< Genesis 28 >

1 And he summoned Isaac Jacob and he blessed him and he commanded him and he said to him not you must take a wife from [the] daughters of Canaan.
Kemudian Ishak memanggil Yakub, lalu memberkati dia serta berkata, "Janganlah engkau kawin dengan gadis Kanaan.
2 Arise go Paddan towards Aram [the] house of towards Bethuel [the] father of mother your and take for yourself from there a wife one of [the] daughters of Laban [the] brother of mother your.
Pergilah ke Mesopotamia, kepada keluarga Betuel, kakekmu, dan kawinlah dengan salah seorang anak pamanmu Laban.
3 And God Almighty may he bless you and may he make fruitful you and may he multiply you and you will become a company of peoples.
Semoga Allah Yang Mahakuasa memberkati perkawinanmu dan memberikan kepadamu anak cucu yang banyak, sehingga engkau menjadi leluhur banyak bangsa!
4 And may he give to you [the] blessing of Abraham to you and to offspring your with you to take possession of you [the] land of sojournings your which he gave God to Abraham.
Semoga TUHAN memberkati engkau dan keturunanmu sebagaimana telah diberkatinya Abraham, dan semoga engkau memiliki tanah yang kaudiami ini, yang telah diberikan Allah kepada Abraham!"
5 And he sent off Isaac Jacob and he went Paddan towards Aram to Laban [the] son of Bethuel the Aramean [the] brother of Rebekah [the] mother of Jacob and Esau.
Demikianlah Ishak melepas Yakub pergi ke Mesopotamia, kepada Laban, anak Betuel orang Aram itu. Laban adalah abang Ribka ibu Yakub dan Esau.
6 And he saw Esau that he had blessed Isaac Jacob and he had sent off him Paddan towards Aram to take for himself from there a wife when blessed he him and he had commanded to him saying not you must take a wife from [the] daughters of Canaan.
Esau mendengar bahwa Ishak telah memberkati Yakub dan melepas dia pergi ke Mesopotamia untuk mencari istri di situ. Juga bahwa pada waktu Ishak memberkati Yakub, ia melarang Yakub kawin dengan gadis Kanaan.
7 And he had listened Jacob to father his and to mother his and he had gone Paddan towards Aram.
Selain itu Esau tahu bahwa Yakub mentaati perkataan ayah ibunya dan telah berangkat ke Mesopotamia.
8 And he saw Esau that [were] displeasing [the] daughters of Canaan in [the] eyes of Isaac father his.
Maka mengertilah Esau bahwa Ishak, ayahnya, tidak suka pada perempuan Kanaan,
9 And he went Esau to Ishmael and he took Mahalath - [the] daughter of Ishmael [the] son of Abraham [the] sister of Nebaioth to wives his for himself to a wife.
sebab itu pergilah Esau kepada Ismael, anak Abraham, dan kawin dengan anak Ismael yang bernama Mahalat, adik Nebayot.
10 And he went out Jacob from Beer Sheba and he went Haran towards.
Yakub meninggalkan Bersyeba dan berangkat ke Haran.
11 And he reached the place and he stayed [the] night there for it had gone the sun and he took one of [the] stones of the place and he put [it] [the] place of head his and he lay down in the place that.
Pada waktu matahari terbenam ia sampai di suatu tempat, lalu bermalam di situ. Ia berbaring hendak tidur; kepalanya berbantalkan sebuah batu.
12 And he dreamed and there! a stairway [was] placed [the] earth towards and top its [was] reaching the heavens towards and there! [the] angels of God [were] going up and [were] going down on it.
Kemudian bermimpilah ia bahwa ia melihat sebuah tangga yang berdiri di bumi dan ujungnya mencapai langit dan malaikat-malaikat turun naik di tangga itu.
13 And there! Yahweh [was] standing on it and he said I [am] Yahweh [the] God of Abraham father your and [the] God of Isaac the land which you [are] lying on it to you I will give it and to offspring your.
Dan di sampingnya berdirilah TUHAN dan berkata, "Akulah TUHAN, Allah yang dipuja Abraham dan Ishak. Aku akan memberikan kepadamu dan kepada keturunanmu tanah tempat engkau berbaring ini.
14 And it will be offspring your like [the] dust of the earth and you will spread out west-ward and east-ward and north-ward and south-ward and they will be blessed by you all [the] clans of the earth and by offspring your.
Keturunanmu akan sebanyak debu di bumi. Mereka akan memperluas wilayah mereka ke segala arah, dan melalui engkau dan keturunanmu, Aku akan memberkati semua bangsa di bumi.
15 And here! I [am] with you and I will protect you in every where you will go and I will bring back you to the land this for not I will abandon you until that I have done [that] which I have spoken to you.
Ingatlah, Aku akan menolong dan melindungimu, ke mana pun engkau pergi, dan Aku akan membawamu kembali ke negeri ini. Aku tak akan meninggalkan engkau sampai telah Kulakukan segala apa yang Kujanjikan kepadamu."
16 And he awoke Jacob from sleep his and he said truly there [is] Yahweh in the place this and I not I realized.
Lalu Yakub bangun dari tidurnya dan berkata, "TUHAN ada di sini, di tempat ini, tetapi baru sekarang aku mengetahuinya!"
17 And he was afraid and he said how! awesome [is] the place this [is] not this that except [the] house of God and this [is] [the] gate of the heavens.
Ia menjadi takut lalu berkata, "Alangkah seramnya tempat ini! Pastilah ini rumah Allah, pintu gerbang surga."
18 And he rose early Jacob in the morning and he took the stone which he had put [the] place of head his and he set up it a pillar and he poured oil on top its.
Keesokan harinya pagi-pagi, Yakub bangkit, lalu mengambil batu yang dipakainya sebagai bantal dan menegakkannya menjadi batu peringatan. Dituangkannya minyak zaitun di atas batu itu untuk dikhususkan bagi Allah.
19 And he called [the] name of the place that Beth-el and but [was] Luz [the] name of the city to the former [time].
Tempat itu dinamakannya Betel. (Dahulu namanya Lus).
20 And he vowed Jacob a vow saying if he will be God with me and he will protect me on the journey this which I [am] going and he will give to me food to eat and clothing to wear.
Lalu bersumpahlah Yakub, "Jika TUHAN menolong dan melindungi saya pada perjalanan ini serta memberikan kepada saya makanan dan pakaian
21 And I will return in peace to [the] house of father my and he will become Yahweh for me God.
sehingga saya kembali ke rumah ayah saya dengan selamat, TUHAN akan menjadi Allah saya.
22 And the stone this which I have set up a pillar it will be [the] house of God and all that you will give to me fully I will tithe it to you.
Dan saya akan memberikan kepada TUHAN sepersepuluh dari segala sesuatu yang TUHAN berikan kepada saya. Batu peringatan yang saya tegakkan ini akan menjadi tempat pemujaan bagi TUHAN."

< Genesis 28 >