< Ezekiel 9 >

1 And he called out in ears my a voice great saying they have drawn near [the] punishments of the city and everyone [the] weapon of destruction his [is] in hand his.
Kemudian aku mendengar Allah berseru, "Datanglah ke sini hai orang-orang yang akan menjalankan hukuman-Ku atas kota ini. Bawalah senjata-senjatamu."
2 And there! six men [were] coming - from [the] direction of [the] gate upper which - [is] faced north-ward and everyone [the] weapon of shattering his [was] in hand his and a man one [was] in midst of them clothed linen and [the] writing-case of scribe [was] at hips his and they came and they stood beside [the] altar of bronze.
Serentak muncul enam orang dari sebelah luar gerbang Utara Rumah TUHAN, masing-masing membawa senjata. Bersama dengan mereka ada orang berpakaian linen yang membawa alat tulis. Mereka masuk dan berdiri di dekat mezbah perunggu.
3 And [the] glory of - [the] God of Israel it was taken up from on the cherub which it had been on it to [the] threshold of the house and he called to the man who was clothed the linen whom writing-case of scribe [was] at hips his.
Lalu cahaya kemilau yang menandakan kehadiran Allah Israel, memancar dari kerub-kerub, lalu pindah dari tempatnya yang semula itu ke pintu masuk Rumah TUHAN. Maka TUHAN memanggil orang yang berpakaian linen itu, kata-Nya,
4 And he said Yahweh (to him *Q(k)*) pass in [the] midst of the city in [the] midst of Jerusalem and you will mark a mark on [the] foreheads of the people who sigh and who groan on all the abominations which are done in [the] midst of it.
"Pergilah ke segala penjuru kota dan tandailah dahi setiap orang yang merasa sedih dan susah karena semua perbuatan menjijikkan yang dilakukan di kota itu."
5 And to these he said in ears my pass in the city after him and strike (not *Q(K)*) let it look with compassion (eye your *Q(K)*) and may not you show pity.
Aku mendengar Allah berkata kepada orang-orang lainnya, "Ikutilah dia ke segala penjuru kota dan bunuhlah setiap orang tanpa ampun.
6 Old [man] young man and virgin and little one[s] and women you will kill to destruction and to any person whom [is] on him the mark may not you draw near and from sanctuary my you will begin and they began with the men old who [were] before the house.
Bunuhlah semua orang laki-laki dan perempuan, tua dan muda, orang tua dan anak-anak. Tapi jangan sentuh seorang pun yang ada tanda di dahinya. Mulailah dari sini, dari Rumah-Ku ini." Maka mereka memulai tugas mereka dengan membunuh para pemimpin Israel yang sedang berdiri di Rumah TUHAN.
7 And he said to them make unclean the house and fill the courts [those] slain go forth and they went forth and they struck in the city.
Allah berkata kepada mereka, "Cemarkanlah Rumah-Ku ini! Penuhilah halaman-halamannya dengan mayat-mayat. Mulailah!" Maka mereka pun mulai membunuhi orang-orang di dalam kota.
8 And it was when were striking they and [was] remaining I and I fell! on face my and I cried out and I said alas! O Lord Yahweh ¿ about to destroy [are] you all [the] remnant of Israel when pouring out you rage your on Jerusalem.
Selama pembantaian itu berlangsung, aku ada di situ sendirian. Aku sujud dan berseru, "TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi, begitu marahkah Engkau kepada Yerusalem sehingga hendak Kaubunuh semua orang yang masih ada di Israel ini?"
9 And he said to me [the] iniquity of [the] house of Israel and Judah [is] great with muchness muchness and it has been filled the land blood and the city it is full perverseness for they have said he has forsaken Yahweh the land and not Yahweh [is] seeing.
Allah menjawab, "Orang-orang Israel dan Yehuda telah melakukan dosa yang amat besar. Mereka melakukan pembunuhan di segala tempat, dan Yerusalem dikotori dengan kejahatan. Mereka mengatakan bahwa Aku, TUHAN, telah meninggalkan negeri ini sehingga tak dapat melihat perbuatan mereka.
10 And also I not it will look with compassion eye my and not I will show pity conduct their on own head their I will requite.
Aku tak akan mengasihani mereka. Akan Kulakukan kepada mereka apa yang mereka lakukan kepada orang lain."
11 And there! the man - clothed of the linen whom the writing-case [was] at hips his [was] bringing back a word saying I have done (according to all that *Q(K)*) you commanded me.
Kemudian orang yang berpakaian linen itu kembali dan melapor kepada TUHAN, katanya, "Segala perintah TUHAN sudah terlaksana."

< Ezekiel 9 >