< Genesis 16 >

1 And Sarai [the] wife of Abram not she had borne children to him and [belonged] to her a maidservant Egyptian and name her [was] Hagar. 2 And she said Sarai to Abram here! please he has restrained me Yahweh from bearing children go please into maidservant my perhaps I will be built up (from her *LBH(a)*) and he listened Abram to [the] voice of Sarai. 3 And she took Sarai [the] wife of Abram Hagar the Egyptian maidservant her from [the] end of ten years of [the] dwelling of Abram in [the] land of Canaan and she gave her to Abram husband her of him to a wife. 4 And he went into Hagar and she conceived and she saw that she had conceived and she became insignificant mistress her in view her. 5 And she said Sarai to Abram injustice my [is] on you I I put maidservant my in bosom your and she has seen that she had conceived and I have become insignificant in view her may he judge Yahweh between me and between you. 6 And he said Abram to Sarai there! maidservant your [is] in hand your do to her the good in view your and she afflicted her Sarai and she fled from before her. 7 And he found her [the] angel of Yahweh at [the] spring of water in the wilderness at the spring on [the] way of Shur. 8 And he said O Hagar [the] maidservant of Sarai where? from this have you come and where? are you going and she said from before Sarai mistress my I [am] fleeing. 9 And he said to her [the] angel of Yahweh return to mistress your and humble yourself under hands her. 10 And he said to her [the] angel of Yahweh certainly I will increase offspring your and not it will be counted from multitude. 11 And he said to her [the] angel of Yahweh here you [are] pregnant and you will bear a son and you will call name his Ishmael for he has listened Yahweh to affliction your. 12 And he he will be a wild donkey of a man hand his [will be] on everyone and [the] hand of everyone [will be] on him and on [the] face of all brothers his he will dwell. 13 And she called [the] name of Yahweh who spoke to her you [are] a God of seeing for she said ¿ also here have I seen [the] back of [the] [one who] sees me. 14 There-fore someone called the well Beer Lahai Roi there! [it is] between Kadesh and between Bered. 15 And she bore Hagar to Abram a son and he called Abram [the] name of son his whom she had borne Hagar Ishmael. 16 And Abram [was] a son of eighty year[s] and six years when bore Hagar Ishmael to Abram.

< Genesis 16 >