< Ezra 9 >

1 And just as finished these [things] they drew near to me the leaders saying not they have separated themselves the people Israel and the priests and the Levites from [the] peoples of the lands according to abominations their to the Canaanite[s] the Hittite[s] the Perizzite[s] the Jebusite[s] the Ammonite[s] the Moabite[s] the Egyptian[s] and the Amorite[s].
Pošto je sve to uređeno, dođoše mi glavari govoreći: “Izraelski narod, svećenici i leviti nisu se odvojili od naroda zemlje, okorjelih u njihovim gnusobama: nisu se odijelili od Kanaanaca, Hetita, Perižana, Jebusejaca, Amonaca, Moabaca, Egipćana i Amorejaca,
2 For they have taken some of daughters their for themselves and for sons their and they have mixed themselves [the] offspring of holiness with [the] peoples of the lands and [the] hand of the leaders and the officials it has been in the unfaithfulness this first.
nego su za sebe i za sinove svoje uzimali za žene njihove kćeri: sveti rod pomiješao se s narodima zemlje; glavari i savjetnici prvi su počinili tu nevjernost.”
3 And just as heard I the matter this I tore garment my and robe my and I pulled out! some of [the] hair of head my and beard my and I sat down! appalled.
Na tu vijest razderah svoju odjeću i svoj ogrtač, čupao sam kosu i bradu svoju i sjedoh utučen.
4 And to me they gathered every [person] trembling at [the] words of [the] God of Israel on [the] unfaithfulness of the exile[s] and I [was] sitting appalled until [the] offering of the evening.
Svi koji su strahovali od riječi Božje sakupili se oko mene zbog nevjernosti onih povratnika. A ja sam sveudilj sjedio utučen, sve do večernje žrtve.
5 And at [the] offering of the evening I arose from humiliation my and in tearing of my garment my and robe my and I bowed down! on knees my and I spread out! palms my to Yahweh God my.
A o večernjoj žrtvi trgnuh se iz svoga jada i, razderane odjeće i ogrtača, padoh na koljena, raširih ruke prema Jahvi, Bogu svome,
6 And I said! O God my I am ashamed and I am humiliated to lift up O God my face my to you for iniquities our they have increased upwards a head and guilt our it is great to the heavens.
i rekoh: “Bože moj! Stid me i bojim se podići svoje lice k tebi, Bože moj! Jer su se umnožila zlodjela naša preko glave i grijesi su se naši nagomilali do neba.
7 From [the] days of ancestors our we [have been] in guilt great until the day this and in iniquities our we have been given we kings our priests our in [the] hand of - [the] kings of the lands by sword by captivity and by plunder and by shame of face as the day this.
Od vremena otaca svojih pa do danas u krivnji smo velikoj i zbog zlodjela svojih bijasmo predani u ruke zemaljskih kraljeva: mi, kraljevi naši i svećenici naši - pod mač, u sužanjstvo, u plijen i na sramotu, kao što je to i danas.
8 And now like a little of a moment it has come favor from with - Yahweh God our to leave to us an escaped remnant and to give to us a tent peg in [the] place of holiness his to light up eyes our God our and to give to us reviving a little in servitude our.
Ali sada, za kratko vrijeme, učinio nam je Jahve, Bog naš, milost i ostavi nam Ostatak i dade nam utočište u svome svetom mjestu: tako nam je Bog naš prosvijetlio oči i dao nam malo života u robovanju našem.
9 For [are] slaves we and in servitude our not he has abandoned us God our and he has extended towards us covenant loyalty before [the] kings of Persia by giving to us reviving to raise up [the] house of God our and to set up ruins its and by giving to us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.
Jer mi smo robovi, ali nas u ropstvu našem nije nikada ostavio Bog naš: nego nam dade te nađosmo milost u perzijskih kraljeva, dade nam snage da podignemo Dom Boga našega i da obnovimo njegove ruševine i pribavi nam utočište u Judeji i Jeruzalemu.
10 And therefore what? will we say O God our after this for we have forsaken commandments your.
Ali sada, što možemo reći, Bože moj, kad smo poslije svega toga odnemarili zapovijedi tvoje
11 Which you commanded by [the] hand of servants your the prophets saying the land which you [are] going to take possession of it [is] a land of impurity it by [the] impurity of [the] peoples of the lands by abominations their which they have filled it from mouth to mouth with uncleanness their.
koje si zapovjedio preko svojih slugu proroka ovim riječima: 'Zemlja u koju ulazite da je zaposjednete nečista je zemlja od nečistoće naroda zemlje, od gnusoba njihovih kojima su se napunili od jednoga kraja do drugoga.
12 And therefore daughters your may not you give to sons their and daughters their may not you take for sons your and not you must seek peace their and good their until perpetuity so that you may be strong and you will eat [the] good thing[s] of the land and you will cause to inherit [it] sons your until perpetuity.
Stoga ne dajite kćeri svojih za njihove sinove i ne uzimajte njihovih kćeri za svoje sinove, ne želite nikakav njihov mir i sreću njihovu, da biste postali snažni i jeli najbolje plodove zemlje i ostavili je zauvijek u nasljedstvo sinovima svojim.'
13 And after every [thing which] has come on us by deeds our evil and by guilt our great for - you O God our you have withheld downwards from iniquity our and you have given to us an escaped remnant like this.
I poslije svega što nas je stiglo zbog zlih djela naših i zbog naše velike krivice, dobro je, o Bože naš, što si naša zlodjela smatrao manjima nego što je zloća njihova i što si nam ostavio ovaj Ostatak!
14 ¿ Will we return to break commandments your and to intermarry with [the] peoples of the abominations these ¿ not will you be angry with us until make an end to there not [will be] a remnant and an escaped remnant.
Zar možemo i dalje kršiti naredbe tvoje i vezivati se s ovim gnusnim narodima? Ne bi li se ti razgnjevio i satro nas da ni Ostatka ni ikoga spašena više ne bi bilo?
15 O Yahweh [the] God of Israel [are] righteous you for we are left an escaped remnant as the day this here we [are] before you in guilt our for not to stand before you on this.
Jahve, Bože Izraelov, po pravednosti tvojoj mi ostadosmo Ostatak, kao što smo danas: evo nas pred tobom s grijehom svojim! Zaista ne bismo zbog njega smjeli stajati pred tobom!”

< Ezra 9 >