< Isaiah 14 >

1 For he will have compassion on Yahweh Jacob and he will choose again Israel and he will give rest them on own land their and he will join himself the sojourner to them and they will attach themselves to [the] house of Jacob.
ヱホバ、ヤコブを憐みイスラエルをふたたび撰びて之をおのれの地におきたまはん 異邦人これに加りてヤコブの家にむすびつらなるべし
2 And they will take them peoples and they will bring them to place their and they will receive as an inheritance them [the] house of Israel on [the] land of Yahweh to [male] servants and to female servants and they will be taking captive captors their and they will rule over oppressors their.
もろもろの民はかれらをその處にたづさへいたらん而してイスラエルの家はヱホバの地にてこれを奴婢となし曩におのれを虜にしたるものを虜にし おのれを虐げたるものを治めん
3 And it will be on [the] day gives rest Yahweh to you from pain your and from turmoil your and from the labor hard which it was labored by you.
ヱホバなんぢの憂と艱難とをのぞき 亦なんぢが勤むるからき役をのぞきて安息をたまふの日
4 And you will lift up the saying this on [the] king of Babylon and you will say how! he has ceased [the] oppressor it has ceased raging.
なんぢこの歌をとなへバビロン王をせめていはん虐ぐる者いかにして息みしや 金をはたる者いかにして息みしやと
5 He has broken Yahweh [the] staff of wicked [people] [the] scepter of rulers.
6 [which] struck Peoples in wrath a blow not ceasing [which] ruled in anger nations persecution [which] not anyone restrained.
かれらは怒をもてもろもろの民をたえず撃てはうち 忿恚をもてもろもろの國ををさむれど その暴虐をとどむる者なかりき
7 It is at rest it is at peace all the earth people have broken forth a shout of joy.
今は全地やすみを得おだやかを得 ことごとく聲をあげてうたふ
8 Also [the] fir trees they have rejoiced to you [the] cedars of Lebanon from then you lay down not he comes up the [wood] cutter on us.
實にまつの樹およびレバノンの香柏さへもなんぢの故により歡びていふ 汝すでに仆たれば樵夫のぼりきたりてわれらを攻ることなしと
9 Sheol beneath it is excited to you to meet coming you it has roused to you shades all [the] leaders of [the] earth it has made rise from thrones their all [the] kings of [the] nations. (Sheol h7585)
下の陰府はなんぢの故により動きて汝のきたるをむかへ世のもろもろの英雄の亡靈をおこし國々のもろもろの王をその位より起おこらしむ (Sheol h7585)
10 All of them they will answer and they may say to you also you you have been made weak like us to us you have become like.
かれらは皆なんぢに告ていはん 汝もわれらのごとく弱くなりしや 汝もわれらと同じくなりしやと
11 It has been brought down Sheol (pride your *LA(bh)*) [the] sound of lyres your under you it is spread as a bed maggot[s] and coverings your [are] worm[s]. (Sheol h7585)
なんぢの榮華となんぢの琴の音はすでに陰府におちたり 蛆なんぢの下にしかれ蚯蚓なんぢをおほふ (Sheol h7585)
12 How! you have fallen from heaven O shining one son of dawn you have been cut down to the ground O defeater over [the] nations.
あしたの子明星よいかにして天より隕しや もろもろの國をたふしし者よいかにして斫れて地にたふれしや
13 And you you said in heart your the heavens I will ascend from above [the] stars of El I will raise throne my so I may sit on [the] mountain of appointed meeting in [the] remotest parts of Zaphon.
汝さきに心中におもへらく われ天にのぼり我くらゐを神の星のうへにあげ北の極なる集會の山にざし
14 I will ascend above [the] high places of [the] cloud[s] I will make myself like [the] Most High.
15 Nevertheless to Sheol you have been brought down to [the] remotest parts of [the] pit. (Sheol h7585)
然どなんぢは陰府におとされ坑の最下にいれられん (Sheol h7585)
16 [those who] see You to you they will stare to you they will consider carefully ¿ [is] this the man [who] made tremble the earth [who] made shake kingdoms.
なんぢを見るものは熟々なんぢを視なんぢに目をとめていはん この人は地をふるはせ列國をうごかし
17 [who] made [the] world Like wilderness and cities its he tore down prisoners his not he opened home towards.
世を荒野のごとくし もろもろの邑をこぼち 捕へたるものをその家にときかへさざりしものなるかと
18 All [the] kings of [the] nations all of them they have lain down in splendor each one in own house his.
19 And you you have been thrown out from tomb your like a branch abhorred [the] clothing of [those who] were slain [who were] pierced of [the] sword [who] go down to [the] stones of [the] pit like a corpse trodden down.
然どなんぢは忌きらふべき枝のごとく おのが墓のそとにすてられその周圍には劍にて刺ころされ坑におろされ 石におほはれたる者ありて踐つけらるる屍にことならず
20 Not you will be united with them in burial for land your you have ruined people your you have slain not it will be named for ever [the] offspring of evil-doers.
汝おのれの國をほろぼし おのれの民をころししが故に かれらとおなじく葬らるることあたはず それ惡をおこなふものの裔はとこしへに名をよばるることなかるべし
21 Prepare for sons his a place of slaughter in [the] iniquity of ancestors their not they will arise and they will take possession of [the] earth and they will fill [the] surface of [the] world cities.
先祖のよこしまの故をもて その子孫のために戮場をそなへ 彼等をしてたちて地をとり世界のおもてに邑をみたすことなからしめよ
22 And I will rise up on them [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts and I will cut off to Babylon name and remnant and posterity and progeny [the] utterance of Yahweh.
萬軍のヱホバのたまはく 我立てかれらを攻めバビロンよりその名と遺りたるものとを絶滅し その子その孫をたちほろぼさんと これヱホバの聖言なり
23 And I will make it a possession of hedgehog[s] and reed-pools of water and I will sweep away it with a broom of destruction [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts.
われバビロンを刺蝟のすみかとし沼とし且ほろびの箒をもてこれを掃除かんと これ萬軍のヱホバのみことばなり
24 He has sworn Yahweh of hosts saying if not just as I have intended so it has happened and just as I have planned it it will stand.
萬軍のヱホバ誓をたてて言給はくわがおもひし事はかならず成 わがさだめし事はかならず立ん
25 To break Assyria in land my and on mountains my I will tread down it and it will be removed from on them yoke its and burden its from on shoulder its it will be removed.
われアツスリヤ人をわが地にてうちやぶり わが山々にてふみにじらん ここにおいて彼がおきし軛はイスラエル人よりはなれ 彼がおはせし重負はイスラエル人の肩よりはなるべし
26 This [is] the plan which is planned on all the earth and this [is] the hand which is stretched out over all the nations.
これは全地のことにつきて定めたる謀略なり 是はもろもろの國のうへに伸したる手なり
27 For Yahweh of hosts he has planned and who? will he frustrate [it] and [is] hand his the [one] stretched out and who? will he turn back it.
萬軍のヱホバさだめたまへり誰かこれを破ることを得んや その手をのばしたまへり誰かこれを押返すことを得んや
28 In [the] year of [the] death of the king Ahaz it came the oracle this.
29 May not you rejoice O Philistia all of you that it has been broken [the] rod of [the] [one who] struck you for from [the] root of a snake it will go forth a viper and fruit its [will be] a serpent flying.
曰く ペリシテの全地よなんぢをうちし杖をれたればとて喜ぶなかれ 蛇の根より蝮いでその果はとびかける巨蛇となるべければなり
30 And they will graze [the] firstborn of poor [people] and needy [people] to security they will lie down and I will put to death by famine root your and remnant your it will kill.
いと貧しきものはものくひ乏しきものは安然にふさん われ饑饉をもてなんぢの根をしなせ汝がのこれる者をころすべし
31 Wail O gate cry out O city melt away O Philistia all of you for from [the] north smoke [is] coming and there not [is] an isolated [one] among ranks its.
門よなげけ邑よさけべ ペリシテよなんぢの全地きえうせたり そはけぶり北よりいできたり その軍兵の列におくるるものなし
32 And what? will anyone answer [the] messengers of a nation that Yahweh he has founded Zion and in it they will take refuge [the] afflicted [people] of people his.
その國の使者たちに何とこたふべきや 答へていはん ヱホバ、シオンの基をおきたまへり その民のなかの苦しむものは避所をこの中にえん

< Isaiah 14 >