< Ezekiel 42 >
1 And he brought out me to the courtyard outer the way [the] direction of the north and he brought me to the room which [was] before the separate place and which [was] before the structure to the north.
Lalu diiringnya aku ke pelataran luar bagian utara dan dibawanya aku ke bilik-bilik sebelah utara yang berhadapan dengan lapangan tertutup dan berhadapan dengan bangunan yang di ujung barat.
2 To [the] face of length cubits the hundred [the] entrance of the north and the breadth [was] fifty cubits.
Panjang bangunan bilik-bilik itu di sebelah utara ialah seratus hasta dan lebarnya lima puluh hasta.
3 Before the twenty [cubits] which [belonged] to the courtyard inner and before [the] pavement which [belonged] to the courtyard outer a gallery [was] to [the] face of a gallery in the thirds.
Berhadapan dengan yang dua puluh hasta dari pelataran dalam dan berhadapan dengan lantai batu yang terdapat di pelataran luar ada serambi yang berhadap-hadapan dan yang bertingkat tiga.
4 And [was] before the rooms a passage of ten cubits breadth to the inner [court] a way of a cubit one and entrances their [were] to the north.
Di depan bilik-bilik itu ada gang menuju ke dalam yang lebarnya sepuluh hasta dan panjangnya seratus hasta dan pintu-pintu masuknya adalah di sebelah utara.
5 And the rooms upper [were] short for they consumed galleries from them more than the lower [rooms] and more than the middle [rooms] [the] structure.
Bilik-bilik di tingkat atas adalah lebih kecil dari bilik-bilik di tingkat bawah dan tingkat menengah dari bangunan itu oleh karena serambi-serambi itu memakan lebih banyak tempat dari bilik-bilik itu.
6 For [were] divided into three parts they and not [belonged] to them columns like [the] columns of the courtyards there-fore it was shortened more than the lower [rooms] and more than the middle [rooms] from the ground.
Sebab bilik-bilik itu bertingkat tiga dan tidak mempunyai tiang-tiang seperti yang ada di pelataran luar. Itulah sebabnya bilik-bilik atas lebih kecil dari bilik-bilik bawah atau tengah.
7 And [the] wall which [was] to the outside close to the rooms [the] direction of the courtyard outer to [the] face of the rooms length its [was] fifty cubit[s].
Di luar ada tembok yang sejajar dengan barisan bilik-bilik, berdekatan dengan pelataran luar dan terdapat di hadapan bilik-bilik; panjangnya lima puluh hasta.
8 For [the] length of the rooms which [belonged] to the courtyard outer [was] fifty cubit[s] and there! on [the] face of the temple a hundred cubit[s].
Sebab barisan bilik yang berbatasan dengan pelataran luar panjangnya adalah lima puluh hasta, tetapi barisan bilik yang berbatasan dengan Bait Suci panjangnya seratus hasta.
9 (And [was] from under the rooms *Q(K)*) these (the [one] bringing *Q(K)*) from the east when comes he to them from the courtyard outer.
Di bagian bawah bilik-bilik ini terdapat pintu masuk dari jurusan timur, kalau orang dari pelataran luar ingin masuk ke dalamnya,
10 In [the] breadth of - [the] wall of the courtyard [the] direction of the east [were] to [the] face of the separate place and to [the] face of the structure rooms.
dan pintu itu terdapat pada pangkal tembok luar. Di sebelah selatan di hadapan lapangan tertutup itu dan di hadapan bangunan yang di ujung barat ada juga bilik-bilik
11 And a way [was] before them like [the] appearance of the rooms which [were] [the] direction of the north like length their [was] so breadth their and all exits their and like plans their and like entrances their.
dan di depannya ada gang. Bilik-bilik ini serupa dengan bilik-bilik yang di sebelah utara, panjangnya dan lebarnya, pintu-pintu keluar dan rancangannya. Seperti pintu-pintu masuk di sebelah utara
12 And like [the] entrances of the rooms which [were] [the] direction of the south an entrance [was] at [the] head of a way a way in front of the wall corresponding [the] direction of the east when come [to] them.
begitulah pintu-pintu masuk bilik-bilik yang di sebelah selatan. Ada juga pintu pada pangkal jalan yang melintang di sisi tembok, yaitu pintu dari jurusan timur, kalau orang ingin masuk ke dalam bilik-bilik.
13 And he said to me [the] rooms of the north [the] rooms of the south which [are] to [the] face of the separate place they - [are] [the] rooms of holiness where they will eat there the priests who [are] near to Yahweh [the] holy things of the holy things there they will set down - [the] holy things of the holy things and the grain offering and the sin offering and the guilt offering for the place [is] holy.
Lalu ia berkata kepadaku: "Bilik-bilik yang di utara dan bilik-bilik yang di selatan yang menghadap ke lapangan tertutup, itulah bilik-bilik kudus, di mana imam-imam, yang mendekat kepada TUHAN, memakan persembahan-persembahan maha kudus. Di sana mereka akan menaruh persembahan-persembahan maha kudus, korban sajian, korban penghapus dosa dan korban penebus salah, sebab tempat itu kudus.
14 When go they the priests and not they will go out from the holy place into the courtyard outer and there they will set down clothes their which they will serve in them for [are] a holy thing they (and they will put on *Q(K)*) clothes other and they will draw near to [that] which [is] for the people.
Kalau para imam masuk ke tempat kudus, mereka tidak akan keluar ke pelataran luar, sebelum mereka menanggalkan pakaian mereka di sana, yang dipakainya waktu menyelenggarakan kebaktian, sebab pakaian-pakaian itu adalah kudus. Mereka harus memakai pakaian yang lain, barulah mereka boleh datang ke tempat umat TUHAN."
15 And he had completed [the] measurements of the house inner and he brought out me [the] way of the gate which face its [was] [the] direction of the east and he measured it all around - all around.
Sesudah ia selesai dengan mengukur seluruh bangunan dalam itu, ia mengiring aku menuju pintu gerbang yang menghadap ke sebelah timur, lalu mengukur sekeliling lingkungan Bait Suci itu.
16 He measured [the] side of the east with [the] reed of measurement five (hundred *Q(K)*) reeds by [the] reed of measurement all around.
Ia mengukur sisi timur dengan tongkat pengukur: lima ratus hasta menurut tongkat pengukur. Lalu ia berputar
17 He measured [the] side of the north five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement all around.
dan mengukur sisi utara: lima ratus hasta menurut tongkat pengukur. Ia berputar lagi
18 [the] side of The south he measured five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement.
ke sisi selatan dan mengukurnya: lima ratus hasta menurut tongkat pengukur.
19 He turned to [the] side of the sea he measured [it] five hundred reeds by [the] reed of measurement.
Kemudian ia berputar ke sisi barat dan mengukurnya: lima ratus hasta menurut tongkat pengukur.
20 To four sides he measured it a wall [belonged] to it all around - all around [the] length [was] five hundred [cubits] and [the] breadth [was] five hundred [cubits] to make a distinction between holy thing and a profane thing.
Keempat sisinya diukur. Sekeliling lingkungan itu ada tembok: panjangnya lima ratus hasta dan lebarnya lima ratus hasta, untuk memisahkan yang kudus dari yang tidak kudus.