< Isaiah 30 >

1 Woe to! children [who are] rebellious [the] utterance of Yahweh by making a plan and not from me and by pouring out a libation and not spirit my so as to add sin to sin.
Teško sinovima odmetničkim! - riječ je Jahvina. Oni provode osnove koje nisu moje, sklapaju saveze koji nisu po mom duhu i grijeh na grijeh gomilaju.
2 Who go to go down Egypt and mouth my not they have consulted to take refuge in [the] refuge of Pharaoh and to seek refuge in [the] shadow of Egypt.
Zaputiše se u Egipat, ne pitajući usta moja, da se uteku faraonovu zaklonu i da se zaštite u sjeni Egipta.
3 And it will become for you [the] refuge of Pharaoh shame and the refuge in [the] shadow of Egypt ignominy.
Zaklon faraonov bit će na sramotu, i na ruglo zaštita u sjeni Egipta.
4 For they have been in Zoan officials its and messengers its Hanes they have reached.
Eno mu knezova već u Soanu, podanici stigoše u Hanes:
5 Everyone (he will be ashamed *Q(K)*) on a people [which] not they will confer profit to them not for help and not to confer profit for for shame and also for reproach.
svi će se oni razočarati u narodu beskorisnom, neće im biti na pomoć ni na korist, već na sramotu i porugu.
6 [the] oracle of [the] animals of [the] Negev In a land of trouble and distress lioness and lion from them viper and serpent flying they carry on [the] shoulder of donkeys wealth their and on [the] hump of camels treasures their to a people [which] not they will confer profit.
Proroštvo o negepskim životinjama. Kroza zemlju nevolje i bijede, lavice i lava koji riču, ljutice i zmaja krilatog, nose oni blago na leđima magaraca i bogatstvo na grbi deva, nose ga narodu beskorisnom.
7 And Egypt futility and vanity they will help therefore I call this [one] Rahab they a sitting still.
Jer prazna je i ništavna pomoć Egipta, zato ga i zovemo: Rahab - danguba.
8 Now go write it on a tablet with them and on a scroll inscribe it so may it be for a day future for ever until perpetuity.
Ded napiši na ploču i zapiši u knjigu da vremenima budućim svjedočanstvo ostane.
9 For [is] a people of rebellion it children lying children [who] not they have been willing to hear [the] law of Yahweh.
Ovo je narod odmetnički, sinovi lažljivi, sinovi koji neće da slušaju Zakon Jahvin.
10 Who they have said to the seers not you must see and to the seers not you must see for us straightforwardness speak to us flattering [words] see deception.
Vidovitima oni govore: “Okanite se viđenja!” a vidiocima: “Ne prorokujte istinu! Govorite nam što je ugodno, opsjene nam prorokujte!
11 Turn away from [the] way turn aside from [the] path cause to cease from before us [the] holy [one] of Israel.
Skrenite s puta, zastranite sa staze, uklonite nam s očiju Sveca Izraelova!”
12 Therefore thus he says [the] holy [one] of Israel because have rejected you the word this and you have trusted in oppression and a crooked [thing] and you have depended on it.
Stog' ovako zbori Svetac Izraelov: “Jer riječ ovu odbacujete, a uzdate se u opačinu i prijevaru i na njih se oslanjate,
13 Therefore it will become for you the iniquity this like a breach about to fall bulging in a wall high which suddenly to suddenness it will come breaking its.
grijeh će vam taj biti poput pukotine, visoko na zidu izbočene, koja prijeti rušenjem.
14 And someone will break it like [the] breaking of a jar of potters crushed [which] not anyone will spare and not it will be found among fragment[s] its a potsherd to snatch up fire from a fireplace and to scoop water from a cistern.
Da se sruši k'o što se glinen sud razbije, slupan nemilice, te mu se među krhotinama ne nađe ni rbine, žerave da uzmeš s ognjišta il' zagrabiš vode iz studenca.”
15 For thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh [the] holy [one] of Israel in returning and rest you will be delivered! in being quiet and in trusting it will be strength your and not you were willing.
Jer ovako govori Jahve Gospod, Svetac Izraelov: “Mir i obraćenje - spas vam je, u smirenu uzdanju snaga je vaša. Ali vi ne htjedoste.
16 And you said In-deed on horse[s] we will flee there-fore you will flee! and on swift [horse][s] we will ride there-fore they will prove swift [those who] pursue you.
Rekoste: 'Ne! Pobjeći ćemo na konjima!' - i zato, bježat ćete! 'Na brzim ćemo konjima jahati!' - i zato, bit će brži vaši neprijatelji!”
17 A thousand one because of [the] threat of one because of [the] threat of five you will flee until you have been left like flagstaff on [the] top of mountain and like standard on hill.
Pobjeći će vas tisuća kad jedan zaprijeti, zaprijete li petorica, u bijeg ćete nagnut' dok vas ne preostane k'o kopljača na vrhu gore il' na brijegu zastava.
18 And therefore he is waiting Yahweh to show favor to you and therefore he is rising up to have compassion on you for [is] a God of justice Yahweh how blessed! [are] all [those who] wait for him.
Al' Jahve čeka čas da vam se smiluje, i stog izglÄedÄa da vam milost iskaže, jer Jahve je Bog pravedan - blago svima koji njega čekaju.
19 For a people in Zion it will dwell in Jerusalem certainly not you will weep certainly he will show favor to you to [the] sound of crying out you when hears he he will answer you.
Da, puče sionski koji živiš u Jeruzalemu, više ne plači! Čim začuje vapaj tvoj, odmah će ti se smilovati; čim te čuje, uslišit će te.
20 And he will give to you [the] Lord bread distress and water oppression and not he will hide himself again teachers your and they will be eyes your seeing teachers your.
Hranit će vas Gospod kruhom tjeskobe, pojiti vodom nevolje, al' se više neće kriti tvoj Učitelj - oči će ti gledati Učitelja tvoga.
21 And ears your they will hear a word from behind you saying this [is] the way walk in it that you will go to [the] right and that you will go to [the] left.
I uši će tvoje čuti riječ gdje iza tebe govori: “To je put, njime idite”, bilo da vam je krenuti nadesno ili nalijevo.
22 And you will make unclean [the] plating of [the] images of silver your and [the] sheathing of [the] molten image of gold your you will throw away them like a menstrual [rag] filth you will say to it.
Smatrat ćeš nečistima svoje srebrne kumire i pozlatu svojih kipova; odbacit ćeš ih kao nečist i reći im: “Napolje!”
23 And he will give [the] rain of seed your which you will sow the ground and [will be] food [the] produce of the ground and it will be fat and fat it will graze livestock your in the day that pasture roomy.
A on će dati kišu tvojem sjemenu što ga posiješ u zemlju, i kruh kojim zemlja urodi bit će obilat i hranjiv. Stoka će tvoja pasti u onaj dan po prostranim pašnjacima.
24 And the cattle and the donkeys [which] work the ground fodder salted they will eat which [someone has been] winnowing with the shovel and with the pitchfork.
Volovi i magarci što obrađuju zemlju jest će osoljenu krmu, ovijanu lopatom i vijačom.
25 And it will be - on every mountain high and on every hill lifted up streams watercourses of water in a day of slaughter great when fall towers.
I na svakoj gori i na svakome povišenom brijegu bit će potoka i rječica - u dan silnoga pokolja kad se kule budu rušile.
26 And it will be [the] light of the moon like [the] light of the sun and [the] light of the sun it will be sevenfold like [the] light of seven days on [the] day binds up Yahweh [the] fracture of people his and [the] wound of blow his he will heal.
Tada će svjetlost mjesečeva biti kao svjetlost sunčana, a svjetlost će sunčana postati sedam puta jača, kao svjetlost sedam dana - u dan kad Jahve iscijeli prijelom svojemu narodu, izliječi rane svojih udaraca.
27 There! [the] name of Yahweh [is] coming from a distance [is] burning anger his and [is] heaviness of lifting up lips his they are full indignation and tongue his [is] like a fire consuming.
Gle, ime Jahve izdaleka dolazi, gnjev njegov gori, dim je neizdrživ. Usne su mu pune jarosti, jezik mu oganj što proždire.
28 And breath his [is] like a torrent overflowing to [the] neck it reaches for shaking nations in a sieve of worthlessness and a halter [which] leads astray [is] on [the] jaws of peoples.
Dah mu je kao potok nabujali što do grla seže. On dolazi da prosije narode rešetom zatornim, da stavi uzde zavodljive u čeljusti naroda.
29 Song it will belong to you like a night of being consecrated of a festival and gladness of heart like [one who] walks with flute to go on [the] mountain of Yahweh to [the] rock of Israel.
Tad će vam pjesma biti kao u noćima blagdanskim, kad su srca vesela kao u onoga koji uza zvuke frule hodočasti na Goru Jahvinu, k Stijeni Izraelovoj.
30 And he will cause to hear Yahweh [the] majesty of voice his and [the] lowering of arm his he will show with rage of anger and a flame of fire consuming a driving storm and a rainstorm and stone[s] of hail.
Jahve će zagrmjet glasom veličajnim i pokazat ruku svoju što udara u jarosnu gnjevu, sred ognja zatornog, iz olujna pljuska i krupÄe kamene.
31 For from [the] voice of Yahweh it will be shattered Assyria with the rod he will strike.
Od glasa Jahvina prepast će se Asur, šibom ošinut.
32 And it will be every blow of [the] staff of appointment which he will place Yahweh on it [will be] with tambourines and with harps and with battles of brandishing he will fight (against them. *Q(K)*)
I kad god ga udari šiba kaznena, kojom će ga Jahve išibati, nek' se oglase bubnjevi i citare - u sav jek boja on s njima ratuje!
33 For [is] arranged from yesterday a place of burning also (it *Q(K)*) for the king it has been prepared someone has made [it] deep someone has made [it] large wood pile its [is] fire and wood much [the] breath of Yahweh like a torrent of sulfur [is] about to burn it.
Odavna je pripravljen Tofet za Moleka - lomača visoka, široka, mnogo ognja, mnogo drvlja. Dah gnjeva Jahvina, kao potok sumporni, njega će spaliti.

< Isaiah 30 >