< Genesis 35 >

1 And he said God to Jacob arise go up Beth-el and dwell there and make there an altar to the God who appeared to you when fleeing you from before Esau brother your.
Bog reče Jakovu: “Ustani, idi gore u Betel te ondje ostani! Načini ondje žrtvenik Bogu koji ti se objavio kad si bježao od svoga brata Ezava!”
2 And he said Jacob to household his and to all who [were] with him remove [the] gods of foreignness which in midst of you and purify yourselves and change clothes your.
I Jakov reče svojoj obitelji i svima koji bijahu s njime: “Odbacite tuđe kumire koji se nalaze u vašoj sredini; očistite se i preobucite.
3 So let us arise and we may go up Beth-el so I may make there an altar to the God who answered me on [the] day of distress my and he has been with me on the journey which I have gone.
Idemo gore u Betel; ondje ću načiniti žrtvenik Bogu, koji me uslišao kad sam bio u nevolji i sa mnom bio na putu kojim sam hodio.”
4 And they gave to Jacob all [the] gods of foreignness which [were] in hand their and the rings which [were] in ears their and he hid them Jacob under the oak which [was] near Shechem.
Oni predaju Jakovu sve tuđe kumire što su ih imali i naušnice što su bile o njihovim ušima, pa ih Jakov zakopa pod hrast kod Šekema.
5 And they set out and it was - [the] terror of God on the cities which [were] around them and not people pursued after [the] sons of Jacob.
Kad su se zaputili, strah od Boga spopadne okolišna mjesta, tako da nisu išli u potjeru za Jakovljevim sinovima.
6 And he came Jacob Luz towards which [is] in [the] land of Canaan that [is] Beth-el he and all the people which [was] with him.
Jakov stigne u Luz, to jest Betel, u zemlji kanaanskoj, i sav puk što je bio s njim.
7 And he built there an altar and he called the place El Beth-el for there they had revealed themselves to him God when fled he from before brother his.
Ondje sagradi žrtvenik i mjesto nazva El Betel, jer mu se ondje Bog objavio kad on bježaše pred svojim bratom Ezavom.
8 And she died Deborah [the] suckling-nurse of Rebekah and she was buried from under to Beth-el under the oak and someone called name its Allon Bacuth.
Tada umre Rebekina dojilja Debora te je sahraniše pod Betelom, pod hrastom, koji se otad zove “Tužni hrast”.
9 And he appeared God to Jacob again when came he from Paddan Aram and he blessed him.
Bog se opet objavi Jakovu kad je stigao iz Padan Arama, te ga blagoslovi.
10 And he said to him God name your [is] Jacob not it will be called (name your *LBH(a)*) again Jacob that except Israel it will be name your and he called name his Israel.
Bog mu reče: “Ime ti je Jakov, ali se odsad nećeš zvati Jakov nego će Izrael biti tvoje ime.” Tako ga prozva Izraelom.
11 And he said to him God I [am] God Almighty be fruitful and multiply a nation and a company of nations it will be from you and kings from loins your they will come out.
Onda mu Bog reče: “Ja sam El Šadaj - Bog Svesilni! Budi rodan i množi se! Od tebe poteći će narod, mnoštvo naroda, i kraljevi iz tvog će izaći krila.
12 And the land which I gave to Abraham and to Isaac to you I will give it and to offspring your after you I will give the land.
Zemlju što je dadoh Abrahamu i Izaku tebi predajem; i potomstvu tvojem poslije tebe zemlju ću ovu dati.”
13 And he went up from with him God at the place where he had spoken with him.
A onda Bog ode od njega gore.
14 And he set up Jacob a pillar at the place where he had spoken with him a pillar of stone and he poured out on it a drink offering and he poured on it oil.
Na mjestu gdje je Bog s njim govorio Jakov uspravi stup, stup od kamena; na njemu prinese žrtvu i izli ulja.
15 And he called Jacob [the] name of the place where he had spoken with him there God Beth-el.
A mjesto gdje mu je Bog govorio Jakov nazva Betel.
16 And they set out from Beth-el and it was yet [the] distance of the land to go Ephrathah and she gave birth Rachel and she had difficulties when gave birth she.
Potom odu iz Betela. Još bijaše malo puta do Efrate, a Rahela se nađe pri porođaju. Napali je teški trudovi.
17 And it was when had difficulties she when gave birth she and she said to her the midwife may not you be afraid for also this [one] for you [is] a son.
Kad su joj porođajni bolovi bili najteži, reče joj babica: “Ne boj se jer ti je i ovo sin!”
18 And it was when went out life her for she died and she called name his Ben-Oni and father his he called him Benjamin.
Kad se rastavljala s dušom - jer umiraše Rahela - nadjenu sinu ime Ben Oni; ali ga otac prozva Benjamin.
19 And she died Rachel and she was buried on [the] way of Ephrathah that [is] Beth-lehem.
Tako umrije Rahela. Sahrane je na putu u Efratu, to jest Betlehem.
20 And he set up Jacob a pillar over grave her it [is] [the] pillar of [the] grave of Rachel until this day.
A na njezinu grobu Jakov podigne spomenik - onaj što je na Rahelinu grobu do danas.
21 And he set out Israel and he pitched (tent his *Q(K)*) from beyond Migdal Eder.
Izrael krenu dalje te razape svoj šator s onu stranu Migdal-Edera.
22 And it was when dwelt Israel in the land that and he went Reuben (and he lay with *L(p)*) (Bilhah *L(p)*) [the] concubine of (father of his *L(p)*) and he heard (Israel. *L(p)*) And they were [the] sons of Jacob two [plus] ten.
Dok je Izrael boravio u onom kraju, ode Ruben i legne s Bilhom, priležnicom svoga oca. Sazna za to Izrael. Izrael je imao dvanaest sinova.
23 [the] sons of Leah [the] firstborn of Jacob Reuben and Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Zebulun.
S Leom: Rubena, koji je Jakovljev prvorođenac, Šimuna, Levija, Judu, Jisakara i Zebuluna;
24 [the] sons of Rachel Joseph and Benjamin.
s Rahelom: Josipa i Benjamina;
25 And [the] sons of Bilhah [the] maidservant of Rachel Dan and Naphtali.
s Bilhom, Rahelinom sluškinjom: Dana i Naftalija;
26 And [the] sons of Zilpah [the] maidservant of Leah Gad and Asher these [were] [the] sons of Jacob who it was born to him in Paddan Aram.
sa Zilpom, sluškinjom Leinom: Gada i Ašera. To su Jakovljevi sinovi što su mu se rodili u Padan Aramu.
27 And he came Jacob to Isaac father his Mamre Kiriath Arba that [is] Hebron where he had sojourned there Abraham and Isaac.
Jakov dođe k svome ocu Izaku u Mamru u Kirjat Arbu, to je Hebron - gdje su boravili Abraham i Izak kao pridošlice.
28 And they were [the] days of Isaac one hundred year[s] and eighty year[s].
Kad je Izaku bilo sto i osamdeset godina, umrije.
29 And he expired Isaac and he died and he was gathered to people his an old [man] and satisfied of days and they buried him Esau and Jacob sons his.
Izak izdahne i umre, starac i godinama zasićen, te bude pridružen svojim precima. Sahrane ga njegovi sinovi, Ezav i Jakov.

< Genesis 35 >