< Genesis 27 >

1 And it was for he was old Isaac and they were [too] dim eyes his for seeing and he summoned Esau - son his old and he said to him O son my and he said to him here [am] I.
Pada suatu hari, ketika Ishak sudah tua dan buta pula, dipanggilnya Esau, anaknya yang sulung, lalu berkata kepadanya, "Anakku!" "Ya, Ayah," jawab Esau.
2 And he said here! please I am old not I know [the] day of death my.
Ishak berkata, "Engkau tahu bahwa saya sudah tua dan mungkin tidak akan hidup lama lagi.
3 And therefore take up please weapons your quiver your and bow your and go out the field and hunt! for me (wild game. *Q(K)*)
Jadi ambillah busur dan panah-panahmu, pergilah memburu seekor binatang di padang.
4 And prepare for me savory food just as I love and bring [it]! to me so let me eat [it] in order that it may bless you self my before I will die.
Masaklah yang enak seperti yang saya sukai, lalu bawalah kepada saya. Setelah saya memakannya, akan saya berikan berkat saya kepadamu sebelum saya mati."
5 And Rebekah [was] listening when spoke Isaac to Esau son his and he went Esau [to] the field to hunt wild game to bring [it].
Percakapan Ishak dengan Esau itu didengar oleh Ribka. Maka setelah Esau berangkat untuk berburu,
6 And Rebekah she said to Jacob son her saying here! I have heard father your speaking to Esau brother your saying.
berkatalah Ribka kepada Yakub, "Baru saja saya dengar ayahmu mengatakan kepada Esau begini,
7 Bring! to me wild game and prepare for me savory food so let me eat [it] so I may bless you before Yahweh before death my.
'Burulah seekor binatang dan masaklah yang enak untukku. Setelah aku memakannya, akan kuberikan berkatku kepadamu di hadapan TUHAN, sebelum aku mati.'
8 And therefore O son my listen to voice my to [that] which I [am] commanding you.
Nah, anakku," kata Ribka lagi, "dengarkanlah dan lakukanlah apa yang saya katakan ini.
9 Go please to the flock and fetch for me from there two kids of goats good so I may prepare them savory food for father your just as he loves.
Pergilah ke tempat domba kita, dan pilihlah dua anak kambing yang gemuk-gemuk, supaya saya masak menjadi makanan kesukaan ayahmu.
10 And you will bring [it] to father your and he will eat [it] in order that this he may bless you before death his.
Kemudian bawalah kepadanya supaya dimakannya, dan setelah itu ia akan memberikan berkatnya kepadamu sebelum ia meninggal."
11 And he said Jacob to Rebekah mother his here! Esau brother my [is] a man hairy and I [am] a man smooth.
Tetapi Yakub berkata kepada ibunya, "Ibu, bukankah badan Esau berbulu, sedangkan badan saya tidak?
12 Perhaps he will feel me father my and I will be in view his like a mocker and I will bring on myself a curse and not a blessing.
Jangan-jangan ayah meraba badan saya dan mengetahui bahwa saya menipunya; nanti ia bukannya memberikan berkat, malahan mengutuki saya."
13 And she said to him mother his [be] on me curse your O son my only listen to voice my and go fetch [them] for me.
Ibunya menjawab, "Jangan khawatir, Nak. Biar saya yang menanggung segala kutuknya. Lakukanlah saja apa yang saya katakan, pergilah mengambil kambing-kambing itu."
14 And he went and he fetched [them] and he brought [them] to mother his and she prepared mother his savory food just as he loved father his.
Maka pergilah Yakub mengambil kambing-kambing itu dan membawanya kepada ibunya, lalu Ribka memasak makanan kesukaan Ishak.
15 And she took Rebekah [the] clothes of Esau son her old the desirableness which [were] with her in the house and she clothed Jacob son her young.
Kemudian Ribka mengambil pakaian Esau yang paling bagus, yang disimpannya di rumah, lalu dikenakannya pada Yakub.
16 And [the] skins of [the] kids of the goats she clothed on hands his and on [the] smooth part of neck his.
Ia membalutkan juga kulit anak kambing pada lengan dan leher Yakub yang tidak berbulu itu.
17 And she put the savory food and the bread which she had prepared in [the] hand of Jacob son her.
Lalu diberikannya kepada Yakub masakan yang enak itu dengan roti yang telah dibuatnya.
18 And he went to father his and he said O father my and he said here [am] I who? [are] you O son my.
Setelah itu pergilah Yakub kepada ayahnya dan berkata, "Ayah!" "Ya," jawab Ishak, "siapa engkau, Esau atau Yakub?"
19 And he said Jacob to father his I [am] Esau firstborn your I have done just as you said to me arise please sit! and eat! some of wild game my in order that may bless me self your.
Jawab Yakub, "Esau, anak ayah yang sulung; pesan ayah sudah saya lakukan. Duduklah dan makanlah daging buruan yang saya bawakan ini, supaya ayah dapat memberkati saya."
20 And he said Isaac to son his what? this have you hastened to find [it] O son my and he said for he made happen Yahweh God your before me.
Ishak berkata, "Cepat sekali engkau mendapatnya, Nak." Jawab Yakub, "Karena TUHAN Allah yang disembah ayah telah menolong saya."
21 And he said Isaac to Jacob draw near! please so I may feel you O son my ¿ [are] you this son my Esau or? not.
Lalu kata Ishak kepada Yakub, "Marilah dekat-dekat supaya saya dapat merabamu. Benarkah engkau Esau?"
22 And he drew near Jacob to Isaac father his and he felt him and he said the voice [is] [the] voice of Jacob and the hands [are] [the] hands of Esau.
Yakub mendekati ayahnya, dan ayahnya itu merabanya serta berkata, "Suaramu seperti suara Yakub, tetapi lenganmu seperti lengan Esau."
23 And not he recognized him for they were hands his like [the] hands of Esau brother his hairy and he blessed him.
Ishak tidak mengenali Yakub karena lengannya berbulu seperti lengan Esau. Tetapi pada saat Yakub hendak diberkatinya,
24 And he said [are] you? this son my Esau and he said I.
ia masih bertanya sekali lagi, "Benarkah engkau Esau?" "Benar," jawab Yakub.
25 And he said bring [it] near! to me so let me eat some of [the] wild game of son my so that it may bless you self my and he brought [it] near to him and he ate and he brought to him wine and he drank.
Lalu berkatalah Ishak, "Berilah saya daging itu. Setelah saya makan akan saya berikan berkat saya kepadamu." Yakub memberikan daging itu kepadanya dan juga sedikit anggur untuk diminum.
26 And he said to him Isaac father his draw near! please and kiss! me O son my.
Lalu berkatalah ayahnya kepadanya, "Marilah lebih dekat lagi, Nak, dan ciumlah saya."
27 And he drew near and he kissed him and he smelled [the] smell of clothes his and he blessed him and he said see [the] smell of son my [is] like [the] smell of a field which he has blessed it Yahweh.
Ketika Yakub mendekat untuk mengecupnya, Ishak mencium bau pakaian Esau, lalu diberkatinya dia. Kata Ishak, "Bau sedap anak saya seperti bau padang yang telah diberkati TUHAN.
28 And may he give to you God some of [the] dew of the heavens and some of [the] fatness of the earth and abundance of grain and new wine.
Semoga Allah memberikan kepadamu embun dari langit, dan membuat ladang-ladangmu subur! Semoga Dia memberikan kepadamu gandum dan anggur berlimpah-limpah!
29 May they serve you peoples (and may they bow down *Q(K)*) to you peoples be lord to brothers your so may they bow down to you [the] sons of mother your [those who] curse you [be] cursed and [those who] bless you [be] blessed.
Semoga bangsa-bangsa menjadi hambamu, dan suku-suku bangsa takluk kepadamu. Semoga engkau menguasai semua sanak saudaramu, dan keturunan ibumu sujud di hadapanmu. Semoga terkutuklah semua orang yang mengutuk engkau dan diberkatilah semua orang yang memberkati engkau."
30 And it was just as he had finished Isaac to bless Jacob and it was surely certainly he had gone out Jacob from with [the] face of Isaac father his and Esau brother his he came from hunting his.
Segera sesudah Ishak memberikan berkatnya dan Yakub pergi, Esau, abangnya, pulang dari berburu.
31 And he prepared also he savory food and he brought [it] to father his and he said to father his let him arise father my and let him eat some of [the] wild game of son his in order that may bless me self your.
Dia juga memasak makanan yang enak lalu membawanya kepada ayahnya, katanya, "Duduklah, Ayah, dan makanlah daging yang saya bawa untuk Ayah, supaya Ayah dapat memberkati saya."
32 And he said to him Isaac father his who? [are] you and he said I [am] son your firstborn your Esau.
"Siapa engkau?" tanya Ishak. "Esau anak Ayah yang sulung," jawabnya.
33 And he trembled Isaac trembling great up to muchness and he said who? then [is] he who hunted wild game and he brought [it] to me and I ate some of everything before you came and I blessed him also blessed he will be.
Ishak mulai gemetar seluruh tubuhnya, dan dia bertanya, "Jika begitu, siapa yang telah memburu binatang dan membawanya kepada saya tadi? Saya telah memakannya sebelum engkau tiba. Lalu saya telah berikan berkat saya yang terakhir kepadanya, dan kini berkat itu menjadi miliknya selama-lamanya."
34 When heard Esau [the] words of father his and he cried a cry great and bitter up to muchness and he said to father his bless me also me O father my.
Setelah Esau mendengar itu, dia menangis dengan nyaring dan penuh kepedihan, lalu katanya, "Berkatilah saya juga, Ayah!"
35 And he said he came brother your with deceit and he took blessing your.
Ishak berkata, "Adikmu telah datang kemari dan menipu saya. Dia telah mengambil berkat yang sebetulnya akan saya berikan kepadamu."
36 And he said ¿ for did someone call name his Jacob and he has supplanted me this two times birthright my he took and here! now he has taken blessing my and he said ¿ not have you reserved for me a blessing.
Esau berkata, "Inilah kedua kalinya dia menipu saya. Pantas namanya Yakub. Dia telah mengambil hak saya sebagai anak sulung, dan sekarang ia mengambil pula berkat yang untuk saya. Apakah Ayah tidak mempunyai berkat lain bagi saya?"
37 And he answered Isaac and he said to Esau here! lord I have appointed him to you and all brothers his I have given to him to servants and grain and new wine I have sustained him and for you then what? will I do O son my.
Ishak menjawab, "Saya telah menjadikan dia tuanmu, dan semua sanak saudaranya saya jadikan hambanya. Saya telah memberikan kepadanya gandum dan anggur. Sekarang tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang dapat saya lakukan untukmu, Nak!"
38 And he said Esau to father his ¿ [does] a blessing one it [belong] to you O father my bless me also me O father my and he lifted up Esau voice his and he wept.
Esau tidak mau berhenti memohon kepada ayahnya, "Apakah Ayah hanya mempunyai satu berkat saja? Berkatilah saya juga, Ayah!" Lalu mulailah dia menangis lagi.
39 And he answered Isaac father his and he said to him there! away from [the] fatness of the earth it will be dwelling your and away from [the] dew of the heavens above.
Kemudian Ishak berkata kepadanya, "Tidak akan ada embun dari langit bagimu, tidak akan ada ladang yang subur untukmu.
40 And on sword your you will live and brother your you will serve and it will be just as you will be restless and you will tear off yoke his from on neck your.
Engkau akan hidup dari pedangmu, namun menjadi hamba adikmu, tetapi bila engkau memberontak, engkau akan lepas dari kuasanya."
41 And he bore a grudge against Esau Jacob on the blessing which he had blessed him father his and he said Esau in heart his they will draw near [the] days of [the] mourning of father my and I will kill Jacob brother my.
Maka Esau membenci Yakub karena ayahnya telah memberikan berkatnya kepada adiknya itu. Pikirnya, "Tidak lama lagi ayah meninggal dan sehabis kita berkabung, Yakub akan saya bunuh!"
42 And it was told to Rebekah [the] words of Esau son her old and she sent and she summoned Jacob son her young and she said to him here! Esau brother your [is] comforting himself to you by killing you.
Ketika Ribka mendengar tentang rencana Esau itu, ia menyuruh memanggil Yakub dan berkata, "Dengarkan, abangmu Esau bermaksud membalas dendam dan membunuh engkau.
43 And therefore O son my listen to voice my and arise flee for yourself to Laban brother my Haran towards.
Nah, lakukanlah apa yang saya katakan ini. Pergilah dengan segera kepada abang saya Laban di Haran,
44 And you will remain with him days one until that it will turn back [the] anger of brother your.
dan tinggallah bersama dia untuk beberapa waktu lamanya, sampai kemarahan abangmu reda
45 Until turns back [the] anger of brother your from you and he will forget [that] which you did to him and I will send and I will fetch you from there why? will I be bereaved also both of you a day one.
dan ia melupakan apa yang telah engkau lakukan terhadapnya. Kemudian saya akan menyuruh orang membawamu pulang kemari. Tidak mau saya kehilangan kedua anak saya pada hari yang sama."
46 And she said Rebekah to Isaac I loathe life my because of [the] daughters of Heth if [is] taking Jacob a wife from [the] daughters of Heth like these from [the] daughters of the land why? [belongs] to me life.
Maka berkatalah Ribka kepada Ishak, "Saya jemu dan bosan melihat istri-istri Esau dari suku bangsa asing itu. Jika Yakub juga kawin dengan gadis Het, lebih baik saya mati saja."

< Genesis 27 >