< Genesis 49 >

1 And he summoned Jacob sons his and he said gather yourselves so let me tell to you [that] which it will happen to you at [the] end of the days. 2 Assemble and listen O sons of Jacob and listen to Israel father your. 3 O Reuben [are] firstborn my you strength my and [the] beginning of manly vigor my excellence of dignity and excellence of power. 4 Destructiveness like water may not you excel for you went up [the] bed of father your then you profaned [it] couch my he went up. 5 Simeon and Levi [are] brothers [are] weapons of violence swords their. 6 In council their may not it enter self my in assembly their may not it be united honor my for in anger their they slew a man and for pleasure their they hamstrung ox[en]. 7 [be] cursed Anger their for fierce and wrath their for it is hard I will divide them in Jacob and I will scatter them in Israel. 8 O Judah you they will praise you brothers your hand your [will be] on [the] neck of enemies your they will bow down to you [the] sons of father your. 9 [is] a cub of A lion Judah from prey O son my you have gone up he bows down he lies down like a lion and like a lion who? will he rouse him. 10 Not it will depart a scepter from Judah and a ruler's staff from between feet his until that he will come (Shiloh *Q(k)*) and [will belong] to him [the] obedience of peoples. 11 Binding to the vine (donkey his *Q(K)*) and to the choice vine [the] young one of donkey his he will wash in wine clothing his and in [the] blood of grapes (robe his. *Q(K)*) 12 Dark of eyes more than wine and white of teeth more than milk. 13 Zebulun to [the] coast of [the] seas he will dwell and he to a harbor of ships and side his [will be] at Sidon. 14 Issachar [is] a donkey of bone lying down between the two campfires. 15 And he saw a resting place that it was good and the land that it was pleasant and he bent down shoulder his to carry a load and he became forced labor of laboring. 16 Dan he will judge people his like one of [the] tribes of Israel. 17 May he be Dan a snake on a road a viper on a path the [one which] bites [the] heels of a horse and he fell rider its backwards. 18 For deliverance your I wait eagerly O Yahweh. 19 Gad a marauding band it will attack him and he he will attack a heel. 20 From Asher [will be] rich food his and he he will provide delicacies of a king. 21 Naphtali [is] a doe let loose the [one which] utters words of beauty. 22 [is] a son of A fruit-bearer Joseph a son of a fruit-bearer at a spring daughters she will climb over a wall. 23 And they showed bitterness to him and they shot and they bear a grudge him masters of arrows. 24 And it remained in permanence bow his and they were agile [the] arms of hands his from [the] hands of [the] mighty one of Jacob [is] from there [the] shepherd [the] stone of Israel. 25 From [the] God of father your and he will help you and Almighty and he will bless you blessings of heaven above blessings of [the] deep [which] lies beneath blessings of breasts and womb. 26 [the] blessings of Father your they have prevailed over [the] blessings of [the men who] conceived me to desire of hills of antiquity may they be[long] to [the] head of Joseph and to the scalp [the] prince of brothers his. 27 Benjamin [is] a wolf [which] it tears to pieces in the morning he consumes booty and to the evening he divides plunder. 28 All these [are] [the] tribes of Israel two [plus] ten and this [is that] which he spoke to them father their and he blessed them everyone whom according to blessing his he blessed them. 29 And he commanded them and he said to them I [am] about to be gathered to people my bury me with fathers my into the cave which [is] in [the] field of Ephron the Hittite. 30 In the cave which [is] in [the] field of Machpelah which [is] on [the] face of Mamre in [the] land of Canaan which he bought Abraham the field from with Ephron the Hittite to a possession of a burial site. 31 There people buried Abraham and Sarah wife his there people buried Isaac and Rebekah wife his and there I buried Leah. 32 [the] livestock of The field and the cave which [is] in it from with [the] sons of Heth. 33 And he finished Jacob to command sons his and he gathered feet his into the bed and he expired and he was gathered to peoples his.

< Genesis 49 >