< Isaiah 26 >
1 In the day that it will be sung the song this in [the] land of Judah a city of strength [belongs] to us salvation he sets walls and a rampart.
På hin Dag skal denne Sang synges i Judas Land: "En stærk Stad har vi, til Frelse satte han Mur og Bolværk.
2 Open [the] gates so it may enter a nation righteous [which] keeps faithfulness.
Luk Portene op for et retfærdigt Folk, som gemmer på Troskab,
3 An inclination firm you will keep peace - peace for in you [he is] trusting.
hvis Sind er fast, som vogter på Fred, thi det stoler på dig.
4 Trust in Yahweh until perpetuity for [is] Yahweh Yahweh a rock of everlastingness.
Stol for evigt på HERREN, thi HERREN er en evig Klippe.
5 For he will lay low [the] inhabitants of a high place a town set on high he will bring low it he will bring low it to [the] ground he will make touch it to [the] dust.
Thi han ydmyger dem, der bor i det høje, den knejsende By, styrter den til Jorden, lægger den i Støvet.
6 It will trample it a foot [the] feet of [the] afflicted [the] footsteps of poor [people].
De armes Fod, de ringes Trin skal træde den ned.
7 [the] way Of the righteous [is] level paths O upright [one] [the] track of [the] righteous you make level.
Den retfærdiges Sti er jævn, du jævner den retfærdiges Vej.
8 Also [the] way of judgments your O Yahweh we have waited for you [is] for name your and for memory your [the] desire of self.
Ja, vi venter dig, HERRE, på dine Dommes Sti; til dit Navn og dit Ry står vor Sjæls Attrå.
9 Self my I have desired you in the night also spirit my in inner being my I will seek you for when judgments your [are] to the earth righteousness they learn [the] inhabitants of [the] world.
Min Sjæl attrår dig om Natten, min Ånd i mit indre søger dig. Thi når dine Domme rammer Jorden, lærer de; som bor på Jorderig, Retfærd.
10 He is shown favor [the] wicked not he learns righteousness in a land of straightforwardness he acts unjustly and not he sees [the] majesty of Yahweh.
Vises der Nåde mod den gudløse, lærer han aldrig Retfærd; i Rettens Land gør han Uret og ser ikke HERRENs Højhed.
11 O Yahweh it is raised hand your not they behold! they will behold and they may be ashamed [the] zeal of a people also [the] fire of opponents your it will consume them.
HERRE, din Hånd er løftet, men de ser det ikke; lad dem med Skam se din Nidkærhed for Folket, lad dine Fjenders Ild fortære dem!
12 O Yahweh you will establish peace for us for also all works our you have done for us.
HERRE, du skaffe os Fred, thi alt, hvad vi har udrettet, gjorde du for os.
13 O Yahweh God our they have ruled over us lords except you only in you we bring to remembrance name your.
HERRE vor Gud, andre Herrer end du har hersket over os; men dit Navn alene priser vi.
14 Dead [ones] not they will live shades not they will rise therefore you have visited and you have destroyed them and you have destroyed all remembrance of them.
Døde bliver ikke levende, Dødninger står ikke op; derfor hjemsøgte og tilintetgjorde du dem og udslettede hvert et Minde om dem.
15 You have added to the nation O Yahweh you have added to the nation you have gained glory you have extended all [the] boundaries of [the] land.
Du har mangfoldiggjort Folket, HERRE, du har mangfoldiggjort Folket, du herliggjorde dig, du udvidede alle Landets Grænser.
16 O Yahweh in distress people sought you they poured out! a whisper chastening your [was] to them.
HERRE, i Nøden søgte de dig; de udgød stille Bønner, medens din Tugtelse var over dem.
17 Like a pregnant [woman] [who] she brings near to give birth she is in labor she cries out in labor-pains her so we were because of you O Yahweh.
Som den frugtsommelige; der er ved at føde, vrider og vånder sig i Veer, således fik vi det, HERRE, fra dig.
18 We were pregnant we were in labor like we gave birth to wind deliverance not we accomplish [the] earth and not they fall [the] inhabitants of [the] world.
Vi er svangre og vrider os, som om vi fødte Vind; Landet frelser vi ikke og Jordboere fødes ikke til Verden.
19 They will live dead [ones] your corpse my they will rise! awake and shout for joy O [those who] dwell of dust for [will be the] dew of lights dew your and [the] earth [the] shades it will make fall.
Dine døde skal blive levende, mine dødes Legemer opstå; de, som hviler i Støvet, skal vågne og juble. Thi en Lysets bug er din Dug, og Jorden giver Dødninger igen.
20 Come O people my go in rooms your and shut (door your *Q(K)*) behind you hide like a little of a moment until (it has passed by *Q(k)*) indignation.
Mit Folk, gå ind i dit Kammer og luk dine Døre bag dig; hold dig skjult en liden Stund, til Vreden er draget over.
21 For there! Yahweh [is] about to go forth from place his to visit [the] iniquity of [the] inhabitant[s] of the earth on him and it will reveal the earth blood its and not it will cover still over slain [ones] its.
Thi HERREN går ud fra sin Bolig for at straffe Jordboernes Brøde; sit Blod bringer Jorden for Lyset og dølger ej mer sine dræbte.