< Habakkuk 1 >

1 The oracle which he saw Habakkuk the prophet.
Det Udsagn, Profeten Habakkuk skuede.
2 Until when? O Yahweh have I cried for help and not you will hear I cry out to you violence and not you save.
Hvor længe skal jeg klage, HERRE, uden du hører, skrige til dig over Vold, uden du frelser?
3 Why? do you make see me wickedness and mischief do you look at? and devastation and violence [are] to before me and it has been strife and contention it arises.
Hvi lader du mig skue Uret, være Vidne til Kvide? Ødelæggelse og Vold har jeg for Øje, der opstod Kiv, og Strid kom op.
4 There-fore it grows numb [the] law and not it comes forth to perpetuity justice for [the] wicked [is] surrounding the righteous [person] there-fore it comes forth justice perverted.
Derfor ligger Loven lammet, og Ret kommer aldrig frem. Thi naar gudløse trænger retfærdige, fremkommer krøget Ret.
5 See among the nations and look and be astounded be astonished for a deed [I am] about to do in days your [which] not you will believe if it will be recounted.
Se eder om blandt Folkene til Skræk og Rædsel for eder! Thi en Gerning gør han i eders Dage, som I ej vilde tro, om det fortaltes.
6 For here I [am] about to raise up the Chaldeans the nation bitter and impetuous which goes to [the] expanses of [the] earth to take possession of dwellings [which] not [belong] to it.
Thi se, han vækker Kaldæerne, det grumme og raske Folk, som drager viden om Lande for at indtage andres Bo.
7 [is] terrifying And awesome it from itself justice its and dignity its it comes forth.
Forfærdeligt, frygteligt er det, Ødelæggelse udgaar derfra.
8 And they are swift more than leopards horses its and they are keen more than wolves of [the] evening and they paw [the] ground warhorses its and horsemen its from a distance they come they fly like an eagle making haste to devour.
Dets Heste er rappere end Pantere, mer viltre end Ulve ved Kvæld; dets Rytterheste kommer i Spring, flyvende langvejs fra. Som Ørnen i Fart efter Føde
9 All of it for violence it comes [the] totality of faces their [is] east-ward and it gathered like sand captive[s].
er de alle paa Vej efter Vold. De higede stadig mod Øst og samlede Fanger som Sand.
10 And it kings it derides and rulers [are] laughter to it it at every fortress it laughs and it heaped up earth and it captured it.
Med Kongerne drev det Spot, Fyrsterne lo det kun ad. Det lo ad hver en Fæstning, opdynged en Vold og tog den.
11 Then it swept on a wind and it passed on and he is guilty [the one] who strength his [becomes] god his.
Saa suste det videre som Stormen og gjorde sin Kraft til sin Gud.
12 ¿ Not [are] you from antiquity O Yahweh God my holy [one] my not we will die O Yahweh to judgment you have appointed it and O rock to reprove you have established it.
Er du ikke fra fordum HERREN, min hellige Gud? — Vi skal ej dø — HERRE, har du sat ham til Dommer, givet ham Fuldmagt til Straf?
13 [you are too] pure of Eyes for seeing evil and to look to mischief not you are able why? do you look at treacherous [people] are you silent? when swallows up a wicked [person] a [person] righteous more than him.
Dit rene Blik afskyr ondt, du taaler ej Synet af Kvide; hvi ser du da tavs paa Ransmænd, at gudløs sluger sin Overmand i Retfærd?
14 And you have made humankind like [the] fish of the sea like creeping thing[s] [which] not a ruler [is] over it.
Med Mennesker gør du som med Havets Fisk, som med Kryb, der er uden Hersker:
15 All of it with a fish hook he brings up he drags away it in net his and he gathers it in fishing net his there-fore he rejoices and he may be glad.
Han fisker dem alle med Krog, slæber dem bort i sit Vod og samler dem i sit Garn; derfor er han jublende glad;
16 There-fore he sacrifices to net his so he may make smoke to fishing net his for by them [is] fat portion his and food his [is] fat.
han ofrer derfor til sit Vod, tænder Offerild for sit Garn. Ved dem blev hans Del jo fed og kraftig blev hans Føde.
17 ¿ There-fore will he empty net his and continually to kill nations not will he spare?
Skal han altid tømme sit Vod og slaa Folk ihjel uden Skaansel?

< Habakkuk 1 >