< Genesis 33 >

1 And he lifted up Jacob eyes his and he saw and there! Esau [was] coming and [were] with him four hundred man and he divided the children with Leah and with Rachel and with [the] two the maidservants.
Yakub melihat Esau datang dengan empat ratus orangnya. Karena itu dibaginya anak-anaknya di antara Lea, Rahel dan kedua selirnya.
2 And he put the maidservants and children their first and Leah and children her behind and Rachel and Joseph behind.
Ia menempatkan kedua selirnya bersama anak-anak mereka di depan, kemudian Lea bersama anak-anaknya, lalu Rahel dan Yusuf di belakang sekali.
3 And he he passed on before them and he bowed down [the] ground towards seven times until drew near he to brother his.
Yakub berjalan di depan mereka semua, dan sambil mendekati abangnya, ia sujud sampai tujuh kali.
4 And he ran Esau to meet him and he embraced him and he fell on (neck his *Q(k)*) and he kissed him and they wept.
Tetapi Esau berlari mendapatkan Yakub, lalu memeluknya dan menciumnya. Dan kedua orang itu bertangis-tangisan.
5 And he lifted up eyes his and he saw the women and the children and he said who? [are] these to you and he said the children whom he has shown favor to God servant your.
Ketika Esau melihat semua wanita dan anak-anak itu, ia bertanya, "Siapa mereka yang ada bersamamu ini?" "Mereka anak-anak saya," jawab Yakub, "Allah telah mengaruniakan anak-anak itu kepada saya."
6 And they approached the maidservants they and children their and they bowed down.
Setelah itu para selir maju dengan anak-anak mereka, lalu sujud.
7 And she approached also Leah and children her and they bowed down and after he approached Joseph and Rachel and they bowed down.
Kemudian datanglah Lea beserta anak-anaknya, dan yang terakhir Yusuf dan Rahel mendekat lalu mereka semua sujud.
8 And he said who? to you [is] all the camp this which I have met and he said to find favor in [the] eyes of lord my.
Esau bertanya, "Apa maksudmu dengan rombongan-rombongan yang saya jumpai tadi?" Yakub menjawab, "Untuk menyenangkan hati Abang."
9 And he said Esau there [belongs] to me much O brother my let it be[long] to you [that] which [belongs] to you.
Tetapi Esau berkata, "Sudah cukup harta saya, tak perlu kau memberi hadiah kepada saya."
10 And he said Jacob may not [it be] please if please I have found favor in view your and you will accept gift my from hand my for since I have seen face your like seeing [the] face of God and you have accepted favorably me.
Kata Yakub, "Jangan! Jika saya telah menyenangkan hati Abang, terimalah persembahan saya ini. Bagiku, melihat wajah Abang sama dengan melihat wajah Allah, karena Abang begitu ramah kepada saya.
11 Take please blessing my which it was brought to you for he has shown favor to me God and that there [belongs] to me everything and he urged him and he took [it].
Saya mohon, terimalah persembahan yang telah saya bawa ini. Allah telah baik hati kepada saya dan memberikan segala sesuatu yang saya perlukan." Yakub terus mendesak sampai akhirnya Esau menerima pemberiannya itu.
12 And he said let us set out and let us go and I will go to before you.
Lalu Esau berkata, "Marilah kita bersiap-siap untuk berangkat, saya akan berjalan mendahuluimu."
13 And he said to him lord my [is] knowing that the children [are] weak and the sheep and the cattle [are] nursing with me and people will drive hard them a day one and they will die all the flock.
Yakub menjawab, "Abang tahu bahwa anak-anak ini lemah, dan saya harus hati-hati dengan semua ternak yang sedang menyusui. Jika digiring cepat-cepat, walaupun hanya satu hari saja, maka seluruh kawanan binatang itu akan mati.
14 Let him pass on please lord my before servant his and I (I will journey on *LBH(a)*) to gentleness my to [the] foot of the property which [is] before me and to [the] foot of the children until that I will come to lord my Seir towards.
Berjalanlah lebih dahulu, saya ikut dengan perlahan-lahan. Saya akan berjalan secepat mungkin dengan ternak dan anak-anakku ini sampai dapat menyusul Abang di Edom."
15 And he said Esau let me place please with you some of the people which [is] with me and he said why? this let me find favor in [the] eyes of lord my.
Kata Esau, "Kalau begitu, baiklah saya tinggalkan padamu beberapa anak buah saya." Tetapi Yakub menjawab, "Tak usahlah bersusah-susah, saya hanya ingin menyenangkan hati Abang."
16 And he returned on the day that Esau to way his Seir towards.
Demikianlah pada hari itu Esau berangkat kembali ke Edom.
17 And Jacob he set out Succoth towards and he built for himself a house and for livestock his he made shelters there-fore he called [the] name of the place Succoth.
Tetapi Yakub pergi ke Sukot, lalu mendirikan rumah bagi dirinya dan tempat berteduh bagi ternaknya. Itulah sebabnya tempat itu dinamakan Sukot.
18 And he came Jacob safe [the] city of Shechem which [is] in [the] land of Canaan when came he from Paddan Aram and he camped with [the] face of the city.
Dalam perjalanan dari Mesopotamia, sampailah Yakub dengan selamat di kota Sikhem di negeri Kanaan, lalu memasang kemahnya di sebuah padang dekat kota.
19 And he bought [the] portion of the field where he had pitched there tent his from [the] hand of [the] sons of Hamor [the] father of Shechem for a hundred piece[s] of money.
Padang tempat perkemahannya itu dibelinya dari orang keturunan Hemor, ayah Sikhem, dengan harga seratus uang perak.
20 And he set up there an altar and he called it El Elohe Israel.
Kemudian ia mendirikan mezbah di situ dan menamakannya "El, Allah Israel".

< Genesis 33 >