< Hebrews 6 >

1 Therefore having left the beginning of Christ [of the] teaching to maturity we may go on not again a foundation laying of repentance from dead works and faith in God,
Ku lulo, anga kuleke nai kimanyisa u ng'wandyo kutula u lukani nulang'wa Kristo, kutakiwe kutula nu ukamatiku kutunga ku ukomu, kuleke kuika hangi i kitako nika kila itunu kupuma mu milimo ni migila u upanga nu uhuiili kung'wa Itunda,
2 about baptisms (about teaching, *NK(o)*) about laying on then of hands, about [the] resurrection both of [the] dead and about judgment eternal. (aiōnios g166)
ang'wi i kitako nika umanyisigwa nua wogigwa, nu kuaikiilya i mikono, u ukigwa mu ashi, nu ulamulwa nua kali na kali. (aiōnios g166)
3 And this (we will do *NK(o)*) if indeed if indeed shall permit God.
Hangi ki kituma iti anga itule Itunda ukulekela.
4 [It is] impossible for to those once having been enlightened, having tasted then of the gift heavenly and partakers having become of [the] Spirit Holy
Ku nsoko shanga ihumikile ku awo naza ai aulijaa u welu u ng'wandyo, naza alulyaa i kipegwa nika kilunde, nu kuzipigwa kutula anya muhangu a Ng'wau Ng'welu,
5 and [the] goodness having tasted of God’s declaration [the] power also [of the] coming age — (aiōn g165)
hangi naza alulyaa u uziza nua lukani nulang'wa Itunda nu ku ngulu niyi tungo nilipembilye, (aiōn g165)
6 and then having fallen away — again to restore [them] to repentance crucifying in themselves the Son of God and subjecting [Him] to open shame.
ni uugwa akagwa-shanga ihumikile kuasusha hangi mu wila itunu. Iki ingi ku nsoko amagilye u Ng'wana nuang'wa Itunda nkua ibiili ku ung'yenyi nuao, azemutenda kutula kiseme nika kimeli mi igalagalo.
7 Land for having drunk in the upon it coming often rain and producing vegetation useful for those for the sake of whom also it is tilled, partakes of blessing from God;
Ku nsoko i halu ni lisingiiye i mbula ni ikuaa nkua ku nkua migulya akwe, hangi likapumya nkali nia kusanigwa ku awo nai itumile u mulimo mi ihalu, lisingiilya ukende kupuma kung'wa Itunda.
8 [That] bringing forth however thorns and thistles [is] worthless and a curse near to, of which the end [is] unto burning.
Kuiti anga itule lipezaa mija ni mahaka, igila hangi insailo hangi likoli mu lwago nula kuzung'wa. Mpelo akwe ingi kulimiligwa.
9 We have been persuaded however concerning you, beloved, [of] [things] better and [things] accompanying salvation, if even like this we speak.
Anga itule ku utambula iti, ahumba i itu alowa, ku upeng'wa ni makani maziza natulikile unyenye ni makani natuile ugunwa.
10 Not for unjust [is] God to forget the work of you and (the labor *K*) the love that you have shown toward the name of Him having ministered to the saints and [still] ministering.
Ku nsoko Itunda shanga mii wiwee ga nu mulimo nuanyu nu ku ulowa nai malagiila ku nsoko a lina nilakwe, ku ili ai mua aiiye i ahuiili hangi mukili mukoli mukuaiilya
11 We desire now each of you the same to show earnestness toward the full assurance of the hope unto [the] end;
Hangi kuhumilwe nsula lukulu kina kila ung'wi anyu wahume kulagiila unyangulu wuwo wuuwo kupikiila i mpelo ku kulu kuulu nua ukamatiku.
12 so that not sluggish you may be, imitators however of those through faith and patience inheriting the promises.
Shanga kuloilwe mutule miakata, kuiti mutule atyatiili a awo ni isalaa ilago ku nsoko a uhuiili nu ugimya.
13 For to Abraham having made His promise God, since by no [one] He had greater to swear, He swore by Himself
Ku ndogoelyo Itunda nai uminkiiye uAbrahamu ilago, ai ulapile ku ung'yenyi nuakwe, ku nsoko shanga ai uzeelapa ku muya wihi nukoli mukulu kukila nuanso.
14 saying; (If *N(k)O*) surely blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you;
Ai uligitilye, “Kulu kuulu nika kukendepa, hangi nikawongeelya u utungwaa nuako ikilo.”
15 And thus having waited patiently he obtained the promise.
Ku nzila iyi, uAbrahamu ai usingiiye iko nai ulagilwe ze yakilaa kulindiila ku ugimya.
16 Men (indeed *k*) for by [one] greater swear, and in all their disputes finally [comes] to confirmation in the oath;
Ndogoelyo i ana adamu ilapa ku nuanso nukoli mukulu kukila nianso, nu kitalao i mpelo a wikilyi wihi ingi ilapo ku kumakaminkiilya.
17 In which more excessive desiring God to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of the purpose of Him guaranteed [it] by an oath,
Itungo Itunda nai ulamue kulagiila kihenga ikilo ku asali ni ilago kunsoko isigo lakwe niziza ni shanga likailika, ai ulikaminkiiye ku ilapo.
18 so that through two things unchangeable, in which [it is] impossible to lie (*n*) [for] God, strong encouragement we may have having fled for refuge to take hold of what is being set before [us] hope;
Ai witumile nianso iti itu ibiili ni shanga ihumile kukailika, naiza mu nianso Itunda shanga uhumile kuligitya u uteele, usese nai kumankiie u ugunwa kulije kukinyilwa kuambiila ku ngulu isigo ni li ikilwe ntongeela itu.
19 which as an anchor we have of the soul sure both and unshakable and entering into that within the veil,
Ku kete ugimya uwu anga lukingi nu lukomo hangi nula kusanigwa ni nkolo ni itu, ukamatiku naza ukingila nkika a mukati kituli ki ipazia.
20 where [the] forerunner for us has entered Jesus according to the order of Melchizedek a high priest having become to the age. (aiōn g165)
uYesu ai wingie nkika iyo anga mutongeeli nuitu, nai wakondya kutulika kuhani nu mukulu ga i kali na kali ze yakilaa i ntendo nuang'wa Melkizedeki. (aiōn g165)

< Hebrews 6 >