< Genesis 47 >

1 And he went Joseph and he told to Pharaoh and he said father my and brothers my and flock[s] their and herd[s] their and all that [belongs] to them they have come from [the] land of Canaan and there they [are] in [the] land of Goshen.
Então veiu José, e annunciou a Pharaó, e disse: Meu pae, e os meus irmãos, e as suas ovelhas, e as suas vaccas, com tudo o que teem, são vindos da terra de Canaan, e eis que estão na terra de Gosen
2 And from [the] end of brothers his he took five men and he presented them before Pharaoh.
E tomou uma parte de seus irmãos, a saber cinco varões, e os poz diante de Pharaó.
3 And he said Pharaoh to brothers his what? [are] work your and they said to Pharaoh [are] herder[s] of sheep servants your both we as well as fathers our.
Então disse Pharaó a seus irmãos: Qual é vosso negocio? E elles disseram a Pharaó: Teus servos são pastores de ovelhas, tanto nós como nossos paes.
4 And they said to Pharaoh to sojourn in the land we have come for there not [is] pasture for the sheep which [belongs] to servants your for [was] heavy the famine in [the] land of Canaan and therefore let them dwell please servants your in [the] land of Goshen.
Disseram mais a Pharaó: Viemos para peregrinar n'esta terra; porque não ha pasto para as ovelhas de teus servos, porquanto a fome é grave na terra de Canaan; agora pois rogamos-te que teus servos habitem na terra de Gosen.
5 And he said Pharaoh to Joseph saying father your and brothers your they have come to you.
Então fallou Pharaó a José, dizendo: Teu pae e teus irmãos vieram a ti:
6 [the] land of Egypt [is] before you it in [the] best of the land cause to dwell father your and brothers your let them dwell in [the] land of Goshen and if you know and there among them [are] men of ability and you will appoint them overseers of livestock over [that] which [belongs] to me.
A terra do Egypto está diante da tua face, no melhor da terra faze habitar teu pae e teus irmãos; habitem na terra de Gosen: e se sabes que entre elles ha homens valentes, os porás por maioraes do gado, sobre o que eu tenho.
7 And he brought Joseph Jacob father his and he made stand him before Pharaoh and he blessed Jacob Pharaoh.
E trouxe José a Jacob, seu pae, e o poz diante de Pharaó; e Jacob abençoou a Pharaó.
8 And he said Pharaoh to Jacob how many? [are] [the] days of [the] years of life your.
E Pharaó disse a Jacob: Quantos são os dias dos annos da tua vida?
9 And he said Jacob to Pharaoh [the] days of [the] years of sojournings my [are] thirty and one hundred year[s] few and displeasing they have been [the] days of [the] years of life my and not they have reached [the] days of [the] years of [the] lives of ancestors my in [the] days of sojournings their.
E Jacob disse a Pharaó: Os dias dos annos das minhas peregrinações são cento e trinta annos; poucos e maus foram os dias dos annos da minha vida, e não chegaram aos dias dos annos da vida de meus paes nos dias das suas peregrinações.
10 And he blessed Jacob Pharaoh and he went out from to before Pharaoh.
E Jacob abençoou a Pharaó, e saiu de diante da face de Pharaó.
11 And he caused to dwell Joseph father his and brothers his and he gave to them a possession in [the] land of Egypt in [the] best of the land in [the] land of Rameses just as he had commanded Pharaoh.
E José fez habitar a seu pae e seus irmãos, e deu-lhes possessão na terra do Egypto, no melhor da terra, na terra de Rameses, como Pharaó ordenara.
12 And he provided for Joseph father his and brothers his and all [the] household of father his food to [the] mouth of the little one[s].
E José sustentou de pão a seu pae, e seus irmãos, e toda a casa de seu pae, segundo os seus meninos.
13 And [was] food there not in all the land for [was] heavy the famine very and it languished [the] land of Egypt and [the] land of Canaan because of the famine.
E não havia pão em toda a terra, porque a fome era mui grave; de maneira que a terra do Egypto e a terra de Canaan desfalleciam por causa da fome.
14 And he gathered up Joseph all the money which was found in [the] land of Egypt and in [the] land of Canaan for the grain which they [were] buying grain and he brought Joseph the money [the] house of towards Pharaoh.
Então José recolheu todo o dinheiro que se achou na terra do Egypto, e na terra de Canaan, pelo trigo que compravam: e José trouxe o dinheiro á casa de Pharaó.
15 And it was finished the money from [the] land of Egypt and from [the] land of Canaan and they came all Egypt to Joseph saying give! to us food and why? will we die before you for it has come to an end money.
Acabando-se pois o dinheiro da terra do Egypto, e da terra de Canaan, vieram todos os egypcios a José, dizendo: Dá-nos pão; porque morreremos em tua presença? porquanto o dinheiro nos falta.
16 And he said Joseph give livestock your so let me give [it] to you for livestock your if it has come to an end money.
E José disse: Dae o vosso gado, e eu vol-o darei por vosso gado, se falta o dinheiro.
17 And they brought livestock their to Joseph and he gave to them Joseph food for the horses and for [the] livestock of the flock[s] and for [the] livestock of the herd[s] and for the donkeys and he refreshed them with food for all livestock their in the year that.
Então trouxeram o seu gado a José: e José deu-lhes pão em troca de cavallos, e do gado das ovelhas, e do gado das vaccas e dos jumentos; e os sustentou de pão aquelle anno por todo o seu gado
18 And it was finished the year that and they came to him in the year second and they said to him not we will hide from lord my that except it has been finished the money and [the] livestock of the cattle [is] to lord my not it is left before lord my except body our and land our.
E acabado aquelle anno, vieram a elle no segundo anno, e disseram-lhe: Não occultaremos ao meu senhor que o dinheiro é acabado, e meu senhor possue os animaes, e nenhuma outra coisa nos ficou diante da face de meu senhor, senão o nosso corpo e a nossa terra;
19 Why? will we die to eyes your both we as well as land our buy us and land our for food so we may be we and land our slaves of Pharaoh and give seed so we may live and not we will die and the land not it will be desolate.
Porque morreremos diante dos teus olhos, tanto nós como a nossa terra? compra-nos a nós e á nossa terra por pão, e nós e a nossa terra seremos servos de Pharaó, e dá semente para que vivamos, e não morramos, e a terra não se desole.
20 And he bought Joseph all [the] land of Egypt to Pharaoh for they sold Egypt everyone field his for it was severe on them the famine and it be[longed] the land to Pharaoh.
Assim José comprou toda a terra do Egypto para Pharaó, porque os egypcios venderam cada um o seu campo, porquanto a fome prevaleceu sobre elles: e a terra ficou sendo de Pharaó.
21 And the people he brought in it to the cities from [the] end of [the] territory of Egypt and to end its.
E, quanto ao povo, fel-o passar ás cidades, desde uma extremidade da terra do Egypto até á outra extremidade.
22 Only [the] land of the priests not he bought for an allowance [belonged] to the priests from with Pharaoh and they eat allowance their which he gave to them Pharaoh there-fore not they sold land their.
Somente a terra dos sacerdotes não a comprou, porquanto os sacerdotes tinham porção de Pharaó, e elles comiam a sua porção que Pharaó lhes tinha dado; por isso não venderam a sua terra.
23 And he said Joseph to the people here! I have bought you this day and land your for Pharaoh here! for you [is] seed and you will sow the land.
Então disse José ao povo: Eis que hoje tenho comprado a vós e a vossa terra para Pharaó; eis ahi tendes semente para vós, para que semeeis a terra.
24 And it will be at the harvest and you will give a fifth to Pharaoh and [the] four the hands it will be[long] to you to [the] seed of the field and to food your and for [those] who [are] in households your and to eat for little one[s] your.
Ha de ser, porém, que das colheitas dareis o quinto a Pharaó, e as quatro partes serão vossas, para semente do campo, e para o vosso mantimento, e dos que estão nas vossas casas, e para que comam vossos meninos.
25 And they said you have preserved alive us may we find favor in [the] eyes of lord my and we will be slaves of Pharaoh.
E disseram: A vida nos tens dado; achemos graça nos olhos de meu senhor, e seremos servos de Pharaó.
26 And he established it Joseph to a statute until the day this on [the] land of Egypt [belongs] to Pharaoh to the fifth part only [the] land of the priests to alone them not it belonged to Pharaoh.
José pois poz isto por estatuto até ao dia de hoje, sobre a terra do Egypto, que Pharaó tirasse o quinto: só a terra dos sacerdotes não ficou sendo de Pharaó.
27 And he dwelt Israel in [the] land of Egypt in [the] land of Goshen and they had possessions in it and they were fruitful and they multiplied exceedingly.
Assim habitou Israel na terra do Egypto, na terra de Gosen, e n'ella tomaram possessão, e fructificaram, e multiplicaram-se muito.
28 And he lived Jacob in [the] land of Egypt seven-teen year[s] and it was [the] days of Jacob [the] years of life his seven years and forty and one hundred year[s].
E Jacob viveu na terra do Egypto dezesete annos: de sorte que os dias de Jacob, os annos da sua vida, foram cento e quarenta e sete annos.
29 And they drew near [the] days of Israel to die and he summoned - son his Joseph and he said to him if please I have found favor in view your put please hand your under thigh my and you will do with me loyalty and faithfulness may not please you bury me in Egypt.
Chegando-se pois o tempo da morte d'Israel, chamou a José seu filho, e disse-lhe: Se agora tenho achado graça em teus olhos, rogo-te que ponhas a tua mão debaixo da minha côxa, e usa commigo de beneficencia e verdade; rogo-te que me não enterres no Egypto.
30 And I will lie down with ancestors my and you will carry me from Egypt and you will bury me in grave their and he said I I will do according to word your.
Mas que eu jaza com os meus paes; por isso me levarás do Egypto, e me sepultarás na sepultura d'elles. E elle disse: Farei conforme a tua palavra.
31 And he said swear an oath! to me and he swore an oath to him and he bowed down Israel on [the] head of the bed.
E disse elle: Jura-me. E elle jurou-lhe; e Israel inclinou-se sobre a cabeceira da cama.

< Genesis 47 >