< Genesis 35 >

1 And he said God to Jacob arise go up Beth-el and dwell there and make there an altar to the God who appeared to you when fleeing you from before Esau brother your.
Potom mluvil Bůh k Jákobovi: Vstana, vstup do Bethel, a bydli tam; a udělej tam oltář Bohu silnému, kterýž se ukázal tobě, kdyžs utíkal před Ezau bratrem svým.
2 And he said Jacob to household his and to all who [were] with him remove [the] gods of foreignness which in midst of you and purify yourselves and change clothes your.
Tedy řekl Jákob čeládce své, a všechněm, kteříž s ním byli: Odvrzte bohy cizí, kteréž máte mezi sebou, a očisťte se, a změňte roucha svá.
3 So let us arise and we may go up Beth-el so I may make there an altar to the God who answered me on [the] day of distress my and he has been with me on the journey which I have gone.
A vstanouce, vstupme do Bethel, a udělám tam oltář silnému Bohu, kterýž vyslyšel mne v den ssoužení mého, a byl se mnou na cestě, kterouž jsem šel.
4 And they gave to Jacob all [the] gods of foreignness which [were] in hand their and the rings which [were] in ears their and he hid them Jacob under the oak which [was] near Shechem.
Tedy dali Jákobovi všecky bohy cizí, kteréž měli, i náušnice, kteréž byly na uších jejich; i zakopal je Jákob pod tím dubem, kterýž byl u Sichem.
5 And they set out and it was - [the] terror of God on the cities which [were] around them and not people pursued after [the] sons of Jacob.
I brali se odtud. (A byl strach Boží na městech, kteráž byla vůkol nich, a nehonili synů Jákobových.)
6 And he came Jacob Luz towards which [is] in [the] land of Canaan that [is] Beth-el he and all the people which [was] with him.
Tedy přišel Jákob do Lůz, kteréž jest v zemi Kananejské, (to již slove Bethel, ) on i všecken lid, kterýž byl s ním.
7 And he built there an altar and he called the place El Beth-el for there they had revealed themselves to him God when fled he from before brother his.
I vzdělal tu oltář, a nazval to místo Bůh silný Bethel; nebo tu se mu byl zjevil Bůh, když utíkal před bratrem svým.
8 And she died Deborah [the] suckling-nurse of Rebekah and she was buried from under to Beth-el under the oak and someone called name its Allon Bacuth.
Tehdy umřela Debora, chovačka Rebeky, a pochována jest pod Bethel, pod dubem; i nazval jméno jeho Allon Bachuth.
9 And he appeared God to Jacob again when came he from Paddan Aram and he blessed him.
Ukázal se pak opět Bůh Jákobovi, když se navracoval z Pádan Syrské, a požehnal mu.
10 And he said to him God name your [is] Jacob not it will be called (name your *LBH(a)*) again Jacob that except Israel it will be name your and he called name his Israel.
I řekl jemu Bůh: Jméno tvé jest Jákob. Nebude více nazýváno jméno tvé toliko Jákob, ale Izrael také bude jméno tvé. Protož nazval jméno jeho Izrael.
11 And he said to him God I [am] God Almighty be fruitful and multiply a nation and a company of nations it will be from you and kings from loins your they will come out.
Řekl ještě Bůh jemu: Já jsem Bůh silný všemohoucí; rostiž a množ se; národ, nýbrž množství národů bude z tebe, i králové z bedr tvých vyjdou.
12 And the land which I gave to Abraham and to Isaac to you I will give it and to offspring your after you I will give the land.
A zemi tu, kterouž jsem dal Abrahamovi a Izákovi, tobě ji dám; semeni také tvému po tobě dám tu zemi.
13 And he went up from with him God at the place where he had spoken with him.
I vstoupil od něho Bůh z místa, na kterémž mluvil s ním.
14 And he set up Jacob a pillar at the place where he had spoken with him a pillar of stone and he poured out on it a drink offering and he poured on it oil.
Jákob pak vyzdvihl znamení pamětné na místě tom, na kterémž mluvil s ním, sloup kamenný; a pokropil ho skropením, a svrchu polil jej olejem.
15 And he called Jacob [the] name of the place where he had spoken with him there God Beth-el.
A nazval Jákob jméno místa toho, na kterémž mluvil s ním Bůh, Bethel.
16 And they set out from Beth-el and it was yet [the] distance of the land to go Ephrathah and she gave birth Rachel and she had difficulties when gave birth she.
I brali se z Bethel, a bylo již nedaleko do Efraty. I porodila Ráchel, a těžkosti trpěla roděci.
17 And it was when had difficulties she when gave birth she and she said to her the midwife may not you be afraid for also this [one] for you [is] a son.
A když s těžkostí rodila, řekla jí baba: Neboj se, nebo také tohoto syna míti budeš.
18 And it was when went out life her for she died and she called name his Ben-Oni and father his he called him Benjamin.
I stalo se, když k smrti pracovala, (nebo umřela, ) nazvala jméno jeho Ben Oni; ale otec jeho nazval ho Beniaminem.
19 And she died Rachel and she was buried on [the] way of Ephrathah that [is] Beth-lehem.
I umřela Ráchel, a pochována jest na cestě k Efratě, jenž jest Betlém.
20 And he set up Jacob a pillar over grave her it [is] [the] pillar of [the] grave of Rachel until this day.
A postavil Jákob znamení pamětné nad hrobem jejím; toť jest znamení hrobu Ráchel až do dnešního dne.
21 And he set out Israel and he pitched (tent his *Q(K)*) from beyond Migdal Eder.
I odebral se odtud Izrael, a rozbil stan svůj za věží Eder.
22 And it was when dwelt Israel in the land that and he went Reuben (and he lay with *L(p)*) (Bilhah *L(p)*) [the] concubine of (father of his *L(p)*) and he heard (Israel. *L(p)*) And they were [the] sons of Jacob two [plus] ten.
Stalo se pak také, když bydlil Izrael v té krajině, že Ruben šel, a spal s Bálou, ženinou otce svého; o čemž uslyšel Izrael. Bylo pak synů Jákobových dvanácte.
23 [the] sons of Leah [the] firstborn of Jacob Reuben and Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Zebulun.
Synové pak Líe: Prvorozený Jákobův Ruben, potom Simeon, a Léví, a Juda, a Izachar, a Zabulon.
24 [the] sons of Rachel Joseph and Benjamin.
Synové Ráchel: Jozef a Beniamin.
25 And [the] sons of Bilhah [the] maidservant of Rachel Dan and Naphtali.
A synové Bály, děvky Ráchel: Dan a Neftalím.
26 And [the] sons of Zilpah [the] maidservant of Leah Gad and Asher these [were] [the] sons of Jacob who it was born to him in Paddan Aram.
A synové Zelfy, děvky Líe: Gád a Asser. Tiť jsou synové Jákobovi, kteříž mu zrozeni jsou v Pádan Syrské.
27 And he came Jacob to Isaac father his Mamre Kiriath Arba that [is] Hebron where he had sojourned there Abraham and Isaac.
Tedy přišel Jákob k Izákovi otci svému do Mamre, do města Arbe, jenž jest Hebron, kdežto bydlil pohostinu Abraham a Izák.
28 And they were [the] days of Isaac one hundred year[s] and eighty year[s].
A bylo dnů Izákových sto osmdesáte let.
29 And he expired Isaac and he died and he was gathered to people his an old [man] and satisfied of days and they buried him Esau and Jacob sons his.
I dokonal Izák, a umřel, a připojen jest k lidu svému, stár jsa a plný dnů; i pochovali ho Ezau a Jákob, synové jeho.

< Genesis 35 >