< Ezra 2 >

1 And these - [are] [the] children of the province who came up from [the] captivity of the exile whom he had taken into exile (Nebuchadnezzar *Q(K)*) [the] king of Babylon to Babylon and they returned to Jerusalem and Judah each to own city his.
राजा नबूकदनेसरको निर्वासनबाट छुटेर फर्कने प्रान्तमा भएका मानिसहरू यिनै हुन् जसलाई तिनले बेबिलोनमा कैद गरेर लगेका थिए । यी मानिसहरू यरूशलेम र यहूदियामा आ-आफ्ना सहरहरूमा फर्के ।
2 Who they came with Zerubbabel Jeshua Nehemiah Seraiah Reelaiah Mordecai Bilshan Mispar Bigvai Rehum Baanah [the] number of [the] men of [the] people of Israel.
तिनीहरू यरुबाबेल, येशूअ, नहेम्याह, सरायाह, रेलयाह, मोर्दकै, बिल्शान, मिस्पार, बिग्वै, रेहूम र बानाहसँगै आए । इस्राएलका मानिसहरूको विवरण यही हो ।
3 [the] descendants of Parosh two thousand one hundred seventy and two.
परोशका परिवारका २,१७२
4 [the] descendants of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two.
शपत्‍याहका परिवारका ३७२
5 [the] descendants of Arah seven hundred five and seventy.
आराका परिवारका ७७५
6 [the] descendants of Pahath-Moab of [the] sons of Jeshua Joab two thousand eight hundred and two [plus] ten.
येशूअ र योआबका सन्‍तानबाट पहत-मोआबका परिवारका २,८१२
7 [the] descendants of Elam one thousand two hundred fifty and four.
एलामका परिवारका १,२५४
8 [the] descendants of Zattu nine hundred and forty and five.
जत्तूका परिवारका ९४५
9 [the] descendants of Zaccai seven hundred and sixty.
जक्‍कैका परिवारका ७६०
10 [the] descendants of Bani six hundred forty and two.
बानीका परिवारका ६४२
11 [the] descendants of Bebai six hundred twenty and three.
बेबैका परिवारका ६२३
12 [the] descendants of Azgad one thousand two hundred twenty and two.
अज्‍गादका परिवारका १,२२२
13 [the] descendants of Adonikam six hundred sixty and six.
अदोनीकामका परिवारका ६६६
14 [the] descendants of Bigvai two thousand fifty and six.
बिग्‍वैका परिवारका १,०५६
15 [the] descendants of Adin four hundred fifty and four.
आदीनका परिवारका ४५४
16 [the] descendants of Ater of Hezekiah ninety and eight.
हिजकियाबाट आतेरका परिवारका ९८
17 [the] descendants of Bezai three hundred twenty and three.
बेजैका परिवारका ३२३
18 [the] descendants of Jorah one hundred and two [plus] ten.
योराका परिवारका ११२
19 [the] descendants of Hashum two hundred twenty and three.
हाशूमका मानिसहरू २२३
20 [the] descendants of Gibbar ninety and five.
गिबारका मानिसहरू ९५
21 [the] descendants of Beth-lehem one hundred twenty and three.
बेथलेहेमका मानिसहरू १२३
22 [the] men of Netophah fifty and six.
नतोपाका मानिसहरू ५६
23 [the] men of Anathoth one hundred twenty and eight.
अनातोतका मानिसहरू १२८
24 [the] descendants of Azmaveth forty and two.
अज्‍मावेतका मानिसहरू ४२
25 [the] descendants of Kiriath Arim Kephirah and Beeroth seven hundred and forty and three.
किर्यत-यारीम, कपीरा र बेरोतका मानिसहरू ७४३
26 [the] descendants of Ramah and Geba six hundred twenty and one.
रामा र गेबाका मानिसहरू ६२१
27 [the] men of Micmash one hundred twenty and two.
मिकमाशका मानिसहरू १२२
28 [the] men of Beth-el and Ai two hundred twenty and three.
बेथेल र ऐका मानिसहरू २२३
29 [the] descendants of Nebo fifty and two.
नेबोका मानिसहरू ५२
30 [the] descendants of Magbish one hundred fifty and six.
मग्‍बीसका मानिसहरू १५६
31 [the] descendants of Elam [the] other one thousand two hundred fifty and four.
अर्को एलामका मानिसहरू १,२५४
32 [the] descendants of Harim three hundred and twenty.
हारीमका मानिसहरू ३२०
33 [the] descendants of Lod Hadid and Ono seven hundred twenty and five.
लोद, हादीद र ओनोका मानिसहरू ७२५
34 [the] descendants of Jericho three hundred forty and five.
यरीहोका मानिसहरू ३४५
35 [the] descendants of Senaah three thousand and six hundred and thirty.
सेनाहका मानिसहरू ३,६३० ।
36 The priests [the] descendants of Jedaiah of [the] house of Jeshua nine hundred seventy and three.
पुजारीहरू: येशूअको वंशबाट यदायाहका परिवारका ९७३
37 [the] descendants of Immer one thousand fifty and two.
इम्‍मेरका परिवारका १,०५२
38 [the] descendants of Pashhur one thousand two hundred forty and seven.
पशहूरका परिवारका १,२४७
39 [the] descendants of Harim one thousand and seven teen.
हारीमका परिवारका १,०१७ ।
40 The Levites [the] descendants of Jeshua and Kadmiel of [the] sons of Hodaviah seventy and four.
लेवीहरू: होदबियाको वंशबाट येशूअ र कादमीएलका परिवारका ७४
41 The singers [the] descendants of Asaph one hundred twenty and eight.
मन्दिरका गायकहरू: आसापका परिवारका १२८
42 [the] descendants of The gatekeepers [the] descendants of Shallum [the] descendants of Ater [the] descendants of Talmon [the] descendants of Akkub [the] descendants of Hatita [the] descendants of Shobai everyone [was] one hundred thirty and nine.
मन्‍दिरका द्वारपालहरू: शल्‍लूम, आतेर, तल्‍मोन, अक्‍कूब, हतीता, शोबैका परिवारहरूका जम्‍मा १३९ ।
43 The temple servants [the] descendants of Ziha [the] descendants of Hasupha [the] descendants of Tabbaoth.
मन्‍दिरका सेवकहरू: सीहा, हसूपा, तब्‍बाओत,
44 [the] descendants of Keros [the] descendants of Siaha [the] descendants of Padon.
केरोस, सीआ, पादोन,
45 [the] descendants of Lebanah [the] descendants of Hagabah [the] descendants of Akkub.
लेबाना, हगाबा, अक्‍कूब,
46 [the] descendants of Hagab [the] descendants of (Shalmai *Q(K)*) [the] descendants of Hanan.
हागाबा, शल्‍मै, हानान,
47 [the] descendants of Giddel [the] descendants of Gahar [the] descendants of Reaiah.
गिद्देल, गहरका, रायाह,
48 [the] descendants of Rezin [the] descendants of Nekoda [the] descendants of Gazzam.
रसीन, नकोदा, गज्‍जाम,
49 [the] descendants of Uzzah [the] descendants of Paseah [the] descendants of Besai.
उज्‍जा, पसेह, बेजै,
50 [the] descendants of Asnah [the] descendants of (Meunim *Q(K)*) [the] descendants of (Nephussim. *Q(K)*)
अस्‍ना, मोनिम, नेपुसीम,
51 [the] descendants of Bakbuk [the] descendants of Hakupha [the] descendants of Harhur.
बक्‍बूक, हकूपा, हर्हुर,
52 [the] descendants of Bazluth [the] descendants of Mehida [the] descendants of Harsha.
बस्‍लूत, महीदा, हर्शा,
53 [the] descendants of Barkos [the] descendants of Sisera [the] descendants of Temah.
बर्कोस, सीसरा, तेमह,
54 [the] descendants of Neziah [the] descendants of Hatipha.
नसीह, र हतीपाका परिवारहरू ।
55 [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon [the] descendants of Sotai [the] descendants of the Sophereth [the] descendants of Peruda.
सोलोमनका सेवकहरूका सन्‍तानहरू: सोतै, हस्‍सोपेरेत, पारूद,
56 [the] descendants of Jaala [the] descendants of Darkon [the] descendants of Giddel.
याला, दर्कोन, गिद्देल,
57 [the] descendants of Shephatiah [the] descendants of Hattil [the] descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim [the] descendants of Ami.
शपत्‍याह, हत्तील, पोकेरेत-हसेबायीम, र आमीका परिवारहरू ।
58 All the temple servants and [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon three hundred ninety and two.
मन्‍दिरका सेवकहरू र सोलोमनका सेवकहरूका सन्‍तानहरूको सङ्ख्या जम्‍मा ३९२ थियो ।
59 And these [are] who came up from Tel Melah Tel Harsha Kerub Addon Immer and not they were able to declare [the] house of ancestors their and offspring their if [were] from Israel they.
तेल-मेलह, तेल-हर्शा, केरूब, आदोन र इम्‍मेर सहरबाट आएकाहरूले आफ्‍ना पुर्खाहरू इस्राएलको वंशबाट आएका हुन्‌ भनेर बताउन सकेनन्‌ । यी हुन्‌:
60 [the] descendants of Delaiah [the] descendants of Tobiah [the] descendants of Nekoda six hundred fifty and two.
दलायाह, तोबिया, नकोदाका परिवारहरूका जम्‍मा ६५२,
61 And of [the] descendants of the priests [the] descendants of Hobaiah [the] descendants of Hakkoz [the] descendants of Barzillai who he had taken one of [the] daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite a wife and he was called on name their.
र पुजारीहरूबाट: होबायाहका, हक्‍कोसका र बर्जिल्‍लै (तिनले गिलादी बर्जिल्‍लैका छोरीहरूमध्ये एउटीलाई विवाह गरे र तिनीहरूका नाउँ राखे) परिवार ।
62 These they searched document[s] their the [ones who] had had themselves enrolled and not they were found and they were defiled from the priesthood.
तिनीहरूले आफ्नो वंशावलीका विवरणहरू खोजे, तर ति फेला पार्न सकेनन्, त्यसैले तिनीहरूलाई अशुद्ध ठानेर पुजारीको काममा समावेश गरिएन ।
63 And he said the governor to them that not they will eat any of [the] holy thing of the holy things until will arise a priest to Urim and to Thummim.
त्‍यसैले ऊरीम र तुम्मीमको सेवा गर्ने एक जना पुजारीले अनुमोदन नगरेसम्म तिनीहरूले पवित्र बलिदानका कुनै पनि थोक खानुहुँदैन भनी गभर्नरले तिनीहरूलाई बताए ।
64 All the assembly as one four ten thousand two thousand three hundred sixty.
सम्पूर्ण समुहको जम्‍मा सङ्ख्या ४२,३६० थियो,
65 Besides [male] servants their and female servants their these [were] seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven and [belonged] to them male singers and female singers two hundred.
यसमा तिनीहरूका नोकर-नोकर्नीहरू (७,३३७ जना) र तिनीहरूका मन्दिरका गायक-गायिकाहरू समावेश थिएन ।
66 Horses their seven hundred thirty and six mules their two hundred forty and five.
तिनीहरूका घोडाहरू ७३६ । खच्‍चरहरू २४५ ।
67 Camels their four hundred thirty and five donkeys six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
ऊँटहरू ४३५ । गधाहरू ६,७२० थिए ।
68 And some of [the] heads of the fathers when came they to [the] house of Yahweh which [is] in Jerusalem they offered freewill offerings for [the] house of God to erect it on place its.
जब तिनीहरू यरूशलेममा परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा गए, मुख्य पुर्खाहरूले मन्दिर निर्माणको लागि स्वेच्छा भेटीहरू चढाए ।
69 According to ability their they gave to [the] treasury of the work gold drachmas six ten thousands and one thousand. And silver minas five thousand and tunics of priests one hundred.
तिनीहरूले आ-आफ्नो औकातअनुसार कामको लागि रुपियाँ-पैसा दिएः ६१,००० सुनका सिक्‍का, ५,००० चाँदीका सिक्‍का र पुजारीको १०० ओटा अलखाहरू ।
70 And they dwelt the priests and the Levites and some of the people and the singers and the gatekeepers and the temple servants in cities their and all Israel in cities their.
यसरी पुजारी र लेवीहरू, मानिसहरू, मन्दिरका गायकहरू र द्वारपालहरूसाथै मन्दिरमा सेवा गर्न नियुक्त गरिएकाहरू आ-आफ्ना सहरहरूमा बसोबास गरे । इस्राएलका सबै मानिस आ-आफ्ना सहरहरूमा थिए ।

< Ezra 2 >