< Isaiah 30 >

1 Woe to! children [who are] rebellious [the] utterance of Yahweh by making a plan and not from me and by pouring out a libation and not spirit my so as to add sin to sin.
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxaa iska hoogay dadka caasiyiinta ah oo talo aan iga iman ku talaggala, oo heshiis sameeya laakiinse aan xagga Ruuxayga ahayn, si ay dembiba dembi ugu sii daran,
2 Who go to go down Egypt and mouth my not they have consulted to take refuge in [the] refuge of Pharaoh and to seek refuge in [the] shadow of Egypt.
oo u sii socda inay Masar galaan, iyagoo aan afkayga waxba weyddiisan, si ay xoogga Fircoon ugu xoogaystaan, oo ay hooska Masar isugu halleeyaan!
3 And it will become for you [the] refuge of Pharaoh shame and the refuge in [the] shadow of Egypt ignominy.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed xoogga Fircoon wuxuu idiin noqon doonaa ceeb, oo iskuhallayntii aad hooska Masar isku hallayseenna waxay idiin noqon doontaa sharafjab.
4 For they have been in Zoan officials its and messengers its Hanes they have reached.
Waayo, amiirradiisii Socan bay joogaan, oo ergooyinkiisiina Xaanees bay yimaadeen.
5 Everyone (he will be ashamed *Q(K)*) on a people [which] not they will confer profit to them not for help and not to confer profit for for shame and also for reproach.
Kulligood waxay ku ceeboobi doonaan dad aan iyaga waxba u tari karin, oo aan iyaga u ahayn caawimaad iyo faa'iido toona, laakiinse ceeb iyo sharafjab u soo jiidi doona.
6 [the] oracle of [the] animals of [the] Negev In a land of trouble and distress lioness and lion from them viper and serpent flying they carry on [the] shoulder of donkeys wealth their and on [the] hump of camels treasures their to a people [which] not they will confer profit.
Kanu waa warka culus ee xayawaanka koonfureed ku saabsan. Waxay maalkooda dameerro dhabarkooda ugu raraan oo ay khasnadahoodana awr kuruskeed ugu qaataan dad aan iyaga waxba u tari doonin, oo waxay dhex maraan dalka dhibka iyo cidhiidhiga oo ay goosha iyo aarka, iyo jilbiska iyo masduulaaga dabka lahu ka yimaadaan.
7 And Egypt futility and vanity they will help therefore I call this [one] Rahab they a sitting still.
Waayo, caawimaadda Masar waa wax aan waxba tarayn oo aan innaba qasdi lahayn, oo sidaas daraaddeed waxaan magaceedii u bixiyey Rahabta iska fadhida.
8 Now go write it on a tablet with them and on a scroll inscribe it so may it be for a day future for ever until perpetuity.
Haddaba tag, oo waxaad hortooda warkan ku qortaa loox, oo kitaabna ku qor, si uu wakhtiga soo socda markhaati ugu noqdo weligiis iyo weligiisba,
9 For [is] a people of rebellion it children lying children [who] not they have been willing to hear [the] law of Yahweh.
waayo, kuwanu waa ummad caasiyowday, iyo dad been miidhan ah, iyo dad aan doonayn inay sharciga Rabbiga maqlaan,
10 Who they have said to the seers not you must see and to the seers not you must see for us straightforwardness speak to us flattering [words] see deception.
oo waxay waxarkayaasha ku yidhaahdaan, Waxba ha arkina, oo nebiyadana waxay ku yidhaahdaan, Wax qumman ha noo sheegina, ee waxaad noo sheegtaan waxyaalo macmacaan oo khiyaano miidhan ah.
11 Turn away from [the] way turn aside from [the] path cause to cease from before us [the] holy [one] of Israel.
Jidka ka leexda, oo wadiiqadana ka weecda, oo hortayadana kan Quduuska ah ee reer binu Israa'iil ka fogeeya.
12 Therefore thus he says [the] holy [one] of Israel because have rejected you the word this and you have trusted in oppression and a crooked [thing] and you have depended on it.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed kan Quduuska ah ee reer binu Israa'iil wuxuu leeyahay, Idinku eraygan waad quudhsataan oo waxaad isku hallaysaan oo ku tiirsataan dulmi iyo qalloocnaan,
13 Therefore it will become for you the iniquity this like a breach about to fall bulging in a wall high which suddenly to suddenness it will come breaking its.
sidaas daraaddeed xumaantanu waxay idiin noqon doontaa sida derbi dheer oo kala dillaacay oo diyaar u ah inuu dhaco, kaasoo haddiiba si dhaqso ah u soo dumaya.
14 And someone will break it like [the] breaking of a jar of potters crushed [which] not anyone will spare and not it will be found among fragment[s] its a potsherd to snatch up fire from a fireplace and to scoop water from a cistern.
Oo isna wuxuu u burburin doonaa sida weelka dheryasameeyahu u burburo oo kale, isagoo burburinaya oo aan u tudhayn, oo sidaas aawadeed burburkiisa lagama dhex heli doono jajab dab meeshiisa lagaga qaado ama biyo berkedda lagaga dhuro.
15 For thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh [the] holy [one] of Israel in returning and rest you will be delivered! in being quiet and in trusting it will be strength your and not you were willing.
Waayo, Sayidka Rabbiga ah oo ah kan Quduuska ah ee reer binu Israa'iil wuxuu yidhi, Soo noqosho iyo nasasho ayaad ku badbaadi doontaan, oo xasilloonaan iyo kalsooni ayaad xoog ku yeelan doontaan, laakiinse ma aydaan doonayn.
16 And you said In-deed on horse[s] we will flee there-fore you will flee! and on swift [horse][s] we will ride there-fore they will prove swift [those who] pursue you.
Laakiinse idinku waxaad tidhaahdeen, Saas ma noqon doonto, waayo, fardaan ku carari doonnaa, haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waad carari doontaan. Oo waxaad tidhaahdeen, Waxaan fuuli doonnaa fardaha dheereeya, haddaba sidaas aawadeed kuwa idin eryanayaa waxay noqon doonaan kuwa aad u dheereeya.
17 A thousand one because of [the] threat of one because of [the] threat of five you will flee until you have been left like flagstaff on [the] top of mountain and like standard on hill.
Kun qof waxay ka carari doonaan mid qudha cabsigelintiis, idinkuna waxaad ka carari doontaan shan bajintood, ilaa intiinna hadhay ay noqdaan sida tiir buur dhaladeed laga taagay iyo sida calan kur dusheed la saaray.
18 And therefore he is waiting Yahweh to show favor to you and therefore he is rising up to have compassion on you for [is] a God of justice Yahweh how blessed! [are] all [those who] wait for him.
Oo sidaas daraaddeed Rabbigu wuxuu sugayaa inuu idiin roonaado, oo wuxuu u sarreeyaa inuu idiin naxariisto, waayo, Rabbigu waa Ilaah caddaalad badan, oo waxaa barakaysan kuwa isaga sugaya oo dhan.
19 For a people in Zion it will dwell in Jerusalem certainly not you will weep certainly he will show favor to you to [the] sound of crying out you when hears he he will answer you.
Reer Siyoon oo Yeruusaalem degganow, mar dambe ma aad ooyi doontaan, waayo, isagu hubaal aad buu idiinku roonaan doonaa markaad qaylisaan, oo markuu maqlo wuu idiin jawaabi doonaa.
20 And he will give to you [the] Lord bread distress and water oppression and not he will hide himself again teachers your and they will be eyes your seeing teachers your.
Oo in kastoo uu Sayidku idin siiyo cuntada dhibta iyo biyaha silica haddana kuwa wax idin bara mar dambe ma qarsoomi doonaan, laakiinse indhahiinnu kuwa wax idin bara way arki doonaan.
21 And ears your they will hear a word from behind you saying this [is] the way walk in it that you will go to [the] right and that you will go to [the] left.
Oo markaad midigta u leexataan iyo markaad bidixda u leexataanba waxaad xagga dambe ka maqli doontaan eray leh, Jidkii waa kan ee ku socda.
22 And you will make unclean [the] plating of [the] images of silver your and [the] sheathing of [the] molten image of gold your you will throw away them like a menstrual [rag] filth you will say to it.
Oo weliba waxaad nijaasayn doontaan sanamyadiinna la qoray oo lacagta lagu dahaadhay, iyo sanamyadiinna la shubay oo dahabka lagu dahaadhay, oo waxaad iyagu u xoori doontaan sida wax wasakhaysan, oo waxaad ku odhan doontaan, Ordoo iska baxa!
23 And he will give [the] rain of seed your which you will sow the ground and [will be] food [the] produce of the ground and it will be fat and fat it will graze livestock your in the day that pasture roomy.
Oo markaasuu roob idiin siin doonaa abuurkiinna si aad dhulka ugu abuurtaan, oo wuxuu cunto idinka siin doonaa waxa dhulka idiinka baxa, oo waxayna ahaan doontaa barwaaqo badan, oo wakhtigaas lo'diinnu waxay daaqi doontaa berrimmo balballaadhan.
24 And the cattle and the donkeys [which] work the ground fodder salted they will eat which [someone has been] winnowing with the shovel and with the pitchfork.
Oo dibida iyo dameeraha dhulka qodaana waxay cuni doonaan cunto dhanaan oo gacaf iyo fargeeto weyn lagu haadiyey.
25 And it will be - on every mountain high and on every hill lifted up streams watercourses of water in a day of slaughter great when fall towers.
Oo wakhtiga laynta weyn oo munaaraduhu soo wada dhici doonaan buur kasta oo dheer iyo kur kasta oo dheerba waxaa jiri doona webiyo iyo durdurro biya ah.
26 And it will be [the] light of the moon like [the] light of the sun and [the] light of the sun it will be sevenfold like [the] light of seven days on [the] day binds up Yahweh [the] fracture of people his and [the] wound of blow his he will heal.
Oo weliba iftiinka dayaxu wuxuu noqon doonaa sida nuurka qorraxda, oo nuurka qorraxduna wuxuu toddoba jibbaar u noqon doonaa sida toddoba maalmood iftiinkood oo kale, waana maalinta Rabbigu nabarka dadkiisa duubi doono oo uu dhaawacooda ku dhacay bogsiin doono.
27 There! [the] name of Yahweh [is] coming from a distance [is] burning anger his and [is] heaviness of lifting up lips his they are full indignation and tongue his [is] like a fire consuming.
Bal eega, Rabbiga magiciisu meel fog buu ka imanayaa, isagoo cadho la ololaya, oo qiiqiisuna wuu weyn yahay, oo bushimihiisana dhirif baa ka buuxa, oo carrabkiisuna waa sida dab wax gubaya.
28 And breath his [is] like a torrent overflowing to [the] neck it reaches for shaking nations in a sieve of worthlessness and a halter [which] leads astray [is] on [the] jaws of peoples.
Oo neeftiisuna waa sida durdur wax qarqinaya, oo xataa tan iyo qoorta gaadhaya, inuu quruumaha ku kala shaandheeyo shaandho halaag ah, oo dadka afkiisana waxaa ku jiri doona xakame qalda.
29 Song it will belong to you like a night of being consecrated of a festival and gladness of heart like [one who] walks with flute to go on [the] mountain of Yahweh to [the] rock of Israel.
Idinku waad gabyi doontaan sida habeen iid quduus ah la sameeyo, oo qalbigaad ka farxi doontaan sida marka biibiile loola sii socdo buurta Rabbiga in Kan dhagaxa u ah reer binu Israa'iil loo tago.
30 And he will cause to hear Yahweh [the] majesty of voice his and [the] lowering of arm his he will show with rage of anger and a flame of fire consuming a driving storm and a rainstorm and stone[s] of hail.
Oo Rabbiguna wuxuu ka dhigi doonaa in codkiisa haybadda badan la maqlo, oo wuxuu muujin doonaa soodejinta gacantiisa, oo ay la jiraan dhirifkii cadhadiisa, iyo dab wax gubaya ololkiis, iyo roob weyn oo kedis ah, iyo duufaan, iyo roobdhagaxyaale.
31 For from [the] voice of Yahweh it will be shattered Assyria with the rod he will strike.
Waayo, kan reer Ashuur oo wax ushiisa ku dhufan jiray waxaa burburin doona codka Rabbiga,
32 And it will be every blow of [the] staff of appointment which he will place Yahweh on it [will be] with tambourines and with harps and with battles of brandishing he will fight (against them. *Q(K)*)
Oo darbad kasta oo usha loo diyaariyeyba, kaasoo Rabbigu saari doono, waxaa la jiri doona daf iyo kataarado, oo wuxuu kula diriri doonaa dagaallo gariir badan.
33 For [is] arranged from yesterday a place of burning also (it *Q(K)*) for the king it has been prepared someone has made [it] deep someone has made [it] large wood pile its [is] fire and wood much [the] breath of Yahweh like a torrent of sulfur [is] about to burn it.
Waayo, Tofed waa horaa la sii diyaarshay, oo waxaa loo sii hagaajiyey boqorka, oo aad buu u sii qoday oo uu sii ballaadhiyey, oo waxaa ka tuullan dab iyo qoryo faro badan, oo waxaa shidaysa neeftii Rabbiga oo la moodo sida durdur baaruud ah.

< Isaiah 30 >