< Hebrews 2 >

1 Because of this it behooves more abundantly to give heed us to the [things] we have heard, otherwise otherwise (we may drift away. *N(k)O*)
2 If for the through angels having been spoken word was unalterable, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense,
3 how we ourselves will escape such a great having neglected a salvation? which a commencement having received declaring through the Lord by those having heard to us it was confirmed
4 bearing witness God by signs together with [them] and by wonders and by various miracles and of [the] Spirit Holy by distributions according to the of Him will.
5 Not for to angels did He subject the world which is coming concerning which we are speaking;
6 Has testified however somewhere someone saying; What is man that You are mindful of him or [the] son of man that You care for him?
但有人在經上某處證明說: 人算甚麼,你竟顧念他? 世人算甚麼,你竟眷顧他?
7 You made lower him a little some than [the] angels; with glory and with honor You crowned him (and you appointed him upon the works of hands of you; *KO*)
你叫他比天使微小一點, 賜他榮耀尊貴為冠冕, 並將你手所造的都派他管理,
8 all things You have put in subjection under the feet of him. In for subjecting to him all things no [thing] He left to him unsubject; At present however not yet do we see to Him all things subjected.
叫萬物都服在他的腳下。 既叫萬物都服他,就沒有剩下一樣不服他的。只是如今我們還不見萬物都服他。
9 Who however a little one than [the] angels made lower we see Jesus because of the suffering of death with glory and with honor crowned, so that (by [the] grace *NK(O)*) of God for everyone He may taste death.
10 It was fitting for to Him, for whom [are] all things and through whom [are] all things, many sons to glory having brought, the archetype of the salvation of them through sufferings to make perfect.
11 The [One] both for sanctifying and those being sanctified of one [are] all; for which reason not He is ashamed brothers them to call
12 saying: I will declare the name of You to the brothers of Mine, in [the] midst of [the] congregation I will sing praises of you.
說: 我要將你的名傳與我的弟兄, 在會中我要頌揚你;
13 And again: I myself will be already trusting in Him. And again: Behold I myself and the children whom to Me has given God.
又說: 我要倚賴他; 又說: 看哪,我與上帝所給我的兒女。
14 Since therefore the children have partaken of blood and of flesh also He himself likewise took part in the same things, so that through [His] death He may destroy the [one] the power holding of death, That is the devil,
15 and may set free those as many as fear of death through all [times] of them to live subject they were to slavery.
16 Not for surely somewhere surely somewhere [the] angels He helps, but [the] seed of Abraham He helps.
17 Therefore it was necessary in all things [His] brothers to be made like, so that a merciful He may become and faithful high priest [in] [things] relating to God in order to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
18 In that for has suffered He Himself having been tempted, He is able those being tempted to help.

< Hebrews 2 >