< Hebrews 8 >
1 [The] sum now of the [things] being spoken of [is that] such we have a high priest who sat down at [the] right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,
जो कुछ कह्य रह्यो हंय ओकी मुख्य बाते या हय: निश्चय हमरो जवर असो महायाजक हय, जो स्वर्ग म महान परमेश्वर को सिंहासन को दायो तरफ विराजमान हय,
2 in the Holy [Places] a minister and in the tabernacle true, which has pitched the Lord, (and *k*) not man.
अऊर पवित्र जागा मतलब सच्चो तम्बू म परमेश्वर न स्थापित करयो होतो नहीं की आदमी न, ऊ जागा ऊ महायाजक को नाते सेवा करय हय।
3 Every for high priest in order to offer gifts both and sacrifices is appointed; wherefore [it was] necessary to have something also [for] this One that He may offer.
कहालीकि हर एक महायाजक दान अऊर बलिदान परमेश्वर ख चढ़ावन लायी ठहरायो जावय हय, यो वजह जरूरी हय कि यो याजक को जवर भी कुछ चढ़ावन लायी होना।
4 If certainly (then *N(K)O*) He were on earth, not even then would He was being a priest while are being (*k*) (priests *K*) those offering according to (*k*) law the gifts,
यदि ऊ धरती पर होतो त कभी याजक नहीं होतो, कहालीकि उत पहिले सीच असो याजक हय जो यहूदी व्यवस्था को अनुसार दान चढ़ावन वालो हंय।
5 who to a copy and shadow minster of the heavenly, even as has been divinely instructed Moses being about to complete the tabernacle; do see that for He says (you will make *N(k)O*) all things according to the pattern which having been shown you in the mountain;
जो याजकपन को काम करय हय ऊ स्वर्ग म जो हय ओकी एक छाया अऊर प्रतिकृती आय। योच तरह हय जब मूसा पवित्र तम्बू ख बनावन वालो होतो तब परमेश्वर न ओको सी कह्यो होतो। “ध्यान रहे कि तय हर चिज ठीक उच प्रतिरूप को अनुसार बनाये जो तोख पहाड़ी पर दिखायो गयो होतो।”
6 (now *NK(o)*) however more excellent (He has obtained *N(k)O*) a ministry, as much as also of a better He is covenant [the] mediator, which upon better promises has been enacted.
पर अब जो याजकपन की सेवा यीशु ख प्राप्त भयी हय, ऊ उन्को सेवा काम सी श्रेष्ठ हय। कहालीकि ऊ जो वाचा को मध्यस्थ हय ऊ पूरानो वाचा सी अच्छो हय कहालीकि या अच्छी चिजों को प्रतिज्ञावों पर आधारित हय।
7 If for the first that [one] was faultless, not then would for a second was being sought a place.
कहालीकि यदि वा पहिली वाचा म गलती नहीं होती, त दूसरी वाचा को लायी कोयी जरूरत नहीं होती।
8 Finding fault for (with them *N(k)O*) He says: Behold [the] days are coming, says [the] Lord, and I will ratify with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah a covenant new,
पर परमेश्वर ख उन लोगों म दोष मिल्यो अऊर ऊ कह्य हय, “प्रभु कह्य हय, देखो, ऊ दिन आवय हंय कि मय इस्राएल को घराना को संग, अऊर यहूदा को घराना को संग नयी वाचा बान्धू।
9 not according to the covenant that I made the with fathers of them in [the] day of having taken hold of by Me the hand of them to lead them out of [the] land of Egypt, because they themselves not did continue in the covenant of Mine, and I myself and I myself disregarded them, says [the] Lord.
यो ऊ वाचा को जसो नहीं होयेंन, जो मय न उन्को बापदादों को संग ऊ समय बान्धी होती, जब मय ओको हाथ पकड़ क उन्ख मिस्र देश सी निकाल लायो; कहालीकि हि मोरी वाचा सी विश्वास लायक नहीं रह्यो जसो मय न उन्को संग बान्धी होती, येकोलायी मय न उन पर ध्यान नहीं लगायो।
10 For this [is] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after the days those, says [the] Lord, putting Laws of Mine into the mind of them and upon hearts of them I will inscribe them; and I will be to them for God, and they themselves will be to Me for a people.
फिर प्रभु कह्य हय, कि जो वाचा मय उन दिनो को बाद इस्राएल को घराना को संग बान्धू, ऊ यो आय कि मय अपनी व्यवस्था ख उन्को मनों म डालू, अऊर मय उन्को दिलो पर लिखूं, अऊर मय उन्को परमेश्वर ठहरू अऊर हि मोरो लोग ठहरेंन।
11 And certainly not shall they teach each the (comrade *N(k)O*) of him and each the brother of him saying; do know the Lord,’ because all will know Me, from [the] least (of them *k*) to [the] greatest of them;
अऊर हर एक अपनो संगियों ख अऊर अपनो पड़ोसी ख यो शिक्षा मत देजो, कि तय प्रभु ख पहिचान, कहालीकि छोटो सी बड़ो तक सब मोख जान लेयेंन।
12 because merciful I will be toward the iniquities of them and the sins of them (and the lawless acts of them *K*) certainly not I may remember more.
मय उन्को पापों ख माफ करू अऊर कभी उन्को पाप याद नहीं रखू।”
13 In saying new He has made obsolete the first; that then growing old and aging [is] near vanishing.
या वाचा ख नयी वाचा कह्य क ओन पहिली वाचा ख पुरानी कर दियो अऊर जो पुरानी अऊर जीर्न होय जावय हय वा फिर जल्दीच मिट जावय हय।