠甚多的車輛, 並倚靠強壯的馬兵, 卻不仰望以色列的聖者, 也不求問耶和華。
2 And also he [is] wise and he has brought calamity and words his not he has turned aside and he will rise up on [the] house of evil-doers and on [the] help of [those who] do wickedness.
其實,耶和華有智慧; 他必降災禍, 並不反悔自己的話, 卻要興起攻擊那作惡之家, 又攻擊那作孽幫助人的。
3 And Egypt [is] humankind and not God and horses their [are] flesh and not spirit and Yahweh he will stretch out hand his and he will stumble [one who] helps and he will fall [one who] is helped and together all of them they will come to an end!
埃及人不過是人,並不是上帝; 他們的馬不過是血肉,並不是靈。 耶和華一伸手,那幫助人的必絆跌, 那受幫助的也必跌倒,都一同滅亡。
4 For thus he has said Yahweh - to me just as it growls the lion and the young lion over prey its that it is summoned on it a multitude of shepherds from voice their not it is dismayed and from tumult their not it cringes so he will come down Yahweh of hosts to wage war on [the] mountain of Zion and on hill its.
耶和華對我如此說: 獅子和少壯獅子護食咆哮, 就是喊許多牧人來攻擊牠, 牠總不因他們的聲音驚惶, 也不因他們的喧嘩縮伏。 如此,萬軍之耶和華 也必降臨在錫安山岡上爭戰。
5 Like birds flying so he will defend Yahweh of hosts Jerusalem he will defend [it] and he will rescue [it] he will pass over [it] and he will deliver [it].
雀鳥怎樣搧翅覆雛, 萬軍之耶和華也要照樣保護耶路撒冷。 他必保護拯救, 要越門保守。
6 Return to [the one] whom they have made deep rebellion [the] people of Israel.
7 For in the day that they will reject! everyone [the] idols of silver his and [the] idols of gold his which they have made for you hands your sin.
8 And it will fall Assyria by a sword not a human and a sword not a human it will consume it and it will flee itself from before a sword and young men its forced labor they will become.
亞述人必倒在刀下,並非人的刀; 有刀要將他吞滅,並非人的刀。 他必逃避這刀; 他的少年人必成為服苦的。
9 And rock its from terror it will pass away and they will be dismayed from a standard commanders its [the] utterance of Yahweh who fire [belongs] to him in Zion and an oven [belongs] to him in Jerusalem.
他的磐石必因驚嚇挪去; 他的首領必因大旗驚惶。 這是那有火在錫安、 有爐在耶路撒冷的耶和華說的。

< Isaiah 31 >