< Galatians 4 >

1 I say now, for as long as time the heir a child is, [in] no[thing] he differs from a slave [though] owner of everything being;
Kuligitya kina kunsoko umusali inge ng'wana, mugila ikilo nu mutugwa, anga itule ga nu mukola hiu nua nsao yihi.
2 Instead under guardians he is and trustees until the time appointed by [his] father.
Badala akwe, ukoli pihi a mugozeli nu mukuiili kupikiila itungo nai liikilwe n Tata nu akwe.
3 So also we ourselves when we were children, under the basic principles of the world (we ourselves were *N(k)O*) held in bondage;
Ga ni iti ga nu sese, nai katulaa kiang'inya, ai kuambiiwe mu utung'wa nua malagiilyo na ng'wandyo na unkumbigulu.
4 When however had come the fullness of the time, sent forth God the Son of him, having been born of a woman, having been born under [the] Law,
Kuiti itungo ni lizipie nai lipikile, Itunda ai umutumile ung'wana akwe, mutugwa nu a musungu, mutugwa pihi ilagiilyo.
5 that those under [the] Law He may redeem, so that the divine adoption as sons we may receive.
Ai witumile izi iti kuaguna awo nai akoli pihi ilagiilyo, iti kina kusingiilya i hali akutula anga ana.
6 Because now you are sons, sent forth God the Spirit of the Son of Him into the hearts (of us *N(K)O*) crying out; Abba O Father!
Kunsoko unyenye inge mi ana, Itunda ai umulagiiye ung'wau ng'welu nua ng'wana nu akwe mukati a nkolo yitu. Ng'wau ng'welu nuitangaa, ''Abba, Baba''.
7 So no longer no longer you are a slave but a son; if now a son, also an heir of through God (Christ. *K*)
Kunsoko iyiy uewe shanga wi mutugwa hangi ila ng'wana. Anga ize inge ng'wana, uu gwa uewe inge wi musali kkiila Itunda.
8 But at that time indeed not knowing God you were enslaved to those by nature not being gods;
Ze ikili ga, itungo shanga ai mumulingile Itunda, ai mutuile mi atungwa ku awo niiza ku upuumoo shanga alungu nangaluu.
9 now however having known God, rather however having been known by God, how do you turn again to the weak and destitute principles to which again anew (to be enslaved *NK(o)*) you desire?
Ku iti ingili kina mumulingile Itunda, ang'wi kina mulingikile ni Itunda, kuniki mukusuka hangi mumalaagiilyo ni manementaalu ni ng'wandyo ni magila anga kinya uwai? Iti muloilwe kutula atung'wa hangi?
10 Days you observe and months and seasons and years.
Muambile ku ukendegeeli lihiku ni menso lukulu, upumili nua mieli, matungo, ni miaka. Nikenda itumba kunsoko anyu.
11 I fear for you lest perhaps in vain I have toiled for you.
Nikenda itumba kina ku kinya kituunga ni agilye nankanda.
12 do become as I myself [am], because I myself also [have become] I myself also [have become] as you yourselves. brothers, I implore you; [In] no [thing] me You wronged.
Kumupepeelya, aluna, mutule anga ni nili, kunsoko ga natuilee anga ni mili. Shanga ai muntumuie.
13 You know now that in weakness of the flesh I evangelised to you at the first,
Ila mulingile kina, ai itulikile inge kunsoko a ulwae nua muili kina ai ntanantilye nkani ninza kitalanyu ku nkua a ng'wandyo.
14 and the test (of you *N(K)O*) (*k*) in the flesh of mine not you did despise [me] nor reject [me] with contempt, but as an angel of God you received me even as Christ Jesus.
Ga ni iti i hali ane a muili ai imukile mu ugeng'wa, Shanga ai mumeile ng'wi kuni hita. Badala akwe ai munsingiiye anga u malaika nunang'wi Itunda, anga ai matulaa Kristo Yesu mukola.
15 (Where *N(K)O*) then (was *k*) the blessedness of you? I bear witness for to you that, if possible, the eyes of you having gouged out (then would *k*) you have given [them] to me.
Ku lulo, ukoli pii itungili uulowa nu anyu? Kunsoko kukiila kitalanyu kina, anga ihumikile, ai muzee komola imiho anyu nu kumpa unene.
16 So enemy of you have I become speaking truth to you?
Iti itungili, itii natulaa ni mulugu wanyu kunsoko kumuila itai?
17 They are zealous after you not rightly, but to exclude you [from us] They desire so that them you may be zealous after.
Akuduma ku nsula, inge shanga ku ukende, aloilwe kumutemanula unyenye nu nene iti muatyate.
18 Good [it is] now (*k*) to be zealous in a right [thing] at all times, and not only in being present me with you,
Inge iziza ikali kutula ni nsula kunsoko ni yili nziza, hangi shanga udu matungo ni nize nkoli palung'wi nu nyenye.
19 (Children *N(k)O*) of mine, of whom again I travail (until *N(k)O*) that may have been formed Christ in you.
Ana ane aniino, kulwala uwai kunsoko anyu hangi kupikiila Kristo wiumbe mukati anyu.
20 I was wishing indeed to be present with you presently and to change the tone of mine, because I am perplexed as to you.
Aza nzee lowa aza ize nkoli pang'wanso palung'wi nu nyenye itungili nu kupiula ululi nu lane. Kunsoko nkete witumbi migulya anyu.
21 do tell me, you who [are] under [the] Law wishing to be, the Law not you do listen to?
Ntambuili unyenye naza mukete isula kutula pihi ilagiilyo, shanga migulye ilagiilyo nili ligitilye?
22 It has been written for that Abraham two sons had, one of the slave woman and one of the free.
Kunsoko ikilisigwe kina Abrahamu ai ukete ana akigoha abiili, ung'wi ku musungu uyo nu mutugwaa nu muya nu musungu ni mulyuuku.
23 But the [one] indeed of the slave woman according to flesh has been born, the [one] however of the free through (the *k*) promise.
Ga ni iti, uyo nua mutugwa ai utugilwe ku muili udu, ila uyo nua musungu nu mulyuuku ku wigombya.
24 which things are allegorized; these for are (*k*) two covenants, one indeed from Mount Sinai unto slavery begetting which is Hagar.
Makani aya ahumile kuganulwa kutumila mpyani, kunsoko asungu awa impyani ni malago abiili, Ung'wi ao kupuma kulugulu nula Sinai. Witugaa ana ni atugwa. Uyu inge Hajiri.
25 (Now *N(k)O*) Hagar Sinai Mount is in Arabia, she corresponds now to the present Jerusalem, she is in slavery (for *N(k)O*) with the children of her.
Itungili u Hajiri inge lugulu nu la Sinai ukoli ku Arabuni. Wimpuanigwa ni Yerusalemu ni itungili, kunsoko inge mutugwa palung'wi ni ana akwe.
26 But the above Jerusalem free is who is mother (of all *K*) of us;
Ila Yerusalemu niiza ikoli migulya inge ndyuuku, hangi iyi yiyo nyinya nu itu.
27 It has been written for: do rejoice O barren woman you who [are] not bearing, do break forth and do call aloud you who [are] not travailing, because many [are] the children of the desolate woman more than of [her] who having the husband.
Kunsoko ikilisigwe, ''Lowa uewe musungu nuili wimugumba, uewe ni shanga witugaa. Nyansula ululi hangi ukue iyogo ku ulowa uewe niiza wimugila u wizeeli nua kutuga kundogoelyo idu inge ana ang'wa nu aileemugumba, kukulinkiila ni awo ni ang'wa uyo niiza ukete mugoha''.
28 (you yourselves *N(K)O*) now, brothers, like Isaac of promise children (you are. *N(K)O*)
Itungili aluna, anga u Isaka, unyenye inge ana a wigombya.
29 But just as at that time the [one] according to flesh having been born he was persecuting the [one born] according to Spirit so also [it is] now;
Ku itungo nilanso naza u muntu naiza ai atugilwe ku ngulu nia muili ai umagilye uyo nai utugilwe ku ngulu nia ng'wau ng'welu, ku itungili inge lulo luuloo.
30 But what says the Scripture? do cast out the slave woman and the son of her, certainly for not (will inherit *N(k)O*) the son of the slave woman along with the son of the free.
Ukilisigwa wiligitya uli, ''Muheje umusungu mutugwa palung'wi nu ng'wana nu akwe nua kigoha, kunsoko ung'wana nu a musungu nu mutugwa shanga ukusala palung'wi nu ng'wana nua musungu nu mulyuuku''.
31 (So then, *N(k)O*) brothers, not we are of [the] slave woman children but of the free;
Ku lulo, aluna, Usese shanga ana nua musungu nu mutugwa, ila inge nua musungu nu mulyuuku.

< Galatians 4 >