< Hosea 1 >

1 [the] word of Yahweh - which it came to Hosea [the] son of Beeri in [the] days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah [the] kings of Judah and in [the] days of Jeroboam [the] son of Joash [the] king of Israel.
Verbum Domini, quod factum est ad Osee filium Beeri, in diebus Oziae, Ioathan, Achaz, Ezechiae regum Iuda, et in diebus Ieroboam filii Ioas regis Israel.
2 [the] beginning [when] he spoke Yahweh by Hosea. And he said Yahweh to Hosea go take for yourself a wife of prostitution and children of prostitution for continually it prostitutes itself the land from after Yahweh.
Principium loquendi Domino in Osee: et dixit Dominus ad Osee: Vade, sume tibi uxorem fornicationum, et fac tibi filios fornicationum: quia fornicans fornicabitur terra a Domino.
3 And he went and he took Gomer [the] daughter of Diblaim and she conceived and she bore to him a son.
Et abiit, et accepit Gomer filiam Debelaim: et concepit, et peperit ei filium.
4 And he said Yahweh to him call name his Jezreel for yet a little and I will visit [the] blood of Jezreel on [the] house of Jehu and I will put an end to [the] kingdom of [the] house of Israel.
Et dixit Dominus ad eum: Voca nomen eius Iezrahel: quoniam adhuc modicum, et visitabo sanguinem Iezrahel super domum Iehu, et quiescere faciam regnum domus Israel.
5 And it will be on the day that and I will break [the] bow of Israel in [the] valley of Jezreel.
Et in illa die conteram arcum Israel in valle Iezrahel.
6 And she conceived again and she bore a daughter and he said to him call name her Lo-Ruhamah for not I will repeat again I will have compassion on [the] house of Israel that certainly I will forgive them.
Et concepit adhuc, et peperit filiam. Et dixit ei: Voca nomen eius Absque misericordia: quia non addam ultra misereri domui Israel, sed oblivione obliviscar eorum.
7 And [the] house of Judah I will have compassion on and I will save them by Yahweh God their and not I will save them by bow and by sword and by battle by horses and by horsemen.
Et domui Iuda miserebor, et salvabo eos in Domino Deo suo: et non salvabo eos in arcu, et gladio, et in bello, et in equis, et in equitibus.
8 And she weaned Lo-Ruhamah and she conceived and she bore a son.
Et ablactavit eam, quae erat Absque misericordia. Et concepit, et peperit filium.
9 And he said call name his Lo-Ammi for you not [are] people my and I not I will belong to you.
Et dixit: Voca nomen eius: Non populus meus: quia vos non populus meus, et ego non ero vester Deus.
10 And it will be [the] number of [the] people of Israel like [the] sand of the sea which not it will be measured and not it will be counted and it will be in [the] place where it was said to them not [are] people my you it will be said to them children of [the] God living.
Et erit numerus filiorum Israel quasi arena maris, quae sine mensura est, et non numerabitur. Et erit in loco ubi dicetur eis: Non populus meus vos: dicetur eis: Filii Dei viventis.
11 And they will be gathered [the] people of Judah and [the] people of Israel together and they will appoint for themselves a chief one and they will go up from the land for [will be] great [the] day of Jezreel.
Et congregabuntur filii Iuda, et filii Israel pariter: et ponent sibimet caput unum, et ascendent de terra: quia magnus dies Iezrahel.

< Hosea 1 >