< Hosea 10 >

1 [was] a vine Luxuriant Israel fruit he made for himself when [it] became numerous to fruit his he multiplied the altars according to [the] good of land his they made good sacred pillars.
Israeli ni mzabibu mzuri ambao huzaa matunda yake. kwa kadiri matunda yake yanavyoongezeka vivyo hivyo anajenga madhabahu nyingi. Kwa kuwa nchi yake ilizalishwa zaidi, aliboresha nguzo zake.
2 It is slippery heart their now they will be held guilty he he will break altars their he will destroy sacred pillars their.
Moyo wao ni udanganyifu; sasa wanapaswa kubeba hatia yao. Bwana ataharibu madhabahu zao; ataharibu nguzo zao.
3 For now they will say not a king [belongs] to us for not we fear Yahweh and the king what? will he do for us.
Kwa maana watasema, “Hatuna mfalme, kwa maana hatukumcha Bwana. Na mfalme-angeweza kutufanyia nini?”
4 They have spoken words they have sworn an oath falsehood they have made a covenant and it sprouts up like poisonous plant justice on [the] furrows of a field.
Wanasema maneno tupu na kufanya maagano kwa kuapa uongo. Kwa hivyo haki inakuja kama magugu yenye sumu katika mito ya shamba.
5 For [the] heifers of Beth Aven they will be afraid [the] inhabitant[s] of Samaria for it will mourn on it people its and pagan priests its on it they will tremble on glory its for it has gone into exile from it.
Wakazi wa Samaria wataogopa kwa sababu ya ndama za Beth Aveni. Watu wake waliomboleza juu yao, kama walivyofanya wale makuhani wa sanamu ambao walikuwa wamefurahi juu yao na utukufu wao, lakini hawako tena.
6 Also it to Assyria it will be carried tribute to king Jareb shame Ephraim it will seize and it may be ashamed Israel from own counsel its.
Wao watachukuliwa kwenda Ashuru kama sadaka kwa mfalme mkuu. Efraimu atakuwa na aibu, na Israeli atakuwa na aibu kwa sanamu yake.
7 [will] be destroyed Samaria king its like a twig on [the] surface of [the] waters.
Mfalme wa Samaria ataangamizwa, kama chipu cha kuni juu ya uso wa maji.
8 And they will be destroyed [the] high places of wickedness [the] sin of Israel thorn[s] and thistle[s] it will grow up over altars their and they will say to the mountains cover us and to the hills fall on us.
Sehemu za juu za uovu zitaharibiwa. Hii ndiyo dhambi ya Israeli! Miti na vichaka vitakua juu ya madhabahu zao. Watu wataiambia milima, “Tufunike sisi!” na kwa vilima, “Tuangukieni!”
9 Since [the] days of Gibeah you have sinned O Israel there they have remained not will it overtake? them in Gibeah war on sons of injustice.
Ee Israeli, umetenda dhambi tangu siku za Gibea; huko umebaki. Je, vita vitawapata wana wa uovu huko Gibea?
10 At desire my and I will discipline them and they will be gathered on them peoples when harness them to [the] two (iniquities their. *Q(K)*)
Nitakapotaka, nitawaadhibu. Mataifa wataungana pamoja nao na kuwaweka katika vifungo kwa uovu wao mara mbili.
11 And Ephraim [was] a heifer trained [which] loved to thresh and I I passed over [the] goodness of neck its I will cause to draw Ephraim it will plow Judah it will harrow itself Jacob.
Efraimu ni ndama mwenye mafunzo ambayo anapenda kupura nafaka, hivyo nitaweka jozi juu ya shingo yake nzuri. Efraimu nitauweka jozi; Yuda ataimea; Yakobo atauvuta pigo kwa nafsi yake.
12 Sow yourselves righteousness reap a mouth of loyalty plow yourselves unplowed ground and [it is] time to seek Yahweh until he will come and he may rain down righteousness for you.
Jifanyieni haki, vuneni matunda ya uaminifu wa agano. Chimbueni ardhi yenu isiyopandwa, kwa maana ni wakati wa kumtafuta Bwana, mpaka atakapokuja na kuinua haki juu yenu.
13 You have plowed wickedness injustice you have reaped you have eaten [the] fruit of lying for you have trusted in own way your in [the] multitude of warriors your.
Mmelima uovu; mmevuna udhalimu. Mmekula matunda ya udanganyifu kwa sababu uliamini katika mipango yako na katika askari wako wengi.
14 And it will arise an uproar among people your and all fortresses your it will be devastated like [the] devastation of Shalman Beth Arbel on [the] day of battle mother with children she was dashed in pieces.
Kwa hiyo mlipuko wa vita utafufuka kati ya watu wako, na miji yako yote yenye ngome itaharibiwa. Itakuwa kama Shalmani aliharibu Beth Arbeli siku ya vita, wakati mama alivunjika vipande vipande na watoto wake.
15 Thus someone will do to you O Beth-el because of [the] evil of wickedness your at dawn certainly he will be destroyed [the] king of Israel.
Kwa hiyo itakuwa kwako, Betheli, kwa sababu ya uovu wako mkubwa. Wakati wa mchana mfalme wa Israeli atakatwa kabisa.

< Hosea 10 >