< Genesis 39 >

1 And Joseph he had been brought down Egypt towards and he bought him Potiphar [the] official of Pharaoh [the] commander of the bodyguards a man an Egyptian from [the] hand of the Ishmaelites who they had brought down him there towards.
Zvino Josefa akanga atorwa akaendeswa kuIjipiti. Potifa muIjipita uyo akanga ari mumwe wamachinda aFaro ari mukuru wavarindi, akamutenga kuvaIshumaeri avo vakanga vamuendesa ikoko.
2 And he was Yahweh with Joseph and he was a man successful and he was in [the] house of master his the Egyptian.
Jehovha akanga ana Josefa uye akaita kuti abudirire, uye aigara mumba momuIjipita, tenzi wake.
3 And he saw master his that Yahweh [was] with him and all that he [was] doing Yahweh [was] making successful in hand his.
Tenzi wake akati achiona kuti Jehovha akanga anaye uye kuti Jehovha akamuita kuti abudirire muzvinhu zvose zvaakanga achiita,
4 And he found Joseph favor in view his and he served him and he appointed him over household his and all [that] there [belonged] to him he gave in hand his.
Josefa akawana nyasha pamberi pake uye akava mubatiri wake. Potifa akamuita kuti ave mutariri weimba yake, uye akamuita muchengeti wezvinhu zvose zvakanga zviri zvake.
5 And it was from then he appointed him in household his and over all that there [belonged] to him and he blessed Yahweh [the] household of the Egyptian on account of Joseph and it was [the] blessing of Yahweh on all that there [belonged] to him in the house and in the field.
Kubvira panguva yaakamuisa kuti ave mutariri weimba yake nowezvinhu zvose zvaaiva nazvo, Jehovha akaropafadza imba yomuIjipita nokuda kwaJosefa. Maropafadzo aJehovha akanga ari pamusoro pezvinhu zvose zvakanga zviri zvaPotifa, zvose mumba nomumunda.
6 And he left all that [belonged] to him in [the] hand of Joseph and not he knew with him anything that except the food which he [was] eating and he was Joseph handsome of form and handsome of appearance.
Saka akaisa mumaoko aJosefa zvinhu zvose zvaakanga anazvo; Josefa ari mutariri, iye haana kumbova nehanya nezvimwe zvinhu kunze kwezvokudya zvaaidya bedzi. Zvino Josefa akanga akanyatsoumbwa, akanaka,
7 And it was after the things these and she lifted up [the] wife of master his eyes her to Joseph and she said lie! with me.
uye shure kwechinguva mukadzi watenzi wake akatarira Josefa ndokubva ati kwaari, “Uya uzovata neni!”
8 And he refused - and he said to [the] wife of master his here! lord my not he knows with me what? [is] in the house and all that there [belongs] to him he has given in hand my.
Asi akaramba. Akati kwaari, “Ini somutariri, tenzi wangu haana kuva nehanya nezvinhu zvose zviri mumba make; zvose zvaanazvo, akazviisa mumaoko angu.
9 Not [is] he great in the household this more than me and not he has withheld from me anything that except you in that you [are] wife his and how? will I do the evil great this and I will sin to God.
Hamuna munhu mukuru muno mumba kupfuura ini. Tenzi wangu havana kundinyima kana chinhu chimwe zvacho kunze kwenyu, nokuti imi muri mukadzi wavo. Zvino ndingaitirei chinhu chakaipa kudai uye ndichitadzira Mwari?”
10 And it was when spoke she to Joseph day - day and not he listened to her to lie beside her to be with her.
Uye kunyange zvake aitaura naJosefa zuva nezuva, iye akaramba kuenda panhoo naye, kana kutombova naye.
11 And it was when the day this and he went the house towards to do work his and not anyone from [the] men of the house [was] there in the house.
Rimwe zuva akapinda mumba kuti andoita mabasa ake, uye kwakanga kusina mumwe wavashandi vomumba aivamo.
12 And she seized him by clothing his saying lie! with me and he left clothing his in hand her and he fled and he went out the outside towards.
Akamubata nejasi rake uye akati, “Uya kumubhedha uzovata neni!” Asi akasiya jasi rake muruoko rwake akamhanya ndokubuda kunze kwemba.
13 And it was when saw she that he had left clothing his in hand her and he had fled the outside towards.
Akati aona kuti asiya jasi rake muruoko rwake uye kuti akanga abuda kunze kwemba,
14 And she called out to [the] men of household her and she said to them saying see he has brought to us a man a Hebrew to mock us he came to me to lie with me and I called out with a voice great.
akadanidzira kuvashandi, akati, “Tarirai, muHebheru uyu akauyiswa kwatiri kuti azotidadira! Apinda muno kuti azovata neni, asi ndaridza mhere.
15 And it was when heard he that I raised voice my and I called out and he left clothing his beside me and he fled and he went out the outside towards.
Paanzwa ndoridza mhere kuti ndibatsirwe, abva asiya jasi rake pandiri ndokutizira kunze kwemba.”
16 And she placed clothing his beside her until came master his to house his.
Akachengeta jasi rake parutivi pake kusvikira tenzi wake auya kumba.
17 And she spoke to him according to the words these saying he came to me the servant the Hebrew whom you brought to us to mock me.
Ipapo akamutaurira nyaya iyi akati, “Uya muranda wechiHebheru wamakauyisa kwatiri akauya kwandiri kuti azondidadira.
18 And it was when raised I voice my and I called out and he left clothing his beside me and he fled the outside towards.
Asi pandangoridza mhere kuti ndibatsirwe, akabva asiya jasi rake pandiri ndokutizira kunze kwemba.”
19 And it was when heard master his [the] words of wife his which she spoke to him saying according to the things these he did to me servant your and it burned anger his.
Tenzi wake akati anzwa nyaya yaakaudzwa nomukadzi wake achiti, “Izvi ndizvo zvandakaitirwa nomuranda wako,” akavira nehasha.
20 And he took [the] master of Joseph him and he put him into [the] house of the prison [the] place where ([the] prisoners of *Q(K)*) the king [were] imprisoned and he was there in [the] house of the prison.
Tenzi waJosefa akamutora akamuisa mutorongo, nzvimbo yaichengeterwa vasungwa vamambo; saka akava mutorongo.
21 And he was Yahweh with Joseph and he extended to him covenant loyalty and he gave favor his in [the] eyes of [the] commander of [the] house of the prison.
Jehovha akava naJosefa; akamunzwira tsitsi akamuitira nyasha pamberi pomutariri womutorongo.
22 And he gave [the] commander of [the] house of the prison in [the] hand of Joseph all the prisoners who [were] in [the] house of the prison and all that [they were] doing there he he was doing.
Saka mutariri womutorongo akaita kuti Josefa ave mutariri wavose vaiva vakabatwa mutorongo, uye ndiye aiona nezvose zvaiitwa imomo.
23 Not - [the] commander of [the] house of the prison [was] seeing all anything in hand his in that Yahweh [was] with him and [that] which he [was] doing Yahweh [was] making successful.
Mutariri wetorongo akanga asina hanya nechinhu chipi zvacho chaiva pasi paJosefa, nokuti Jehovha akanga ana Josefa uye akaita kuti abudirire pane zvose zvaaiita.

< Genesis 39 >