< Genesis 45 >
1 And not he was able Joseph to restrain himself to all those standing with him and he called out send out every man from with me and not he stood anyone with him when made himself known Joseph to brothers his.
Da kunde Josef ikke længer beherske sig over for alle dem der stod hos ham, og han raabte »Lad alle gaa ud!« Saaledes var der ingen til Stede, da Josef gav sig til Kende for sine Brødre.
2 And he gave voice his in weeping and they heard Egypt and it heard [the] household of Pharaoh.
Saa brast han i lydelig Graad, saa Ægypterne hørte det, og det spurgtes i Faraos Hus;
3 And he said Joseph to brothers his I [am] Joseph ¿ still [is] father my living and not they were able brothers his to answer him for they were terrified of him.
og Josef sagde til sine Brødre: »Jeg er Josef! Lever min Fader endnu?« Men hans Brødre kunde ikke svare ham, saa forfærdede var de for ham.
4 And he said Joseph to brothers his draw near please to me and they drew near and he said I [am] Joseph brother your whom you sold me Egypt towards.
Saa sagde Josef til sine Brødre: »Kom hen til mig!« Og da de kom derhen, sagde Josef: »Jeg er eders Broder Josef, som I solgte til Ægypten;
5 And now - may not you be grieved and may not it burn in view your that you sold me hither for for preservation of life he sent me God before you.
men I skal ikke græmme eder eller være forknytte, fordi I solgte mig herhen, thi Gud har sendt mig forud for eder for at opholde Liv;
6 For this two years the famine [has been] in [the] midst of the land and still five years when there not [will be] plowing and harvest.
i to Aar har der nu været Hungersnød i Landet, og fem Aar endnu skal der hverken pløjes eller høstes;
7 And he sent me God before you to make for you a remnant on the earth and to preserve alive for you a deliverance great.
derfor sendte Gud mig forud for eder, for at I kan faa Efterkommere paa Jorden, og for at mange hos eder kan reddes og holdes i Live.
8 And therefore not you you sent me hither for God and he has appointed me to a father of Pharaoh and to lord of all household his and ruler over all [the] land of Egypt.
Og nu, ikke I, men Gud har sendt mig hid, og han har gjort mig til Fader hos Farao og til Herre over hele hans Hus og til Hersker over hele Ægypten.
9 Hurry and go up to father my and you will say to him thus he says son your Joseph he has appointed me God to lord of all Egypt come down! to me may not you delay.
Skynd jer nu hjem til min Fader og sig til ham: Din Søn Josef lader sige: Gud har sat mig til Hersker over hele Ægypten; kom uden Tøven ned til mig
10 And you will dwell in [the] land of Goshen and you will be near to me you and children your and [the] children of children your and sheep your and cattle your and all that [belongs] to you.
og tag Bolig i Gosens Land og bo i min Nærhed med dine Sønner og Sønnesønner, dit Smaakvæg og Hornkvæg og alt, hvad du ejer og har;
11 And I will provide for you there for still [will be] five years famine lest you should become impoverished you and household your and all that [belongs] to you.
der vil jeg sørge for dit Underhold — thi Hungersnøden vil vare fem Aar endnu — for at ikke du, dit Hus eller nogen, der hører dig til, skal gaa til Grunde!
12 And there! eyes your [are] seeing and [the] eyes of brother my Benjamin that mouth my [is] the [one which] speaks to you.
Nu ser I, ogsaa min Broder Benjamin, med egne Øjne, at det er mig, der taler til eder;
13 And you will tell to father my all honor my in Egypt and all that you saw and you will hurry and you will bring down father my hither.
og I skal fortælle min Fader om al min Herlighed i Ægypten og om alt, hvad I har set, og saa skal I skynde eder at bringe min Fader herned.«
14 And he fell on [the] neck of Benjamin brother his and he wept and Benjamin he wept on neck his.
Saa faldt han grædende sin Broder Benjamin om Halsen, og Benjamin græd i hans Arme.
15 And he kissed all brothers his and he wept over them and after thus they spoke brothers his with him.
Og han kyssede alle sine Brødre og græd ved deres Bryst; og nu kunde hans Brødre tale med ham.
16 And the sound it was heard [the] house of Pharaoh saying they have come [the] brothers of Joseph and it was good in [the] eyes of Pharaoh and in [the] eyes of servants his.
Men det spurgtes i Faraos Hus, at Josefs Brødre var kommet, og Farao og hans Tjenere glædede sig derover:
17 And he said Pharaoh to Joseph say to brothers your this do load animal[s] your and go go [the] land of towards Canaan.
og Farao sagde til Josef: »Sig til dine Brødre: Saaledes skal I gøre: Læs eders Dyr og drag til Kana'ans Land,
18 And fetch father your and households your and come to me so let me give to you [the] good thing[s] of [the] land of Egypt and eat [the] fat of the land.
hent eders Fader og eders Familier og kom hid til mig, saa vil jeg give eder det bedste, der er i Ægypten, og I skal nyde Landets Fedme.
19 And you you are commanded this do take for yourselves from [the] land of Egypt carts for little one[s] your and for wives your and you will carry father your and you will come.
Byd dem at gøre saaledes: Tag eder Vogne i Ægypten til eders Børn og Kvinder, sæt eders Fader op og kom hid;
20 And eye your may not it look with regret on things your for [the] good thing[s] of all [the] land of Egypt [will belong] to you it.
bryd eder ikke om eders Ejendele, thi det bedste, der er i hele Ægypten, skal være eders!«
21 And they did thus [the] sons of Israel and he gave to them Joseph carts on [the] mouth of Pharaoh and he gave to them provision[s] for the journey.
Det gjorde Israels Sønner saa. Og efter Faraos Bud gav Josef dem Vogne og Rejsekost med;
22 To all of them he gave to each changes of clothes and to Benjamin he gave three of hundred silver and five changes of clothes.
hver især gav han dem et Sæt Festklæder, men Benjamin gav han 300 Sekel Sølv og fem Sæt Festklæder;
23 And to father his he sent according to this ten donkeys carrying some of [the] good thing[s] of Egypt and ten female donkeys carrying grain and food and food for father his for the journey.
og sin Fader sendte han ti Æsler med det bedste, der var i Ægypten og ti Aseninder med Korn, Brød og Rejsetæring til Faderen.
24 And he sent off brothers his and they went and he said to them may not you stir up on the way.
Saa tog han Afsked med sine Brødre, og da de drog bort, sagde han til dem: »Kives ikke paa Vejen!«
25 And they went up from Egypt and they came [the] land of Canaan to Jacob father their.
Saaledes drog de hjem fra Ægypten og kom til deres Fader Jakob i Kana'ans Land;
26 And they told to him saying still Joseph [is] alive and that he [is] ruling over all [the] land of Egypt and it grew numb heart his for not he believed them.
og de fortalte ham det og sagde: »Josef lever endnu, og han er Hersker over hele Ægypten.« Men hans Hjerte blev koldt, thi han troede dem ikke.
27 And they spoke to him all [the] words of Joseph which he had spoken to them and he saw the carts which he had sent Joseph to carry him and it lived [the] spirit of Jacob father their.
Saa fortalte de ham alt, hvad Josef havde sagt til dem; og da han saa Vognene, som Josef havde sendt for at hente ham, oplivedes deres Fader Jakobs Aand atter;
28 And he said Israel enough still Joseph son my [is] alive I will go so I may see him before I will die.
og Israel sagde: »Det er stort, min Søn Josef lever endnu; jeg vil drage hen og se ham, inden jeg dør!«