< Galatians 2 >

1 Then after fourteen years again I went up to Jerusalem with Barnabas (having taken with [me] *NK(o)*) also Titus;
Titia moi choudah saal pichete Barnabas ke loi kene Jerusalem te wapas jaise, aru Titus ke bhi moi logote loi jaise.
2 I went up now according to a revelation and set before them the gospel that I proclaim among the Gentiles — apart privately however to those esteemed — lest perhaps in vain I may be running or have run.
Moi bhi jaise kelemane ekta prokahit thaka nimite, aru Porjati manu khan logote susamachar prochar kori bole nimite koise. Moi ta te kunba khan logote alag kori kene kotha korise, moi polai thaka to ene pora polai thaka nahobole nimite nijorke bhal kori kene sai thakise.
3 But not even Titus who [was] with me myself, a Greek being, was compelled to be circumcised;
Aru Titus, ekjon Yunani kun moi logote thakise, taike bhi sunnot kori bole joborjosti korise.
4 because of even the brought in secretly false brothers, who came in by stealth to spy out the freedom of us which we have in Christ Jesus, that us (they will enslave, *N(k)O*)
Kintu etu sob to misa kowa bhai khan kun lukai kene ahise taikhan nimite eneka hoise. Taikhan lukai kene ahise aru amikhan Jisu Khrista logote bhal kori thaka pora hatai kene amikhan ke taikhan laga nokor bona bole nimite korise,
5 to whom not even for an hour did we yield in subjection, so that the truth of the gospel may continue with you.
kintu amikhan olop homoi nimite thaki bole karone etu kaam kora nai, kintu susamachar laga hosa kotha to apuni khan logote hodai thaki bole nimite korise.
6 Of now those esteemed to be something — whatsoever formerly they were no [thing] to me makes a difference; [the] face (*no*) God of a man not does take [account of]; to me myself for the esteemed no [thing] added,
Kintu kun manu cholauta ase koi kene dikhai (taikhan kineka thakile bhi moi nimite eku motlob nai, Isor manu laga bahar nasai) - kun manu bhal nisena dikhe taikhan moi nimite eku nai.
7 But on the contrary, having seen that I have been entrusted with the gospel of the uncircumcision even as Peter [with that] of the circumcision
Aru ulta he hoise, sunnot nakorikena thaka khan moi logote kaam kori bole nimite basi loise koi kene taikhan dikhise, jineka Peter ke sunnot huwa manu khan ke prochar kori bole nimite basi loise.
8 the [One] for having worked in Peter for apostleship of the circumcision did also in me myself toward the Gentiles —
Kelemane Isor, kun Peter ke sunnot huwa majote kaam kori bole nimite basi loise, Porjati manu majote kaam kori bole nimite moike bhi basi loise.
9 and having known the grace which having been given to me, James and Cephas and John, those esteemed pillars to be, [the] right hands gave to me myself and to Barnabas of fellowship, that we ourselves [should go] (indeed *o*) to the Gentiles, they however to the circumcision,
Jitia James, Cephas aru John, kunke ekta mojbut khamba nisena manise, moike anugrah diya to bujise, taikhan moi aru Barnabas ke taikhan laga dyna hath khuli kene sob dise. Amikhan Porjati khan logote jabole paribo nimite taikhan eneka korise, aru taikhan bhi kun sunnot hoise taikhan logote jabole paribo nimite eneka korise.
10 Only [they asked] the poor that we may remember; that also I was eager [the] same thing to do.
Taikhan khali gorib khan ke modot kori bole nimite anurodh korise, aru moi bhi etu he kori bole nimite bisi mon thakise.
11 When however came (Peter *N(k)O*) to Antioch, to face his I opposed [him], because condemned he was standing.
Kintu jitia Cephas Antioch sheher te ahise, moi taike sidha mana kori dise kelemane tai golti kaam korise koi kene sob jani thakise.
12 Before for to come certain ones from James with the Gentiles he was eating; when however (they came, *NK(O)*) he was drawing back and he was separating himself being afraid of those of [the] circumcision;
Kintu, James logote kunba manu khan naha age te, Cephas to Porjati khan logote bohi kene khai thakise. Kintu jitia etu manu khan ahise, tai nijorke Porjati khan pora alag hoi jaise. Kunkhan pora sunnot kori dibi koi kene mangi thakise, taikhan ke bhoi lagise.
13 And acted hypocritically with him also the rest of [the] Jews so that even Barnabas was carried away of them by the hypocrisy.
Dusra Yehudi manu khan bhi tai logote misa pora thaki ase, etu nimite Barnabas bhi taikhan laga misa kaam te ulta phale jai jaise.
14 But when I saw that not they are walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said (to Peter *N(k)O*) before all; If you yourself a Jew being like a Gentile and (not *N(k)O*) like a Jew live, (why *N(k)O*) the Gentiles do you compel to Judaize?
Kintu jitia moi taikhan susamachar laga hosa kotha namani kene thaka dikhise, moi Cephas ke taikhan sob laga majote koise, “Apuni jodi Yehudi ase hoile bhi apuni Porjati manu nisena thaki ase, aru Yehudi manu nisena thaka nai, titia hoile apuni Porjati khan ke apuni nisena thaki bole kineka kobole paribo?”
15 We ourselves by birth Jews and not of [the] Gentiles sinners;
Amikhan jonom pora Yehudi ase aru amikhan paapi Porjati khan nohoi;
16 knowing (then *no*) that not is justified a man by works of law only except through faith from Jesus Christ even we ourselves in Christ Jesus believed, that we may be justified by faith from Christ and not by works of the Law; (since *N(k)O*) by works of the Law not will be justified any flesh.
amikhan jane kun manu bhi niyom laga kaam kori kene nijorke bhal kori bole napare kintu khali Jisu Khrista logote biswas thakile he pare. Niom mani kene nohoi kintu Jisu Khrista logote biswas kori kene amikhan bhal hobole paribo. Kelemane niyom laga kaam pora amikhan laga gaw to bhal kori bole napare.
17 If however seeking to be justified in Christ have been found also we ourselves sinners, surely not [is] Christ of sin a minister? Never would it be!
Kintu jodi, amikhan Khrista usorte thik kori bole bisarile, amikhan nijor bhi, nijorke paapi manu ase koi kene he pabo, titia hoile Khrista he paap kori bole diye naki? Kitia bhi nohoi!
18 If for that I had torn down, these things again I build, a transgressor myself I prove;
Jodi moi juntu niyom poila bhangai dise etu bona bole bisarile, moi nijorke ekta niyom bhangai diya manu ase kobo.
19 I myself for through [the] Law to [the] Law died, that to God I may live.
Moi niyom te thaka nimite niyom pora he morise, etu pora moi Isor nimite jinda thaki bole paribo. Moi bhi Khrista logote Cross te morise.
20 to Christ I have been crucified with; I live now no longer no longer I myself, lives however in me myself Christ; that which then now I live in [the] flesh, through faith I live that from the Son of God (and Christ *O*) the [One who] having loved me and having given up Himself for me.
Kintu moi nijor pora jinda thaka nai, kintu Khrista moi logote jinda ase. Kintu moi biswas pora gaw te jinda thaki ase - Isor laga Putro logote biswas pora, Tai moike morom kora nimite nijorke bolidan kori dise.
21 Not I do set aside the grace of God; if for through [the] Law righteousness [is], then Christ for naught died.
Moi Isor laga anugrah ke alag kori kene rakhi nadiye; jodi dharmik to niyom pora he pabole parile, titia hoile Khrista amikhan nimite mora to eku kaam nai!

< Galatians 2 >