< Genesis 3 >
1 And the snake was shrewd more than every animal of the field which he had made Yahweh God and he said to the woman indeed? that did he say God not you must eat from any tree of the garden.
Zvino nyoka yakanga ina manomano kupfuura mhuka dzose dzakasikwa naJehovha Mwari. Yakati kumukadzi, “Ko, chaizvoizvo Mwari akati, ‘Hamufaniri kudya muti upi zvawo uri mubindu here’?”
2 And she said the woman to the snake from [the] fruit of [the] tree[s] of the garden we will eat.
Mukadzi akati kunyoka, “Tingadya hedu michero inobva mumiti iri mubindu,
3 And from [the] fruit of the tree which [is] in [the] middle of the garden he said God not you must eat from it and not you will touch it lest you should die!
asi Mwari akati, ‘Hamufaniri kudya muchero unobva pamuti uri pakati pebindu, uye musaubata kuti murege kufa.’”
4 And he said the snake to the woman not certainly you will die!
Nyoka yakati kumukadzi, “Hamungafi zvirokwazvo.
5 For [is] knowing God that on [the] day eat you from it and they will be opened eyes your and you will be like God [those who] know good and evil.
Nokuti Mwari anoziva kuti mukaudya meso enyu achasvinudzwa, uye muchaita saMwari mugoziva zvakanaka nezvakaipa.”
6 And she saw the woman that [was] good the tree for food and that [was] a delight it to the eyes and [it was] desirable the tree to make wise and she took some of fruit its and she ate and she gave [it] also to husband her with her and he ate.
Mukadzi akati aona kuti muchero womuti wakanga wakanaka kuudya uye kuti waifadza meso, uye kuti waidikanwa kuti munhu ave nouchenjeri, akatora mumwe akadya. Akapawo mumwe kumurume wake, uyo akanga anaye, naiye akaudya.
7 And they were opened [the] eyes of both of them and they knew that [were] naked they and they sewed together leafage of a fig tree and they made for themselves loin coverings.
Ipapo meso avo vose vari vaviri akasvinudzwa, uye vakaziva kuti vakanga vasina kusimira; saka vakasonanidza mashizha omuonde pamwe chete ndokuzvigadzirira nguo.
8 And they heard [the] sound of Yahweh God walking about in the garden to [the] wind of the day and he hid himself the man and wife his from before Yahweh God in among [the] tree[s] of the garden.
Ipapo murume nomukadzi wake vakanzwa inzwi raJehovha Mwari paakanga achifamba mubindu kwotonhorera, vakavanda pamberi paJehovha Mwari, pakati pemiti yomubindu.
9 And he called Yahweh God to the man and he said to him where [are]? you.
Asi Jehovha Mwari akadana murume akati, “Uripiko?”
10 And he said sound your I heard in the garden and I was afraid for [was] naked I and I hid myself.
Akapindura akati, “Ndanzwa inzwi renyu mubindu, uye ndatya nokuti ndanga ndisina kusimira; saka ndavanda.”
11 And he said who? did he tell to you that [were] naked you ¿ from the tree which I commanded you to not to eat from it have you eaten.
Uye iye akati, “Ndiani akuudza kuti hauna kusimira? Wadya kanhi muti wandakakurayira kuti urege kudya?”
12 And he said the man the woman whom you put with me she she gave to me from the tree and I ate.
Murume akati, “Mukadzi wamakandipa kuno kuti ave neni, ndiye andipa mumwe muchero womuti, uye ini ndikadya.”
13 And he said Yahweh God to the woman what? this have you done and she said the woman the snake deceived me and I ate.
Ipapo Jehovha Mwari akati kumukadzi, “Chiiko ichi chawaita?” Mukadzi akati, “Nyoka yandinyengera, ndikadya.”
14 And he said Yahweh God - to the snake for you have done this [are] cursed you more than all livestock and more than every animal of the field on belly your you will go and dust you will eat all [the] days of life your.
Saka Jehovha Mwari akati kunyoka, “Nokuti waita izvi, “Watukwa kupfuura zvipfuwo zvose, kupfuura mhuka dzose dzesango! Uchafamba nedumbu rako uye uchadya guruva mazuva ose oupenyu hwako.
15 And enmity - I will put between you and between the woman and between offspring your and between offspring her he he will bruise you head and you you will bruise him heel.
Uye ndichaisa ruvengo pakati pako nomukadzi, uye pakati porudzi rwako nerwomukadzi; achapwanya musoro wako, uye iwe ucharuma chitsitsinho chake.”
16 To the woman he said certainly I will increase pain your and pregnancy your with pain you will bear children and [will be] to husband your desire your and he he will rule over you.
Kumukadzi akati, “Ndichawedzera kwazvo kurwadziwa kwako mukubereka vana; uchabereka vana mukurwadziwa. Kuda kwako kuchava kumurume wako, uye achava nesimba pamusoro pako.”
17 And to Adam he said (for *LA(bh)*) you listened to [the] voice of wife your and you ate from the tree which I commanded you saying not you must eat from it [is] cursed the ground for sake of you in pain you will eat it all [the] days of life your.
Kuna Adhamu akati, “Nokuti wakateerera kumukadzi wako uye ukadya zvakabva pamuti wandakakurayira ndichiti, ‘Haufaniri kuudya,’ “Ivhu ratukwa nokuda kwako; mukushanda kunorwadza, uchadya zvibereko zvaro mazuva ose oupenyu hwako.
18 And thorn[s] and thistle[s] will cause to sprout for you and you will eat [the] vegetation of the field.
Richakuberekera minzwa norukato, uye uchadya miriwo yomusango.
19 By [the] sweat of face your you will eat food until return you to the ground for from it you were taken for [are] dust you and to dust you will return.
Neziya rechiso chako uchadya zvokudya zvako kusvikira wadzokera kuguruva, sezvo wakatorwa kwariri; nokuti uri guruva, kuguruva uchadzokera.”
20 And he called the man [the] name of wife his Eve for she she was [the] mother of every living [person].
Uye Adhamu akatumidza mukadzi wake kuti Evha, nokuti aizova mai vavapenyu vose.
21 And he made Yahweh God for Adam and for wife his garments of skin and he clothed them.
Jehovha Mwari akaitira Adhamu nomukadzi wake nguo dzamatehwe uye akavafukidza.
22 And he said - Yahweh God here! the man he has become like one of us by knowing good and evil and therefore - lest he should stretch out hand his and he will take also from [the] tree of life and he will eat and he will live for ever.
Uye Jehovha Mwari akati, “Munhu ava somumwe wedu, anoziva zvakanaka nezvakaipa. Haafaniri kutenderwa kutambanudza ruoko rwake kuti atorewo zvinobva pamuti woupenyu uye kuti azvidye, akazorarama nokusingaperi.”
23 And he sent out him Yahweh God from [the] garden of Eden to till the ground where he was taken from there.
Saka Jehovha Mwari akamudzinga mubindu reEdheni kuti arime ivhu raakatorwa kwariri.
24 And he drove out the man and he caused to dwell from east of [the] garden of Eden the cherubim and [the] flame of the sword whirling to guard [the] way of [the] tree of life.
Mushure mokunge adzinga munhu, akaisa makerubhi kurutivi rwokumabvazuva kweBindu reEdheni nomunondo unopfuta uye uchivheyeswa mberi neshure kuti urinde nzira inoenda kumuti woupenyu.