< Ezra 3 >

1 And it arrived the month seventh and [the] people of Israel [were] in the cities. And they gathered the people like a man one to Jerusalem.
Mwedzi wechinomwe wakati wasvika uye vana veIsraeri vakanga vagara mumaguta avo, vanhu vakaungana pamwe chete somunhu mumwe chete muJerusarema.
2 And he arose Jeshua [the] son of Jozadak and brothers his the priests and Zerubbabel [the] son of Shealtiel and brothers his and they rebuilt [the] altar of [the] God of Israel to offer up on it burnt offerings according to [what] is written in [the] law of Moses [the] man of God.
Ipapo Jeshua mwanakomana waJozadhaki navamwe vake vaprista naZerubhabheri mwanakomana waShearitieri neshamwari dzake vakatanga kuvaka aritari yaMwari weIsraeri kuti vabayirepo zvipiriso zvinopiswa, maererano nezvakanyorwa muMurayiro waMozisi, munhu waMwari.
3 And they established the altar on foundations its for terror [was] on them from [the] peoples of the lands (and they offered up *Q(K)*) on it burnt offerings to Yahweh burnt offerings of the morning and of the evening.
Vakavakira aritari pahwaro uye vakabayirapo kuna Jehovha zvipiriso zvinopiswa, zvose zvipiriso zvinopiswa zvamangwanani nezvamadekwana, zvisinei kuti vaitya vanhu vakanga vakavapoteredza.
4 And they celebrated [the] festival of booths according to [what] is written and a burnt offering of a day in a day by number according to [the] ordinance of [the] matter of a day in day its.
Ipapo vakapemberera Mutambo waMatumba sezvazvakanga zvakanyorwa, nouwandu hwaidikanwa hwezvipiriso zvinopiswa hwakanga hwakanyorwa, hwezuva rimwe nerimwe.
5 And after this a burnt offering of continuity and for the new moons and for all [the] appointed times of Yahweh consecrated and for every [one who] offered a freewill offering to Yahweh.
Mushure maizvozvo, vakapa chipiriso chinopiswa chenguva dzose, nezvibayiro zvapaKugara kwoMwedzi uye nezvibayiro zvemitambo yose mitsvene yaJehovha yakanga yakatarwa, pamwe chetewo neizvo zvakauyiswa sezvipo zvokuzvisarudzira kuna Jehovha.
6 From day one of the month seventh they began to offer up burnt offerings to Yahweh and [the] temple of Yahweh not it was founded.
Pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wechinomwe vakatanga kupa zvipiriso zvinopiswa kuna Jehovha, kunyange zvazvo nheyo dzetemberi yaJehovha dzakanga dzichigere kuteyiwa.
7 And people gave money to the masons and to the craftsmen and food and drink and oil to the Sidonians and to the Tyrians to bring wood of cedar from Lebanon to [the] sea of Joppa according to [the] permission of Cyrus [the] king of Persia to them.
Ipapo vakapa mari kuvavezi vamabwe navavezi vamatanda, uye vakapa zvokudya nezvokunwa namafuta kuvanhu veSidhoni neveTire, kuitira kuti vatore matanda emisidhari kubva kuRebhanoni vagoayeredza nemvura yegungwa kuti aende kuJopa, sezvakanga zvatenderwa naSirasi mambo wePezhia.
8 And in the year second of coming their to [the] house of God to Jerusalem in the month second they began Zerubbabel [the] son of Shealtiel and Jeshua [the] son of Jozadak and [the] rest of brothers their - the priests and the Levites and all those [who] had come from the captivity Jerusalem and they appointed the Levites from a son of twenty year[s] and up-wards to act as overseers over [the] work of [the] house of Yahweh.
Mumwedzi wechipiri wegore rechipiri mushure mokunge vasvika paimba yaMwari muJerusarema, Zerubhabheri mwanakomana waShearitieri, naJeshua mwanakomana waJozadhaki nedzimwe hama dzavo dzose (vaprista navaRevhi uye navose vakanga vadzokera kuJerusarema vachibva kuutapwa) vakatanga kushanda vakagadza vaRevhi vana makore makumi maviri kana anopfuura kuti vave vatariri vokuvakwa kweimba yaJehovha.
9 And he stood Jeshua sons his and brothers his Kadmiel and sons his [the] sons of Judah as one to act as overseers over [the] doer of the work on [the] house of God. [the] sons of Henadad sons their and brothers their the Levites.
Jeshua navanakomana vake nehama dzake naKadhimieri navanakomana vake (zvizvarwa zvaHodhavhia) navanakomana vaHenadhadhi navanakomana vavo nehama dzavo, navaRevhi vose vakabatana pamwe chete navo pakutarira vaishanda paimba yaMwari.
10 And they founded the builders [the] temple of Yahweh and they appointed the priests fully clothed with trumpets and the Levites [the] sons of Asaph with cymbals to praise Yahweh on [the] hands of David [the] king of Israel.
Zvino vavaki vakati vateya nheyo dzetemberi yaJehovha, vaprista vakapfeka nguo dzavo, uye vakabata hwamanda, navaRevhi (vanakomana vaAsafi) vakabata makandira, vakamira munzvimbo dzavo kuti varumbidze Jehovha, sezvakanga zvarayirwa naDhavhidhi mambo weIsraeri.
11 And they sang with praising and with giving thanks to Yahweh for [he is] good for for ever covenant loyalty his [is] towards Israel and all the people they shouted (a shout of joy *LB(ah)*) great with praising Yahweh because it was founded [the] house of Yahweh.
Vakaimba kuna Jehovha vachirumbidza nokutenda, vachiti: “Jehovha akanaka; rudo rwake kuna Israeri runogara nokusingaperi.” Uye vanhu vose vakadanidzira nenzwi guru rokurumbidza kuna Jehovha, nokuti nheyo dzeimba yaJehovha dzakanga dzateyiwa.
12 And many of the priests and the Levites and [the] heads of the fathers old who they had seen the house first when founded it this the house with own eyes their [were] weeping with a voice great and many [people] with a shout of joy with gladness to lift up a voice.
Asi vazhinji vavaprista navaRevhi vakanga vakwegura navakuru vedzimba dzavo, avo vakanga vaona temberi yokutanga, vakachema nenzwi guru pavakaona nheyo dzetemberi iyi dzichiteyiwa, asi vamwe vazhinji vaipururudza nomufaro.
13 And not the people [were] recognizing [the] sound of [the] shout of happiness to [the] sound of [the] weeping of the people for the people [were] shouting a shout of joy great and the sound it was heard to from a distance.
Hapana aigona kutsaura inzwi rokudanidzira kwomufaro kubva kuinzwi rokuchema kwavanhu, nokuti vanhu vakaita ruzha rukuru kwazvo. Uye ruzha urwu rwakanzwika kure kure.

< Ezra 3 >