< Ezra 4 >

1 And they heard [the] opponents of Judah and Benjamin that [the] children of the exile [were] building a temple for Yahweh [the] God of Israel.
Vavengi veJudha neBhenjamini vakati vanzwa kuti vatapwa vakanga vachivaka temberi yaJehovha, Mwari weIsraeri,
2 And they approached Zerubbabel and [the] heads of the fathers and they said to them let us build with you for like you we seek God your (and to him *Q(K)*) we [have been] sacrificing since [the] days of Esar-haddon [the] king of Assyria who brought up us here.
vakauya kuna Zerubhabheri nokuvakuru vedzimba vakati, “Titenderei kuti tikubatsirei kuvaka nokuti tinotsvaka Mwari wenyu, sezvamunoitawo, uye tinomubayira kubva pamazuva aEsarihadhoni mambo weAsiria, akatisvitsa pano.”
3 And he said to them Zerubbabel and Jeshua and [the] rest of [the] heads of the fathers of Israel not for you and for us to build a house for God our for we together we will build [it] for Yahweh [the] God of Israel just as he commanded us the king Cyrus [the] king of Persia.
Asi Zerubhabheri, Jeshua navamwe vose vakuru vedzimba dzeIsraeri vakapindura vakati, “Hamuna mugove nesu mukuvaka temberi yaMwari wedu. Isu pachedu ndisu tichaivakira Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, sezvatakarayirwa naMambo Sirasi, mambo wePezhia.”
4 And it was [the] people of the land [were] making slack [the] hands of [the] people of Judah (and [were] terrifying *Q(K)*) them to build.
Ipapo marudzi akanga akavakomberedza akauya kuzoodza mwoyo yavanhu veJudha uye nokuvaita kuti vatye kuramba vachivaka.
5 And [were] hiring on them counselors to frustrate purpose their all [the] days of Cyrus [the] king of Persia and until [the] reign of Darius [the] king of Persia.
Vakapa mari vapi vamazano kuti vavapikise uye vavakanganise paurongwa hwavo panguva yose yokutonga kwaSirasi mambo wePezhia uye kusvikira pakutonga kwaDhariasi mambo wePezhia.
6 And in [the] reign of Ahasuerus at [the] beginning of reign his they wrote an accusation on [the] inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.
Pakutanga kwokubata ushe kwaZekisesi vakapomera mhosva kuvanhu veJudha neveJerusarema.
7 And in [the] days of Artaxerxes he wrote Bishlam Mithredath Tabeel and [the] rest of (colleagues his *Q(K)*) to (Artaxerxes *Q(k)*) [the] king of Persia and [the] writing of the letter [was] written Aramaic and [was] translated Aramaic.
Uye napamazuva aAtazekisesi mambo wePezhia, Bhishirami, Mitiredhati, Tabheeri navamwe vake vose vakanyora tsamba kuna Atazekisesi. Tsamba yacho yakanga yakanyorwa namavara echiAramu uye nomutauro wechiAramu.
8 Rehum lord of command and Shimshai scribe the they wrote a letter one concerning Jerusalem to Artaxerxes king the as follows.
Rehumi muchinda mukuru naShimishai munyori vakanyora tsamba kuna mambo Atazekisesi vachipomera Jerusarema vachiti:
9 Then Rehum lord of command and Shimshai scribe the and [the] rest of associates their Dinay the and officials the Tarpelites the Sipparites the (Erechites the *Q(K)*) Babylonians the Susanchites the (Dehavites the *Q(K)*) Elamites the.
Rehumi muchinda mukuru naShimishai munyori, pamwe chete navamwe vavo vose, vatongi namakurukota vanotungamirira vanhu veTiriporisi, nevePezhia, neveEreki neBhabhironi, navaEramu veSusa,
10 And [the] rest of nations the which he took into exile Osnappar great and honorable and he caused to dwell them in [the] city of Samaria and [the] rest of [the] region beyond river the and now.
uye navamwe vanhu avo vakadzingwa naAshuribhanipari mukuru uye anokudzwa, uye vakandogara muguta reSamaria nokune dzimwe nzvimbo dziri mhiri kwaYufuratesi.
11 This [is] [the] copy of letter the which they sent to him to Artaxerxes king the (servant your *Q(K)*) [the] man of [the] region beyond river the and now.
Aya ndiwo mashoko etsamba yavakatumira kwaari: Kuna Mambo Atazekisesi, Kubva kuvaranda venyu, varume vagere mhiri kwaYufuratesi:
12 Known let it be to king the that Jews the who they came up from beside you to us they have come to Jerusalem city the rebellious (and evil *Q(k)*) [they are] building (and walls the they have finished *Q(K)*) and foundations the they are repairing.
Mambo ngaazvizive kuti vaJudha vakabva kwenyu vakauya kwatiri kuno vakaenda kuJerusarema uye vava kuvakazve guta riya rokumukira uye rakaipa. Vari kuvakazve masvingo aro uye vari kugadziridza nheyo dzayo.
13 Now known let it be to king the that if city the this it will be built and walls the they will be finished tribute tax and toll not they will give and certainly kings it will injure.
Pamusoro pezvo, mambo ngaazive kuti kana guta iri rikavakwa uye masvingo aro akavakwazve, hakuchazova nemhando dzose dzemitero, mutero womunhu mumwe nomumwe, kana mutero wokumuganhu kwenyika, uye mari inoripwa kuna mambo ichava shoma.
14 Now as to because that [the] salt of palace the we eat salt and [the] dishonor of king the not ([is] proper *LB(ah)*) for us to see concerning this we have sent and we have made known to king the.
Zvino isu zvatinokudza imba yamambo, taona zvisina kufanira kuona mambo achininipiswa, naizvozvo tatumira mashoko aya kuti tizivise mambo,
15 That he will search in [the] book of records the of fathers your so you may find in [the] book of records the so you may know that city the this [is] a city rebellious and injuring kings and provinces and a revolt [it was] making in midst its from [the] days of antiquity on this city the this it was laid waste.
kuitira kuti kutsvagisiswe mumabhuku enhoroondo avakakutangirai. Mumabhuku aya muchaona kuti guta iri iguta rinomukira, rinotambudza madzimambo namatunhu, inzvimbo inomukira kubva kare. Ndokusaka guta iri rakaparadzwa.
16 [are] making known We to king the that if city the this it will be built and walls the they will be finished before this possession in [the] region beyond river the not there [will be] to you.
Tinozivisa mambo kuti kana guta iri rikavakwa uye masvingo aro akamiswazve, muchasara musina chinhu mhiri kwaYufuratesi.
17 Word the he sent king the to Rehum lord of command and Shimshai scribe the and [the] rest of associates their who [were] dwelling in Samaria and [the] rest of [the] region beyond river the peace and now.
Mambo akatumira mhinduro iyi: Kuna Rehumi muchinda mukuru, naShimishai munyori navamwe vavo vose vagere muSamaria uye navagere mune dzimwe nzvimbo mhiri kwaYufuratesi: Kwaziwai.
18 Letter the which you sent to us made distinct it was read aloud before me.
Tsamba yamakatitumira yakaverengwa uye ikadudzirwa pamberi pangu.
19 And from me it was made a decree and they searched and they found that city the this from [the] days of antiquity against kings [was] rising up and rebellion and revolt [have] been done by it.
Ndakarayira uye zvikatsvakwa, zvikaonekwa kuti guta iri rine nhoroondo yokumukira madzimambo kubva kare uye raiva nzvimbo yokumukira madzimambo nokurangana zvakaipa.
20 And kings strong they were over Jerusalem and having mastery over all [the] region beyond river the and tribute tax and toll [was] being paid to them.
Jerusarema rakanga rine madzimambo ane simba akanga achitonga nzvimbo yose iri mhiri kwaYufuratesi, uye mitero, nemhando dzose dzemitero, mutero womunhu mumwe nomumwe, kana mutero wokumuganhu kwenyika, yairipirwa kwavari.
21 Now make a decree to make to cease men the these and city the this not it will be built until from me decree the it will be made.
Zvino rayirai vanhu ava kuti varege basa, kuti guta iri rirege kuvakwa, kusvikira ini ndazorayira kuti zviitwe.
22 And cautious be negligence to do concerning this why? will it grow great damage the to injury kings.
Chenjererai kuti musarega nyaya iyi. Mungaregereiko chakaipa ichi chichikura, kuti chigokanganisa zvido zvamambo?
23 Then from that [the] copy of letter the of (Artaxerxes *Q(k)*) king the it was read aloud before Rehum and Shimshai scribe the and associates their they went in haste to Jerusalem to Jews the and they made to cease them with force and power.
Pakangoverengwa tsamba yaMambo Atazekisesi kuna Rehumi naShimishai munyori navamwe vavo, vakabva vaenda pakarepo kuvaJudha vaiva muJerusarema vakavamanikidza nechisimba kuti varege kuvaka.
24 Then it ceased [the] work of [the] house of God which [is] in Jerusalem and it was ceasing until year two of [the] reign of Darius [the] king of Persia.
Nokudaro basa reimba yaMwari rakamira kuitwa muJerusarema kusvikira gore rechipiri rokutonga kwaDhariasi mambo wePezhia.

< Ezra 4 >