< Isaiah 10 >

1 Woe to! those [who] decree decrees of wickedness and writers [who] trouble they wrote. 2 To turn aside from judgment poor [people] and to take away [the] justice of [the] poor [people] of people my to be widows prey their and fatherless ones they will plunder. 3 And what? will you do to [the] day of punishment and to [the] devastation [which] from a distance it will come to whom? will you flee for help and where? will you leave abundance your. 4 Except anyone kneeled down under prisoner[s] and under [the] slain [people] they will fall for all this not it has turned back anger his and still hand his [is] stretched out. 5 Woe to! Assyria [the] rod of anger my and [is] a staff it in hand their indignation my. 6 On a nation godless I sent him and on [the] people of wrath my I commanded him to plunder plunder and to take as spoil spoil (and to make it *Q(k)*) a trampling place like [the] mud of [the] streets. 7 And he not thus he intended and heart his not thus it planned for to destroy [is] in heart his and to cut off nations not a few. 8 For he said ¿ not [are] commanders my alike kings. 9 ¿ Not like Carchemish [is] Calneh or? not like Arpad [is] Hamath or? not like Damascus [is] Samaria. 10 Just as it has found hand my [the] kingdoms of the idol and images their [were] more than Jerusalem and more than Samaria. 11 ¿ Not just as I did to Samaria and to idols its so will I do to Jerusalem and to images its. 12 And it will be that he will finish [the] Lord all work his on [the] mountain of Zion and in Jerusalem I will visit [judgment] on [the] fruit of [the] greatness of [the] heart of [the] king of Assyria and on [the] glory of [the] haughtiness of eyes his. 13 For he has said by [the] strength of hand my I have acted and by skill my for I have understanding and I may remove - [the] boundaries of peoples (and provisions their *Q(K)*) I have plundered and I may bring down like a mighty [man] inhabitants. 14 And it has found like nest - hand my [the] wealth of the peoples and as gathers eggs abandoned all the earth I I have gathered and not any was fluttering a wing and opening a mouth and chirping. 15 ¿ Does it glorify itself the axe above the [one who] cuts with it or? does it magnify itself the saw above [the] [one who] wields it as wields a rod [those who] lift it as lifts a staff not wood. 16 Therefore he will send the lord Yahweh of hosts on fat ones his leanness and under glory his it will burn a burning like [the] burning of fire. 17 And it will become [the] light of Israel a fire and holy [one] its a flame and it will burn and it will consume bush[es] his and thorn[s] his in a day one. 18 And [the] splendor of forest his and orchard his from breath and unto flesh it will bring to an end and it will be as wastes away [one who] is sick. 19 And [the] remnant of [the] tree[s] of forest his a number they will be and a child he will record them. 20 And it will be - in the day that not it will repeat again [the] remnant of Israel and [the] escaped remnant of [the] house of Jacob to depend on [the] [one who] struck it and it will depend on Yahweh [the] holy [one] of Israel in truth. 21 A remnant it will return [the] remnant of Jacob to [the] God mighty. 22 That though it will be people your Israel like [the] sand of the sea a remnant it will return in it annihilation [has been] decided [is] about to overflow righteousness. 23 For complete destruction and [what] has been decided [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to do in [the] midst of all the land. 24 Therefore thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts may not you be afraid O people my [which] dwells Zion from Assyria with the rod it will strike you and staff its it will lift up on you in [the] manner of Egypt. 25 For yet a little of a little and it will be finished indignation and anger my [will be] on destruction their. 26 And he will wield on it Yahweh of hosts a whip like [the] defeat of Midian at [the] rock of Oreb and staff his [will be] over the sea and he will raise it in [the] manner of Egypt. 27 And it will be - in the day that it will be removed burden its from on shoulder your and yoke its from on neck your and it will be broken [the] yoke because of fatness. 28 He has come to Aiath he has passed in Migron to Micmash he deposits baggage his. 29 They have passed over [the] pass Geba [will be] a lodging place for us it has trembled Ramah Gibeah of Saul it has fled. 30 Cry aloud voice your O daughter of Gallim pay attention O Laishah O afflicted [one] Anathoth. 31 It has fled Madmenah [the] inhabitants of Gebim they have taken refuge. 32 Yet this day at Nob to stand he will shake hand his [the] mountain of ([the] daughter of *Q(K)*) Zion [the] hill of Jerusalem. 33 There! the lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to lop off bough[s] with a crash and [the] exalted [ones] of height [will be] cut down and the tall [ones] they will become low. 34 And he will cut down [the] thickets of the forest with iron [axe] and the Lebanon by a mighty [one] it will fall.

< Isaiah 10 >