< Isaiah 11 >

1 And it will go forth a shoot from [the] rootstock of Jesse and a branch from roots his it will bear fruit.
Isklijat će mladica iz panja Jišajeva, izdanak će izbit' iz njegova korijena.
2 And it will rest on him [the] spirit of Yahweh a spirit of wisdom and understanding a spirit of counsel and strength a spirit of knowledge and [the] fear of Yahweh.
Na njemu će duh Jahvin počivat', duh mudrosti i umnosti, duh savjeta i jakosti, duh znanja i straha Gospodnjeg.
3 And delighting he [will be] in [the] fear of Yahweh and not to [the] sight of eyes his he will judge and not to [the] hearing of ears his he will decide.
Prodahnut će ga strah Gospodnji: neće suditi po viđenju, presuđivati po čuvenju,
4 And he will judge with righteousness poor [people] and he will decide with uprightness for [the] humble [people] of [the] earth and he will strike [the] earth with [the] rod of mouth his and with [the] breath of lips his he will put to death [the] wicked.
već po pravdi će sudit' ubogima i sud prav izricat' bijednima na zemlji. Šibom riječi svoje ošinut će silnika, a dahom iz usta ubit' bezbožnika.
5 And it will be righteousness [the] waistband of hips his and faithfulness [the] waistband of loins his.
On će pravdom opasati bedra, a vjernošću bokove.
6 And it will sojourn wolf with lamb and leopard with kid it will lie down and calf and young lion and fatling together and a child small [will be] leading them.
Vuk će prebivati s jagnjetom, ris ležati s kozlićem, tele i lavić zajedno će pasti, a djetešce njih će vodit'.
7 And cow and bear they will graze together they will lie down young their and [the] lion like the ox it will eat straw.
Krava i medvjedica zajedno će pasti, a mladunčad njihova skupa će ležati, lav će jesti slamu k'o govedo.
8 And he will play a suckling-child over [the] hole of a cobra and over [the] nest of a viper a weaned [child] hand his he will put out.
Nad rupom gujinom igrat će se dojenče, sisanče će ruku zavlačiti u leglo zmijinje.
9 Not they will do harm and not they will destroy in all [the] mountain of holiness my for it will be full the earth knowledge Yahweh like the waters the sea [which] cover.
Zlo se više neće činiti, neće se pustošiti na svoj svetoj gori mojoj: zemlja će se ispuniti spoznajom Jahvinom kao što se vodom pune mora.
10 And it will be in the day that [the] root of Jesse who [will be] standing for a standard of peoples him nations they will seek and it will be resting place his glory.
U dan onaj: Jišajev izdanak, dignut kao stijeg narodima, puci će željno tražiti. I prebivalište njegovo bit će slavno.
11 And it will be - in the day that he will repeat [the] Lord - a second [time] hand his to acquire [the] remnant of people his which it will remain from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from [the] islands of the sea.
U dan onaj: Jahve će drugi put ruku pružiti da otkupi Ostatak svoga naroda, one što ostanu iz Asira i iz Egipta, iz Patrosa, Kuša i Elama, iz Šineara, Hamata i s morskih otoka.
12 And he will lift up a standard for the nations and he will gather [the] banished [men] of Israel and [the] scattered [women] of Judah he will assemble from [the] four [the] corners of the earth.
Podignut će stijeg narodima, sabrat će Izraelu prognanike i skupiti Judi raspršene sa sva četiri kraja zemlje.
13 And it will come to an end [the] jealousy of Ephraim and [the] opposing of Judah they will be cut off Ephraim not it will be jealous of Judah and Judah not it will be opposed to Ephraim.
Ljubomor će nestat' Efrajimov, bit će istrijebljeni dušmani Judini; Efrajim neće više zavidjeti Judi, a Juda neće biti neprijatelj Efrajimu.
14 And they will fly on [the] shoulder [the] Philistines west-ward together they will plunder [the] people of [the] east Edom and Moab [will be] [the] stretching out of hand their and [the] people of Ammon [will be] subjects their.
Filistejcima na zapadu za vrat će sjesti, zajedno će plijeniti sinove Istoka; ruku će svoju pružit' na Edom i Moab, bit će im pokorni sinovi Amonovi.
15 And he will divide Yahweh [the] tongue of [the] sea of Egypt and he will brandish hand his over the River with [the] heat of wind his and he will strike it into seven wadis and he will make walk in sandals.
Jahve će isušit' zaljev mora egipatskog, zamahnut će rukom protiv Eufrata; snagom daha razbit će ga na sedam potoka da se u obući može prelaziti:
16 And it will belong a highway to [the] remnant of people his which it will remain from Assyria just as it belonged to Israel on [the] day went up it from [the] land of Egypt.
i bit će cesta Ostatku njegova naroda, koji preživio bude iz Asira, kao što bijaše Izraelcima kad iziđoše iz zemlje egipatske.

< Isaiah 11 >