< Genesis 3 >

1 And the snake was shrewd more than every animal of the field which he had made Yahweh God and he said to the woman indeed? that did he say God not you must eat from any tree of the garden.
Sèpan se bèt ki te pi rize nan tout bèt raje Seyè a, Bondye a, te kreye. Li di fanm lan konsa. Eske Bondye te janm di piga nou manje donn tout pyebwa ki nan jaden an?
2 And she said the woman to the snake from [the] fruit of [the] tree[s] of the garden we will eat.
Fanm lan reponn sèpan an. Nou gen dwa manje donn tout pyebwa ki nan jaden an.
3 And from [the] fruit of the tree which [is] in [the] middle of the garden he said God not you must eat from it and not you will touch it lest you should die!
Men, kanta pou pyebwa ki nan mitan jaden an, Bondye di. Piga nou manje ladan l', piga nou manyen l' menm. Sinon, n'ap mouri.
4 And he said the snake to the woman not certainly you will die!
Lè sa a, sèpan an di fanm lan. Se pa vre. Nou p'ap mouri kras.
5 For [is] knowing God that on [the] day eat you from it and they will be opened eyes your and you will be like God [those who] know good and evil.
Bondye di nou sa paske li konnen jou nou manje ladan l', je nou va louvri. n'a vin tankou Bondye, n'a konn sa ki byen ak sa ki mal.
6 And she saw the woman that [was] good the tree for food and that [was] a delight it to the eyes and [it was] desirable the tree to make wise and she took some of fruit its and she ate and she gave [it] also to husband her with her and he ate.
Fanm lan gade, li wè jan pyebwa a te bèl, jan fwi yo sanble yo ta bon nan bouch. Li santi li ta manje ladan l' pou je l' ka louvri. Li keyi kèk fwi. Li manje, li pote bay mari l' ki manje tou.
7 And they were opened [the] eyes of both of them and they knew that [were] naked they and they sewed together leafage of a fig tree and they made for themselves loin coverings.
Manje yo fin manje, je yo louvri, lè sa a, yo vin konnen yo toutouni. Yo pran kèk fèy figfrans, yo koud yo ansanm, yo fè tanga mete sou yo.
8 And they heard [the] sound of Yahweh God walking about in the garden to [the] wind of the day and he hid himself the man and wife his from before Yahweh God in among [the] tree[s] of the garden.
Jou sa a, solèy te fèk fin kouche lè nonm lan ak madanm li tande vwa Seyè a, Bondye a, ki t'ap pwonmennen nan jaden an. Y' al kache nan mitan pyebwa ki nan jaden an pou Seyè a, Bondye a, pa wè yo.
9 And he called Yahweh God to the man and he said to him where [are]? you.
Men, Seyè a, Bondye a, rele nonm lan, li di l'. Kote ou ye?
10 And he said sound your I heard in the garden and I was afraid for [was] naked I and I hid myself.
Nonm lan reponn li. Mwen tande vwa ou nan jaden an, mwen pè. M al kache pou ou, paske mwen toutouni.
11 And he said who? did he tell to you that [were] naked you ¿ from the tree which I commanded you to not to eat from it have you eaten.
Seyè a, Bondye a, di l'. Ki moun ki di ou te toutouni? Eske ou te manje fwi pyebwa mwen te di ou pa manje a?
12 And he said the man the woman whom you put with me she she gave to me from the tree and I ate.
Nonm lan reponn. Fanm ou te ban mwen an, se li menm ki ban mwen fwi pyebwa a pou m' manje, epi mwen manje l'.
13 And he said Yahweh God to the woman what? this have you done and she said the woman the snake deceived me and I ate.
Seyè a, Bondye a, mande fanm lan. Poukisa ou fè sa? Fanm lan reponn li. Se pa mwen non! Se sèpan an wi ki pran tèt mwen ki fè m' manje l'.
14 And he said Yahweh God - to the snake for you have done this [are] cursed you more than all livestock and more than every animal of the field on belly your you will go and dust you will eat all [the] days of life your.
Seyè a, Bondye a, di sèpan an konsa. Poutèt sa ou fè a, ou madichonnen nan mitan tout bèt jaden ak tout bèt nan bwa. W'a rale sou vant ou. W'a manje pousyè tè jouk jou ou mouri.
15 And enmity - I will put between you and between the woman and between offspring your and between offspring her he he will bruise you head and you you will bruise him heel.
Ou menm ak fanm lan, m'ap fè nou lènmi yonn ak lòt. Pitit pitit pa l' ak pitit pitit pa ou ap lènmi tou. Pitit pitit li ap kraze tèt ou, epi ou menm w'ap mòde l' nan talon pye l'.
16 To the woman he said certainly I will increase pain your and pregnancy your with pain you will bear children and [will be] to husband your desire your and he he will rule over you.
Li di fanm lan. Lè w'ap fè pitit, m'ap fè soufrans ou vin pi rèd. Wa gen pou soufri anpil lè w'ap akouche. W'ap toujou anvi mari ou. Men, se mari ou ki va chèf ou.
17 And to Adam he said (for *LA(bh)*) you listened to [the] voice of wife your and you ate from the tree which I commanded you saying not you must eat from it [is] cursed the ground for sake of you in pain you will eat it all [the] days of life your.
Apre sa li di Adan. Ou koute pawòl madanm ou, pa vre! Ou manje fwi pyebwa mwen te ba ou lòd pa manje a. Poutèt sa ou fè a, m'ap madichonnen tè a. W'a gen pou travay di toutan pou fè tè a bay sa ou bezwen pou viv.
18 And thorn[s] and thistle[s] will cause to sprout for you and you will eat [the] vegetation of the field.
Tè a va kale tout kalite pikan ak pengwen ba ou. W'a manje fèy ki pouse nan raje.
19 By [the] sweat of face your you will eat food until return you to the ground for from it you were taken for [are] dust you and to dust you will return.
Se swe kouraj ou ki pou fè ou mete yon moso pen nan bouch ou jouk lè wa tounen nan tè kote ou soti a. Paske, se pousyè ou ye, ou gen pou tounen pousyè ankò.
20 And he called the man [the] name of wife his Eve for she she was [the] mother of every living [person].
Adan bay madanm li non, li rele l' Ev, paske se li menm ki manman tout moun k'ap viv sou tè a.
21 And he made Yahweh God for Adam and for wife his garments of skin and he clothed them.
Lè sa a, Seyè a, Bondye a, pran po bèt, li fè rad pou Adan ansanm ak madanm li, li biye yo.
22 And he said - Yahweh God here! the man he has become like one of us by knowing good and evil and therefore - lest he should stretch out hand his and he will take also from [the] tree of life and he will eat and he will live for ever.
Apre sa, Seyè a, Bondye a, di. Koulye a, Adan vin konnen sa ki byen ak sa ki mal tankou yonn nan nou. Nou p'ap kite l' lonje men l' keyi fwi pyebwa ki bay lavi a pou l' manje l', pou l' pa viv pou tout tan.
23 And he sent out him Yahweh God from [the] garden of Eden to till the ground where he was taken from there.
Se konsa, Seyè a, Bondye a, mete Adan deyò nan jaden Edenn lan. Li voye l' al travay tè, menm tè Bondye te pran pou fè l' la.
24 And he drove out the man and he caused to dwell from east of [the] garden of Eden the cherubim and [the] flame of the sword whirling to guard [the] way of [the] tree of life.
Se konsa, li te mete Adan deyò. Sou bò kote solèy leve nan jaden an, li mete kèk zanj cheriben ak yon manchèt klere kou dife nan men yo. Yo t'ap dragonnen nan tout direksyon pou anpeche moun pwoche bò pyebwa ki bay lavi a.

< Genesis 3 >